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Is Low Confidence Affecting Your Social Life? See Carolyn's Story.. In Her Own Words



Caroline_SpotlightNathan:   Hi, I’m Nathan from the DVCC and today I’m here with Caroline Walker; we’re just going to be talking about what brought her into the DVCC.

So Caroline, if you could just introduce yourself, how long have you been at the DVCC and the results you’ve achieved?

Caroline:   Hi, I’m Caroline and I’ve been here since March 3rd.

Nathan:   In that time, what fat *loss have you achieved?

Caroline:   I’ve got down to 33.1 lbs of fat *lost, that’s brilliant.

Nathan:   Awesome result and very, very well done from consistent training. Take me back to when you started, when you first came in, in March, what was it that brought you to see us at the DVCC?

Caroline:   I had read about it and seen about it on Facebook a few times and I thought I’m going to try it, because it seemed personal. And actually, when I did enquire, one of the twins emailed me back personally and I thought this is what I want, because I’ve been to gyms before. I thought it’s got to be different and it was.

Nathan:   Is that what drew your attention first, that you saw it was more personalised and it was a personal approach?

Caroline:   Yes, definitely.

Nathan:   What specific problem did you want to solve at the time when you first came in to see us?

Caroline:   I wanted to change my lifestyle really. I wanted to change my weight, my shape; I was the biggest I’ve ever been and so I wanted to change everything really.

Nathan:  How long had you felt like you wanted to change; had you been trying things for a little while?

Caroline:   Yes, I’d been trying for years and I had been on other diets, such as Weight Watchers, and been to the gym on my own and done that myself. And I did lose it, but there was nobody there to egg me on, I didn’t feel like part of anything; that’s what’s different here.

Nathan:  Good. What were the main obstacles that had prevented you from solving your problem when you first came in to see us?

Caroline:   Willpower; I had no get up and go, I had no drive; there was nothing to push me to do it.

Nathan:   Was part of that just not being guided and not feeling like you were being looked after when you went to other places?

Caroline:   Yes, it was that, and I think it’s walking into a gym on your own and not knowing what to do, basically. And you do, you play with machines, you have a go. But this is just so different.\

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Nathan:   It’s given you kind of a different focus and a different drive?

Caroline:   Definitely. That personal touch, realising you don’t have to train for hours, really that’s the difference.

Nathan:   Did you have any preconceptions before you came into the DVCC about what it would be like?

Caroline:   I was petrified. It took me 2 months to get here; I kept emailing and they kept emailing, but they didn’t push me, and that’s another thing; they weren’t selling anything to me.

But I was encouraged to come in for an appointment and I think I cancelled three times, then I finally came. But it was just my confidence; I didn’t have any confidence at all at the time.

Nathan:   That was March, and now look at how far you’ve come in that time; your confidence is through the roof now, which is good.

Caroline-1Nathan:   What has convinced you that the Real You transformation process would be different from the other gyms that you’ve tried before?

Caroline:   I think it’s the personal stuff, the personal touch; you get to know people. And I think I learned early on that you guys were interested in us, as opposed to just coming in, doing the stuff and off you go. As I said to you before, you remembered what I was doing and remembered the state I was at and what weights I was doing, and I think that gave me the confidence to realise that I was in safe hands. Everybody was actually caring about, rather than just coming in and…

Nathan:   Going through the motions

Caroline:   Yes, definitely.

Nathan:   So it was the fact that weights were being designated for you and chosen at a safe way and you were just being completely looked after.

Caroline:   Yes, definitely, and being pushed; things that I thought I would never be able to do, someone telling me, you can, you will, and I did.

Nathan:   So it’s completely different from your experience at other gyms where you may not… had you ever approached anyone else or was it just too daunting to?

Caroline:   I’ve been to gyms before and I’ve even had a personal trainer before, but it was nothing like this; it was more push you as hard as they could, even if it hurt it didn’t matter; there was no consideration, it was like as if you didn’t achieve anything if you weren’t hurting.

And that’s not what happened here. It was gradual, obviously I ached but it was a gradual process here.

I think the experiences I had before, then you’re left to your own devices, you forget, it’s like Chinese whispers, you add a bit more or you take a bit off. Whereas here it’s just consistent, it’s measured for you, as a person.

Nathan:   It’s more specific. You mentioned earlier that you were looking for a complete lifestyle change; would you say that that was part of what made your decision as well, because of everything we try to teach our clients in terms of healthy living and healthy eating as well?

Caroline:   Yes. And my daughter has had my first grandchild, and I thought I’m not doing this any more; I’m not going to be fat! I wanted to be able to run with her and play with her.

Nathan:   So that was a big drive for you as well - good. How has your *life changed since starting the Real You transformation process?

Caroline:   I’ve become more confident, I know that. People see me differently; workmates tell me they see me differently and they say I’ve got a smile on my face, which is nice; I can hold my head up. And I think also there are things that I’ve stopped doing, like meeting people and going out and now I can go out and meet people I haven’t met for years. Old friends, when they invite me now I will go, whereas before I just kept making excuses.

Nathan:   You’d find an excuse not to go. Would you say that was just because you weren’t confident in the way you felt and the way you looked?

Caroline:    Yes, I felt fat and I used to drink alcohol just to give me confidence to do anything in the evenings; now I don’t.

Nathan:    Which is awesome, that’s really good. Could you give me an example of something which has happened after your transformation that you wouldn’t have thought possible before starting at the DVCC?

Caroline:   There are a couple of things. One of them is what I push and the weights that I’m now lifting; and the other thing is the confidence. Some friends that I used to go to school with all met up recently and they invited me, and I never would have gone, never. But I felt good; I looked ok, I wasn’t fat, and I went out and had a lovely night, didn’t have to drink loads to give me the confidence…

Nathan:    You were proud of your achievements.

Caroline:   Yes, and I felt good and I thought I can do this again now; it was nice.

Nathan:   So your whole social calendar has opened up a lot more; would you say you are a much more happy person?

Caroline:   Yes definitely

Nathan:    Awesome; I’m glad that we’ve been able to help you so much Caroline and I’m sure that you’re going to be wanting to *lose more body fat and continue your transformation.

Caroline:   I am!

Nathan:   33 lbs in that time is an absolutely amazing achievement, so very well done for that.

If you’ve been listening to this spotlight and you would like to find out more about how the DVCC can help you make a *life changing transformation like Caroline has, please book an appointment for a DVCC Right Fit phone call at Caroline, have you got any final words?

Caroline:   Just sign up, you do it!

Nathan:   Good from you; very well done on your weight *loss and have a good day!

