The Way We Increase Our Confidence & How You Can Too
On today’s new episode on The DoubleVision Conditioning Centre you’ll learn:
- A simple way to increase confidence
- Write down your three wins for the day
- We’re very good at focusing on the negatives in life
- You’ll rarely look at the positives
- Change your focus from what you haven’t achieved to what you’ve already accomplished
- The change in mindset makes you much more confident
- Turbo charge by taking note of your 3 wins for tomorrow as well
Hi! This is Mark and Stephen from,
The place to be if you want to lose fat and increase your muscle tone.
Today, we’re going to give you a simple way to increase your confidence and help you reach your fat loss goals.
Now, this is actually something we both learn t to do this year and has made a massive difference to our confidence levels and how we feel about every day.
It’s a very, very simple thing and we’ve been doing it with a lot of our clients as well this year, and they’ve noted a big difference in how they feel.
So it’s very simple. All you literally have to do is at the end of every day, you’re going to note down three victories, three wins that you’ve had that day that you see as positive.
Now, what happens is we’re very, very good at focusing on negatives in life. We listen to the news, we watch the TV. And if you note, a lot of that is actually very negative.
So, what happens is we get into the mindset where we’re looking for things that haven’t gone well.
Now it’s very rare that you’ll actually look for the positives and the things that you’ve done well that day.
Often, when I speak to new clients, they’re very good at telling me what they haven’t done right or what they’re not very good at, but very poor at saying what actually they’re very good at or what they’ve actually achieved recently.
This simple little trick or technique over time gradually manages to change your focus rather from things that you haven’t achieved or haven’t done to things that you have achieved.
So, I actually use my mobile and I use an app which is called “WinStreak.” You can use a piece of paper, you can use your phone. You can use whatever you want to do.
It’s just the act of actually writing down the three wins that you’ve had that makes a big difference.
Now, on this app, I actually write down my three wins from that day. So if I just look back, this is a week ago. I wrote down “Went and saw my dad,” which was a win for me. “I worked out,” which was another win.
And also, I’m playing rugby at the moment. “I had a good rugby session.”
And it sounds very simple and innocuous to note those down, but over time – well, certainly after 21 days – you’ll find that your mindset changes to really focusing on what you’ve achieved and you’ll find that you’re feeling that much more confident.
And what happens is you actually start looking in the day for things that are going to be your wins.
So, you’ll be literally starting the day out looking for what your victories are going to be, and it makes a massive difference to how you feel.
Now, you can actually put this on turbo charge just by simply also noting what are going to be your three wins tomorrow.
So you can have a look at the day and think what I want to achieve and what’s going to be my win tomorrow, and that’s actually going to set you up to have an even better day the following day.
Now one thing to note is that they don’t have to be massive having a good healthy breakfast. That can be a win. You don’t have to look for massive wins every day. It’s just the wins.
A lot of the time, people look for massive, massive victories, and it can simply be something like little things that will make you start to feel more and more confident and will make you realize that you’re actually on the right track and will keep you on the right track because when you’re confident, you’ll find that every else becomes a lot, lot easier.
So, for example, my win today is going to be shooting this video because if it helps one person, then that is a win. So, small things like Stephen says, will really stand you in great stead to increase your confidence and help you achieve more.
So, why don’t you comment and let us know what your three wins are today, and also, what you’re going to be achieving tomorrow, and you’re going to soon find that you’re going to be having a much more positive mindset.