Gina shares her experience and journey with the DVCC
"My name is Gina and I am 56.
How long ago did you join?
I joined the DVCC in May of last year.
Why did you join?
I joined because I've got my daughters wedding coming up and I wanted to slim down a bit for the dress I was going to wear.
What did you do before DVCC for fitness and why is DVCC different?
Before, I was training at home and I was following, it was actually the Joe Wick's Body Coach Plan for 90 days, so I followed that to lose some weight and there were some exercises in there. When I got to the end, I realised I'd either have to buy loads of equipment to keep at home or join a gym and I joined here because I though at least I'd be guided and be shown how to do the exercises properly.
How do you feel since joining DVCC? How have you changed?
I think my biggest difference, apart from achieving the goal of getting into the dress, the biggest difference for me is that I feel stronger. I don't think in my life, I've ever felt strong. I've felt thin before, but not strong, and that's really cool!
What has been your happiest moment on your fitness journey at the DVCC?
My happiest moment was getting into that dress. That was, two dress sizes down in about 3 months. I was very happy about that.
Why would you recommend DVCC?
It's very different from standard gyms, they change the program every week so you don't get bored. It's a lovely atmosphere, really friendly you're coached all the way so you're much less likely to injure yourself.