March 8, 2016

The Epic Story of Tysoe (Self Titled!)

Case Study, Weight loss


I'm 29 and I’ve been at the DVCC for about 17 months. I work for Bedfordshire fire & rescue service as a software engineer so spend most of my week sat at a desk from 9-5. I play in a function band at the weekend and live in Bedford with my girlfriend and enjoy most typical things men my age enjoy. I go to the cinema regularly, enjoy a social drink from time to time...I've just taken up squash and play in the local league.


remember as a young child I was very skinny up till around 10-12 years old when I started putting on weight gradually. Throughout my school life I was getting bigger but it didn't bother me too much at the time, I was just one of those chubby kids and accepted that.

It was in my early 20s that I started to become aware of my weight and how far I'd let it go. I was around 17+ stone and didn't take very good care of myself. I drank a lot at the weekend, every weekend, and ate what I wanted, when I wanted. I worked as an IT engineer at the time and was out in a van throughout the week. I didn't think twice about having 3+ McDonalds a week and not just a regular meal; a large meal, double cheese burger and a desert. My activity level was low-none existent.

One day I picked up a Men’s Health magazine as it had some interesting articles, not just related to fitness but general 'man things'. From there I developed an interest in the studies and articles on weight *loss and that grew into a desire to get into shape. I started going to the gym after work and tried to tidy up my diet. My knowledge was still very basic but because my diet was so bad and my activity level so low, by making these few basic changes I managed to *lose 3 stone of weight.

It was at this point where I plateaued. I eased off going to the gym and was maintaining my weight. 

Eventually the initial buzz from *losing all that weight wore off, I gained about half a stone and although I’d still *lost a lot of weight, I was not entirely happy.

My girlfriend started going to the DVCC but eventually had to give it up as she was leaving her job and beginning to study at uni. While she was a member she had tried to convince me to go too but I thought she was mad paying all that money for "just a gym" when you could get "the same thing" for £35 a month at a 'regular gym'.

Eventually I came round to the idea as they had an offer on where you paid nothing for the 1st month if you didn't achieve a set goal in 4 weeks. I decided to give it a try and maybe go for a couple of months at the most just so I could get an idea of what to do and then I'd leave and do it myself at the gym at work :D

My initial session was to determine what my first goal was going to be. I did a little cardio, some squats and rope slams! It was decided that I could *lose 7lbs of fat in 4 weeks. I thought there was no way and was dreading how awkward it was going to be when they had to give me my 1st month free. Of course I hit my goal and think I *lost about 8lbs of fat and gained some muscle too.

As I hit my goal I think I got the second month half price so thought I might as well stay on but still planned to leave once I thought I had enough knowledge to do it on my own. As time went by I started enjoying myself more and more and started going to sessions every day. I was seeing great results and enjoying myself at the same time. The social aspect of the groups and trainers meant I looked forward to being there and being part of a group meant I would push myself and kept me motivated. The same thing motivates me today but now I’ve been at the centre for some time I see new members coming in and making great achievements, it pushes me to reach my own.

What has been your biggest challenge since starting?

I think dealing with other peoples judgement of you is the hardest part. People almost laugh at you when you say how much you spend on fitness and think you're on some fad diet or think you've joined a cult when they see you with a salad and chicken breast for lunch and protein shake. They think you've *lost plenty of weight already so why are still doing that?

Initially this bothered me more than it does these days. I would try and explain what I was doing and almost try to convince them that what I was doing was right and ask how much they spent on their lack of fitness. These days I say it how it is.

I'm not on a diet, I go to the gym because I want to and try to block out any negativity or 'advice' on what I should be doing, according to some celebrity. If somebody asks I’ll tell them but other than that I leave them to it.

The nutrition is also a challenge. I don't see going to the gym as something I have to do any more, it's just something I do and I can't see a time in my future where I won't be doing that. The nutrition on the other hand is something that comes down to you. No one can force it on you; you have to want it yourself.

It does help knowing that if I want to see the best results in the gym then I need to be eating the right things. It also helps that I now know what the right things are and the DVCC has given me that knowledge for *life.

What goals are you looking forward to achieving?

I'm looking forward to lowering my body fat %. I'm still not sure how low I want to go but I’m aiming for 15% at the minute and review that when I get there. I'm at about 20% now and was 34% when I started.

I also look forward to being self-sufficient in my fitness. I see my membership as a *life course where I’m learning the necessary skills to maintain and improve my body. The DVCC won't always be there and I want to be able to grow and improve myself so if I ever move away of my circumstances change I’ll be able to carry on the good work they've started.

What advice would you give to someone who was in your situation before DVCC?

Don't expect results over night or in the short term. Drink more water.

Any parting words?

Every day is an opportunity to improve. With the right tools, knowledge and support you can make the most out of that opportunity.

Thank you to everyone at the DVCC past and present in helping me begin my journey.


Do you feel intimidated by normal gyms?

The big box impersonal gyms leave you feeling awkward, and lacking motivation to lose weight and get fit.

The Training Gyms is for men and women who want to lose weight, get fit but don't want to do it in a normal big box gym.

We know it's important. We just don't know where to start.




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