June 2, 2019

How To Lose Weight Even If You Can’t Get to a Gym

Fitness, Exercise


Video highlights:

00:10 – A workout you can do at home
00:14 – Do the 4 exercises one after the other without any rest
00:25 – The Squat
00:46 – Press-Ups
01:17 – Split Jumps
01:33 – Front Plank
01:38 – Do 20 reps of each exercise and rest for 60 seconds after



Hello and welcome to another new episode of the, video series. I’m Mark Gray and this is Stephen.

Today, I’m going to give you a workout that you can do at home if you’re not able to get to the gym.

So, Stephen is going to be my guinea pig. He’s going to demonstrate these four exercises.

You’re going to do them one after the other without any rest.  And at the end of the four, you’re going to have 60 seconds rest.

So the first exercise is the Squat. Stephen is going to put his feet just in line with his hips and he’s going to squat down.

Okay, he’s going to be up and down. A little bit quicker than that. He’s going to do 20 of these.

That’s it. So you want to really get your metabolism up. This is going to have you burning fat for the next 48 hours.

So he’s going to do 20. I think we’ve done about 2 by now. Keep on going. So we’ll just do another 2, and then we’re going to move into the next exercise.

Okay. Now, he’s going to go onto his front and he’s going to do some Press-Ups. So these are great for obviously your chest, your core, and he’s going to bend all the way down. Stephen’s going to do full press-ups, but if – up and down. A little bit quicker, Stephen. If you struggle, you can go onto your knees.

There we go. And if you struggle even more, you can stick your bum up a little bit higher. So that’s it.

And that’s the regression. And then progression. Forward. And then, if you’re really good, on to full press-ups. Just do 4 there, Stephen. 1, 2… Good!

Okay. Then he’s going to get straight back up. He’s going to do Split Jumps. So, we’re going to do 20 total, so that would be 10 on each leg. Good! You see the motion? You’ve got to be really careful that your knee doesn’t go inwards and your legs are really stable.

Okay. That’s about that. And then we’ll go on to a Front Plank and this will finish the first set of 4. So you see, doing 20 of everything, basically. Bum down a little bit. You want everything in line. Your bum, back

and head all in line. So you’re going to just do 20 seconds of this. So you’ve got 20, 20, 20 and 20. And then you’re going to rest 60 seconds. Then you’re going to repeat that 5 times.

That is going to give you a great workout at home. Something that you’re going to be burning fat, you’re going to be increasing your muscle tone and feeling great after you’ve done that workout. So, let me know how you go. Give it a shot and I’ll speak to you later.


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