March 27, 2015

What is BPA-Free? And How Does It Stop You Losing Weight?



Today, I’m going to be talking about BPA-free and what it actually is. By now, you’ve probably heard the phrase or the term “BPA-free” and it’s used on packaging on bottles most commonly and you can see it here on this shaker.

We’ve actually been trying to stay clear of BPA and suggesting that to our clients of the DoubleVision Conditioning Centres since around about 2010.

But what actually is BPA and why should you stay clear of it?

In today’s new episode of you’ll learn:

  • Bisphenol A or BPA is a toxic and estrogenic chemical used to make plastic and other products
  • BPA alters hormones, affects bodily functions and causes weight gain and serious diseases
  • It’s difficult to limit exposure to BPA since it’s used in a lot of processes humans are exposed to
  • Drink only from BPA-free bottles
  • Don’t eat out of plastic containers and use glass containers when heating food in the microwave
  • Don’t take receipts if it isn’t necessary
  • This is scientific fact based on evidence gathered over a decade


Mark Gray:  Hi! This is Mark from, the place to be to lose fat and increase your muscle tone. Today, I’m going to be talking about BFA-free and what it actually is. By now, you’ve probably heard the phrase or the term “BFA-free” and it’s used on packaging on bottles most commonly and you can see it here on this shaker. We’ve actually been trying to stay clear of BPA and suggesting that to our clients of the DoubleVision Conditioning Centres since around about 2010.

But what actually is BFA-free and why should you stay clear of it? It’s Bisphenol A. So say that quickly – Bisphenol A. And it’s a chemical used to make plastic and other products. And there’s actually an abundance of evidence now that says it’s toxic for humans, and in fact, animals. BPA is an estrogenic – say that one again quickly. It basically means that it mimics estrogen in the body, and we’ve talked about this a lot. Basically, it binds the estrogen hormone receptors. What happens is when it’s ingested, BPA can influence endocrine responses, and basically put, it alters hormones in both men and women, and that is never a good thing.

If you know anything about hormones, you probably know that they affect pretty much everything in your body, including brain function.  That’s concentration. The nervous system activity. That’s sleep and energy levels. Sexual function, which is important to a lot of people, which is sex drive and ability to reproduce. And metabolism. That’s why it affects your insulin health and your fat burning and that’s why simply by ingesting lots of BPA, you can actually struggle to lose weight.

Now the research has actually linked BPA exposure to weight gain and obesity. And also, other really, really serious things such as cancer, sexual health and reproduction problems and actually cardiovascular disease. But now you’re probably getting the impression that it’s really not very good. Basically, exposure to BPA is particularly bad for infants and young children. So, basically, how can you avoid it because you probably realized that you really, really should be avoiding it? It’s difficult to limit exposure to BPA because it’s used in basically loads of processes that your body is going to be exposed to in making food, plastic bottles and metal cans. Carbonless receipts is one that a lot of people don’t realize. And also, medical equipment and the coating of CDs, DVDs and cars and sports equipment.

These are only a few of the products that BPA is used in, but here are three things you can do – and I really do suggest that you do these – to limit your exposure to BPA. Don’t just have the attitude “Oh, it won’t happen to me” because unfortunately, it’s becoming more and more widely known that BPA is responsible for a lot of bad things that are happening to us.

So, what you can, number one, is drink from a BPA-free water bottle like this. Stainless steel water bottles are great. And if you look for the bottle, you’ll see that they have BPA-free. This one has BPA-free on it and that’s what you want to be getting. Number two is don’t eat out of plastic containers.

Actually, even BPA-free ones, you really don’t want to be heating them up in the microwave because that can actually still destroy what’s been done to it to make it BPA-free. So the key is never heat up plastic in the microwave and only use glass. And actually, you should really try to use glass containers in general. Number three is don’t take receipts that’s unnecessary. It seems like a small thing, but like I’ve said before, almost half of paper receipts contain BPA and there’s actually evidence that shows that cashiers have really high BPA levels, which means they’re going to be more prone to the things I mentioned before like cardiovascular disease, cancers and obesity. So basically, say “No, thanks” to receipts.

Now, this isn’t scare mongering. It’s scientific fact. And the thing with evidence or with scientific evidence is it normally takes around 10 years to validate. Which means this has been going on or known for for over 10 years at least. So do follow these three tips.

I do hope you found this useful. Let me know if you know or if you knew BPA was bad or if you had no idea, but you do now. As always, the best discussions happen over So go there now and leave a comment. Did you actually like this video? If so, subscribe and share it with your friends. And if you want even more great resources to create the body that you want and the opportunity to download a free chapter of our brand new book “The Weight Loss Cure,” go over to and subscribe to our emails.

Thanks for watching and we’ll catch you next time on TV!


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