The DVCC Blog

Your Full Nutrition Plan

Written by Stephen Gray | 11/09/13 10:30


Hi there! Welcome to the first DVCC Group Nutrition Presentation.

This is a follow-up from the first Group Nutrition Seminar that hopefully you’ve been able to attend.

If not, this will be a great recap for it, a sort of great intro into what the presentation was all about.

Now, we’ve got three goals with these presentations.

The first one being that we would really like you to learn from each other.

You’ll all be able to bring different things to the group discussion.

different recipes, different experiences.

And that way, you’ll all be able to learn from each number…

Number two is that we want you to all help each other reach your goals.

So, it’s been proven that by having group interaction and other people knowing your goals

and helping you trying to achieve them, you’re far more likely to achieve them.

So, we’d really like you all to really look out for each other

– the others that are in your group – and really take an interest in how each of you are doing

and really try and help each other as much as you can.



Video highlights:

00:22 – The three presentation goals

01:47 – The typical food pyramid

03:10 – The original food pyramid has one problem

04:05 – What else was wrong?

06:16 – DVCC’s My Plate

07:49 – The Anytime Meal

08:34 – The Post Workout Meal

09:17 – Plant-based eating

10:42 – The 5 food habits

11:02 – Habit #1: Eat slowly and stop at 80% full

13:21 – Habit #2: Eat protein dense foods with each meal

14:16 – How much is a portion of protein?

15:40 – Habit #3: Eat vegetables with each meal

17:45 – Habit #4: For fat loss, eat a majority of other carbohydrates after exercise

20:09 – Carbohydrate chart for fat loss or maintenance

21:06 – Whole Food Starchy and Refined Sugary Foods

22:08 – Habit #5: Eat healthy fats daily

23:25 – The three types of fats

24:34 – Where is the protein dense food?

24:48 – Where are the veggies?

25:02 – Where are the carbs?

25:43 – Check out the recipes you’ll be sent


And the third thing is that we want you to realize that you aren’t alone. A lot of times, you can find that you think that you’re the only person having trouble maybe eating what you know you want to or what you should be eating, and that sometimes it’s a struggle. Other things in life get in the way. And we want you to realize that you aren’t alone. This is quite normal. This does happen from time to time and that you shouldn’t beat yourself up over it and that hopefully in this group session, you’re going to be able to find out that there’s a lot of other people that will be going through the same struggles. And that way, you’ll be able to help each other get through those difficulties.

Now, let’s begin the presentation. I want to go over what a lot of people have grown up with, and that is the typical food pyramid. So, this is where a lot of us have got our nutrition information from in the past. As you can see at the bottom there, we have bread, cereal, rice and pastas slightly high. We have some vegetables and fruits. Above that, some milk, yoghurt and cheese. And then, a small amount of meat, poultry, fish and other sorts of protein sources with a sparing amount of fats, oils and sweets at the top. This is the typical food pyramid that is being taught to everyone. It means that we will basically rely a lot more on breads, cereals, rice and pastas for our energy. I’ve broken it down here. As you can see, it’s 6 to 11 servings of grains a day and 3 to 5 servings of vegetables, some fruits and a little or small amount of meat or protein sources. Again, the same amount of dairy, and then a few fats, oils and sweets.

Now, there is an issue with this food pyramid, and that is that the advice is actually flawed. And I want to just go over the reasons this food pyramid is not optimal for – well, for number one, health. But also for body composition, e.g. losing fat and/or having muscle tone. Now, the first reason is that carbohydrates have been in this food pyramid showed to be very good. That’s why they form the base of the whole pyramid and the things like pasta, bread and other carbohydrate sources. Whilst fats have been shown to be bad, and that’s why they’re at the top of the pyramid and used very sparingly.

Now, what else is wrong with the food pyramid? You can see it also promotes the high intake of pasteurized milk. Now, there are a lot of studies on milk. A lot of these studies actually show that pasteurized milk can actually increase certain disease risks. Now, there is further research needed and this doesn’t apply to everyone. A lot of people respond poorly to milk whilst maybe a few find that it doesn’t upset their stomach or anything like that.

Now, the reason a lot of people respond negatively to pasteurized milk is something called “lactose intolerance.” Now, this has also been linked with certain cancers, as well as the fact that milk drinking does not even seem to offer protection against Osteoporosis, which is one of its main benefits that it’s being sold on. And the studies prove that it’s not actually an effective way to avoid Osteoporosis, although fruit and vegetable consumption has been proven to help avoid the thinning of the bones, which we call “Osteoporosis.”

