March 18, 2017

Eat Nuts To Help Reduce Your Body Fat!

Weight loss, Protein, Body Fat, Natural Fats, Nuts

Nuts are full of natural fats which are very beneficial for fat loss.

Eat_Nuts_To_Help_Reduce_Your_Body_FatThere has been research which shows that people who eat nuts regularly are less likely to be overweight and are also less likely to gain fat in general.

Nuts hold a high amount of fat and protein. Both of which need to be consumed on a regular basis and with every meal to give yourself the best chance of reducing your body fat. Eating nuts on a regular basis has also been shown to lessen the likely hood of having high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes.

I personally tend to go for almonds as my nut of choice. almond_nutsAlmonds help to alkalise your body and are packed with antioxidants and healthy fats which can help to regulate your blood sugar levels, which in turn leads to decreased hunger levels.

Nuts are very easy to overeat. Many clients often ask if they are eating too many. The key with nuts is moderation, try to have a small hand full of nuts (up to 5 servings of 10 nuts) per day as eating too many isn't going to help your weight loss goals.

Almonds and walnuts hold a lot of fibre and nutrients so are considered a more healthy nut choice. Almonds hold the most fibre of all nuts, there has been evidence showing that it helps to decrease LDL cholesterol levels, which are bad cholesterols. Walnuts help to fight inflammation and hold a high amount of antioxidants which helps protect your body from heart disease and premature ageing.

pecan-nutsPecans and Brazil nuts have also been shown to decrease the risk of heart attack. Pecans aren't just used in pies and have very high levels of anti oxidants and may help to prevent plaque formation in your arteries. Brazil nuts hold high levels of selenium which can help to prevent some types of cancer. Be careful with Brazil nuts as high levels of selenium is not advised and can be harmful if over consumed. For brazil nuts a serving would be 5-6 nuts.

Avoid the temptation of having dry roasted, salted or sweetened nuts as these are definitely not ideal for shifting fat.


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