April 8, 2017

Lucie Speaks With Nathan About How The DVCC Has Helped Her Change Her Lifestyle..

Case Study, Nutrition, Weight loss



Nathan:   Hi, I’m Nathan from the DVCC and I am here with Lucie today. I am just going to ask Lucie a few questions to hopefully get an insight into how she’s got such great results and speak about any difficulties that she might have had, as I am sure there will be literally thousands of people who will be listening to this interview and find it very beneficial. So Lucie, please introduce yourself and how long have you been at the DVCC?

LucieLucie:  Hi, I’m Lucie and I’ve been here about 3 months now.

Nathan:  Awesome – and what results have you achieved in those 3 months Lucie?

Lucie:  A lot of weight *loss

Nathan:  Specifically?

Lucie:  My body is changing shape; 16.1 lbs fat *loss.

Nathan:  Good from you.

Lucie:  My body’s changing shape a lot; I feel a lot more confident in my body.

Nathan:  Awesome. What were your struggles with weight *loss before the DVCC?

Lucie:   Eating bad things.

Nathan:  What has changed in the last 3 months, what has changed in terms of eating bad things?

Lucie:  I don’t crave them so much; I’m eating a lot more healthy.

Nathan:  That’s cool. Had you tried to *lose weight before and how did it go?

Lucie:  Yes, a couple of years ago I did; and I managed to *lose a bit of weight, and then put it back on. And then when I tried to do the same thing to *lose the weight again it wasn’t working.

Nathan:  Was that using nutrition and exercise, or has it just been one or the other?

Lucie:   Mainly more exercise, going to the gym, a lot of running, which obviously didn’t work like it did the first time.

Nathan:   Yes, sometimes running can actually cause adverse effects on fat *loss and stuff. So, were you doing much exercise before the DVCC, what kind of exercise were you doing?

Lucie:  Not really, just with the horses and then I’ve got a treadmill at home, doing about 15-20 minutes a day, when I could.

Nathan:  Did you find that you ever pushed yourself as hard as you get pushed at the DVCC?

Lucie:  No - definitely not!

Nathan:  I can understand that! In terms of diets, what kind of diets have you done before, if any?

Lucie:   Just salads, eating salads and cutting everything else out, which is obviously not right.

Nathan:  Yes, not ideal. Did that work in any way; did you get any results from doing that?

Lucie:   Not as much as I have doing this.

Nathan:  And obviously the way you’re doing it now is a lot more healthy. What does your lifestyle look like now, compared to before the DVCC?

Lucie:   Very busy! More organised; having to organise all my meals all the time.

Nathan:  Do you cook yourself?

Lucie:   Yes.

Nathan:  Have you always cooked yourself?

Lucie:   No.

Nathan:  Ok – what made you change, what made that change?

Lucie:   I think just… mum used to cook for me and not knowing what I want to eat and what I can eat; I just started doing it myself.

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Nathan:  So you know you’re more in control of your nutrition now.   Ok – looking back, like 3 months ago, because you come in pretty much every evening don’t you?

Lucie:  Yes.

Nathan:   Could you imagine yourself, when we first sat down and had your body diagnostic, could you imagine yourself being this into it, like 3 months time?

Lucie:   No!

Nathan:   Ok, so it’s quite a big change. In terms of training, what is it about training at the DVCC that you enjoy?

Lucie:   I don’t know – it’s quite fun; I do moan a lot but I do enjoy it!

Nathan:  You train with Lisa quite often, don’t you?

Lucie:   Yes.

Nathan:  So that’s awesome, so you have made some good friends at the DVCC as well. How else has the DVCC helped you?

Lucie:   Educated me a lot on food and exercise, how your body works; learnt a lot, definitely.

Nathan:  Which is awesome; so you have got stuff that you can take away if you were ever to leave the DVCC. Have you got any specific tips, for either exercise or nutrition, that you could share for anybody who is listening to this interview who might be trying to *lose weight currently?

Lucie:   Don’t give up – it pays off. If you have a craving, try and forget about it!

Nathan:  Have you ever slipped up, like off the metabolic damage solution?

Lucie:   No. I’ve just not had anything around me or in the house that I could…

Nathan:  Cheat on?

Lucie:  Yes.

Nathan:   That’s one way of dealing with it; I personally had to do the same when I did the MDS, I can understand that.

Lucie:  If I had it I probably would have been tempted.

Nathan:  How do you think the metabolic damage solution has helped you? Do you feel like the cheat meals really help, or the metabolic reset meals, because after a certain point you get 4 days of eating within the metabolic damage solution and then you get your one metabolic reset meal – do you find that helps because you’ve always got something to look forward to?

Lucie:  Yes, definitely.

Nathan:   Awesome. Have you got any final words before we end this interview today?

Lucie:   Thanks for everyone’s help!

Nathan:   Thank you very much for your time today Lucie; if you’re listening to this interview I hope you found it helpful. I hope you have a great evening Lucie, and this is Nathan from the DVCC in Milton Keynes; have a good day.


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