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The ULTIMATE guide to stop storing fat on your chest!

Do you struggle with fat storage on your chest?

But are not sure what causes it and what can be done to stop it? Read below for the answers!

Why do we store fat on our chests?

We all store fat in different ways and just as many women may find that they primarily store fat around their legs and lower body, for men, in particular, many find they will typically store more body fat around their middle and chest.

This is all completely natural and is not something to be alarmed about, but the reasons we store fat on our chest occur for a number of reasons.

It is suspected that the main culprit of fat storage on the chest is the aromatisation of testosterone into estrogen.

The more body fat you have in general, the more aromatase you create, meaning the more testosterone that can be changed into estrogen and the more fat that is stored on your chest.

How can you target fat on your chest?

This might sound pretty self-explanatory, but in order to lose body fat from your chest, you will need to lose body fat from the rest of your body.

This doesn’t mean that doing 1 million press-ups in hopes of only losing fat from your upper body...Unfortunately, it doesn’t work like that.

Instead, the best way to lose body fat is through training your entire body. Full body resistance training will be a great help here as you will be working various muscle groups across your entire body, meaning that as your fitness levels increase and you begin to burn fat, your chest will begin to appear smaller as muscle develops.

Don't forget about your nutrition!

Training isn’t the whole story, and your nutrition plays just as important a part. Cruciferous vegetables are easily one of the best ways to help promote body fat loss and improve your general well being. 

Full of fibre and all of the kinds of nutrients that will help detox your body, cruciferous vegetables also contain plenty of anti-estrogens. These will help you combat the aromatase process and prevent the testosterone from turning to estrogen.

Foods such as broccoli, cabbage, kale and cauliflower are all excellent choices when it comes to this process.
