June 11, 2014

{Bad} Child Obesity Is Rising

Case Study



Why it’s so important that children eat healthily when they’re younger? Check it out in this video…

In this video:

00:03 – 30% of children are overweight
00:16 – Child obesity was a rarity in the past
00:35 – Fat cells are laid pre-pubescent
00:43 – Fat cells are permanent
00:47 – Overweight children will struggle with weight till adulthood



A Good Number of Children are Overweight

Today, I’m going to tell you a pretty shocking and interesting fact. So, did you know that 30% of 2 to 15 year old children are actually classed as being overweight?

Child Obesity was a Rarity in the Past 

Now, can you remember back to when you were a child or perhaps if you speak to your grandparents or your parents, when they were children, it was very, very rare for children to actually be overweight, and child obesity is rising every year.

Fat Cells are Laid Pre-Pubescent 

And this is why it’s so important that children eat healthily when they’re younger. They lay their fat cells or children lay their fat cells or we lay our fat cells when we’re kind of pre-pubescent – in the years leading to puberty. And once you’ve laid your fat cells, you can’t get rid of them. You can only shrink or expand them.

Overweight Children Will Struggle with Their Weight for Most of Their Lives

So, if your child eats badly when their fat cells are being laid, they’re going to have a higher amount of fat cells, which means they’re going to struggle for most of their life with their weight, or at least they will have to be much more conscious than if they ate healthily when they were younger. So, I’d love to hear your comments. Let me know whether you’ve noticed that child obesity is increasing year by year.

This is Mark from

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