March 8, 2016

How Helen Found A Completely Different Kind Of "Gym"

Case Study, Weight loss

photoBelow we bring you Helen's story. Helen has done tremendously well and her results are brilliant. So brilliant in fact that it compelled her to answer my request for "her story" despite never normally doing this type of thing.

Check out how Helen has achieved her brilliant weight *loss, and comment at the bottom to show your support.

Helen Before

I decided to respond as I have achieved far more than I thought possible in a relatively short space of time!

I am 51 and have been a client for 12 weeks and so far I have *lost 1 1/2 *stone and have *dropped from a size 16-18 to a comfortable size 14 (and have even purchased a couple of size 12's).

I work full time and have two grown up daughters. The youngest one lives with us and is about to join DVCC too, having seen the results I am getting. She also knows how much effort has gone into achieving them and is prepared to do the same.

I didn't have any issues with weight until I was in my 40's in a full time job with two children and other wider family commitments. Food was prepared quickly and cheaply as time was always of the essence - pasta was our staple diet along with other convenience foods. Chinese take away or fish and chips were a Friday night treat for the whole family.

I was never keen on sport, I had tried aerobics, circuit training and also joined a gym in my 30's that I only attended 4/5 times in a year. When the weight crept on I didn't look to sport but tried a couple of faddy diets with little effect.

About 18 months ago I joined a gym in Luton and took up boxing 1-2 times a week that I enjoyed, but did not change my eating habits.

Having moved to Bedford last December, I looked for a gym to join and found DVCC. My first experience was a good one - I was met by warmth and friendliness not just from the PT's but also the rest of the clients. It's a great atmosphere, everyone has their own agenda but still take the time to chat and have a laugh as well.

My first week was a struggle, every muscle in my body ached and I felt rotten BUT it was a wake up call, I knew I had to continue and that it would get easier as my strength built up. I had set myself a goal of *losing a *stone in weight and increasing my fitness.

After *losing nearly 1/2 *stone in my first week, I soon realised my goals were not challenging enough! I went onto the MDS (a trademarked DVCC nutrition Protocol) almost immediately and found it a struggle to drink the 2/3 litres of water that I needed to consume.

Nathan came up with some suggestions to help me. Having my progress checked regularly helps to focus on my goals. Josh and Nathan are very supportive and offer some great advice but to succeed it is really down to being in the right mindset.

I have found the best way to fit the nutritional changes into my lifestyle is to follow the MDS Sunday to Thursday, on Fridays I factor in a couple of glasses of wine and Saturday is my cheat meal.

Either way it fits well around my busy social life meaning I don't feel I have actually given anything up. I enjoy the food I enjoy feeling healthy and I enjoy shopping again!

Another knock on effect has been that the rest of my family are also healthier and lighter as a result of the dietary changes.

I continue to have a lot of support from my family, who haven't seen a great deal of me midweek whilst I have been training 3-4 times a week. The results motivate me to carry on - I just wish I knew what I know now 10 years ago!


Do you feel intimidated by normal gyms?

The big box impersonal gyms leave you feeling awkward, and lacking motivation to lose weight and get fit.

The Training Gyms is for men and women who want to lose weight, get fit but don't want to do it in a normal big box gym.

We know it's important. We just don't know where to start.




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