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The secret deficiency that is zapping your happiness

Hint: You get it from the sun…

Today we’re talking Vitamin D3, what it is, how it affects your body and why you are more than likely deficient in it.

What is Vitamin D3?

Vitamin D3 is the active form of Vitamin D so it isn’t too complicated to work out why most of us are deficient in it...The UK is hardly known for its glorious sunshine and even when we do get the odd blue sky, the types of light we consume are normally far softer than you might imagine.

Despite this, it is surprising how much Vitamin D3 can affect your internal systems and too little can leave you feeling tired, lethargic and even just outright depressed.

Vitamin D3 is also incredibly important in helping bone density and health as it is around crucial in assisting in the absorption of calcium. This will particularly affect women going through the menopause as this is when your vitamin D levels are likely to be their lowest.

How can I raise my Vitamin D Levels?

Most medical professionals would recommend around 5000 International Units (IUs) of Vitamin D each day and so supplementing can be another quick way to get your daily dose. These supplements are easy to get hold of from most supermarkets or chemists and come in the form of a tiny pill that can be taken daily.

HOWEVER, you may find that Vitamin D3 is still surprisingly difficult to raise and even supplementing religiously for MONTHS ON END, you might find yourself only just being in optimal range.

You can also gain Vitamin D3 through food, however, this is a little more tricky. One efficient method of doing so is mushrooms! By leaving mushrooms on a windowsill for an hour or so before eating, they will absorb the natural sunlight and store it as Vitamin D! Who knew?!

If you are looking for an added boost to your day, give Vitamin D a try! It might be just what the doctor ordered!
