June 6, 2014

Is Weight Loss Linear?

Fitness, Exercise



In this video:
00:06.3 – A quick tip on what can you expect when trying to lose weight
00:19.6 – Weight loss is not linear
00:21.4 – You don’t get to lose fat continuously always
00:30.7 – It is very rarely that you increase muscle tone while losing fat
00:44.2 – Drop in body fat because of increased muscle tone
00:48.9 – Don’t worry -You’re probably increasing muscle tone and losing fat



Hi. This is Mark Gray from the DoubleVision Conditioning Centre and on today’s video, I’m going to give you a quick tip on what kind of progress you should be expecting when you’re trying to lose fat or trying to lose weight.

Weight Loss Isn’t Linear

So I’ve discussed this before that a lot of clients obviously are wanting to lose weight or wanting to lose fat. And something we have to constantly educate them on and remind them is that weight loss isn’t linear. You don’t get to lose fat continuously always. Sometimes you’re going to increase muscle tone, sometimes you’ll lose fat and very rarely do you do both the same set of times. So you very rarely increase muscle tone while losing fat in the same week or the same month.

Increasing Muscle Tone and Drop Body Fat

So what happens a lot is that client will increase their muscle tone gradually over the course of a few weeks, and then they’ll actually suddenly drop some body fat because of this increased muscle tone.

Don’t Worry! You’re Probably Increasing Muscle Tone and Losing Fat

So just to remind you it’s never linear, so don’t be worried if you see on your scales that you’re not shifting weight but you can clearly see that you’re losing body fat, you’re probably increasing muscle tone and losing fat. So let me know what you think, let me know if you have experienced this and I’ll be really appreciative to see your comments.

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