July 17, 2020

"I'm 70 and have never felt 'past it'!" - Chris's Experience At DVCC

Fitness, People of the DVCC

Chris has always been into his cycling, but after a few unexpected events (and knee injuries) later, he was taken off of that particular path of fitness…

…Not being one to quit and feeling inspired to take on a new challenge, Chris decided to give personal training a try.

At first he had his hesitations, “Will they have me?”, “Will it be suited to me?”, all valid questions that were quickly put to rest when he stepped through the door.

Now Chris enjoys frequent weekly small group sessions, working out with likeminded people and by having a personal trainer, is able to continuously work on his technique and has found it easier than ever to be able to lift weights, relieve joint pain and get the most out of life!

Great work Chris!

#TrustDVCC #NotANormalGym #HumansOfDVCC


Do you feel intimidated by normal gyms?

The big box impersonal gyms leave you feeling awkward, and lacking motivation to lose weight and get fit.

The Training Gyms is for men and women who want to lose weight, get fit but don't want to do it in a normal big box gym.

We know it's important. We just don't know where to start.




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