Further problems with the standard typical food pyramid are that there’s no nutrient timing. When I talk about nutrient timing, what I mean is that there is no time there where it said it’s best to eat certain types of food, e.g. carbohydrates, when it’s actually been proven that there is an optimal time to eat something like carbohydrates where it has a large role in recovery. And also, in losing fat. So, as you’re going to learn today, when we talk carbohydrates, it’s very, very important. So it’s not a case of necessarily cutting them down or taking them out of your diet completely. It’s a case of putting them in your day around about exercise.

So, as I’ve gone through the standard food pyramid, the standard way that we’ve all been brought up to think of food and its problems, I’d like to introduce what we call the DoubleVision Conditioning Centre’s “My Plate.” Now, this is based on a Precision Nutrition format. Precision Nutrition is the number one resource for up-to-date and cutting edge nutrition information, and it goes along the lines of a plate of food. This is not the first time that plates of food examples have been used to demonstrate how we should be eating, but this is the most up-to-date and most effective way there is for health and for fat loss.

Now, what it does is introduce what to eat and drink, when to eat it and how much to eat. Now, to explain, as I mentioned earlier, exercise plays a really big role in energy expenditure, i.e. how much energy we burn, how many calories we burn and how your body reacts to the food that you eat. Therefore, we need to have two different sorts of plates – one for when we haven’t exercised and one for when we have just exercised. Now, these plates are a way to really visualize what your plate of food should be looking like and at what time of day, e.g. if you’ve just exercised or not.

Now the first plate is an anytime meal. So we break up meals into anytime meals. Basically, meals you can have whether you’ve worked out or not throughout the day whenever you’d like. And we also would break them down further into post workout meals. So starting with the anytime meal, this is literally for all your meals not directly after a workout. Now, as you can see, it involves protein, including red meat, chicken, fish, eggs or vegetarian sources. Veggies, which include a wide variety of different sorts of vegetables. And then fats, including healthy oils, nuts and seeds. Whilst we have some water or tea to drink.

We’ll then introduce the post workout meal. This is your first meal after an intense workout. So, that’s why it’s called “post workout meal,” and it involves slightly different types of food. So we still have the same protein, including red meat, chicken, fish, eggs or vegetarian sources. And see, that takes half the plate. We then have veggies and fruit, including a wide variety of vegetables and some fruit. Whilst at the side there, we have a small amount of starches, including potatoes, pasta, rice or bread. And again, we have water or tea.

Now, this is a plate for vegetarians. So vegetarians are a slightly different type of plate. There is no post workout plate as generally, a vegetarian diet needs to have more carbohydrate purely as there is not as many lean sources of protein that vegetarians are able to have. Therefore, they generally have more carbohydrates in their diet. So, this is a plant-based eating plate where we have protein – plant proteins including beans and legumes. Now I’m going to give you a list of different sorts of proteins and things like that later on. Also, you’re going to receive a large number of recipes that follow along with this plan, e.g. anytime meals or post workout meals.

Going back to the plant-based eating, there are starches, a small amount of starches, including sweet potatoes, potatoes, breads, etcetera. A small number of fats, including healthy oils, nuts and seeds. And then, as you see, a large amount of veggies – half the plate – including a wide variety of non-starchy vegetables. That’s mainly green sorts of vegetables. And again, we have a small amount of fruit for dessert or only after exercise. Again, water and tea to drink.

So, now that I’ve given you an overview of the different types of plates, I want to go and introduce you to the 5 food habits. Now these are habits that I’d like you or we would all like you to think about whenever you’re eating a meal. Now habit number 1 is to eat slowly and stop at 80% full. Now the reason for this is that many of us eat far too quickly, and that each meal, we expect to eat to the point of fullness. It’s very important that you listen to your hunger and appetite cues so you don’t carry on eating until you have to loosen your belt. That would basically mean you’ve eaten too much. It takes about 20 minutes for our satiety mechanisms – basically, the mechanisms that tell us when we’re full – to kick in. Therefore, if we eat quickly, we’re going to tend to eat a lot more. And that’s actually been scientifically proven. The quicker you eat, the more you eat, the more calories you actually take in.

An excellent goal is actually to make a meal last 15 to 20 minutes per meal. That’s at a minimum. Now, I understand that this is probably quite a large order to start with. And also, there’s times when you’re in a rush and you won’t be able to spend that time. But, if you know that when you can do, your aim is to really lengthen the meals. So to start with, if you try taking a seat when you do eat. Slowing down, turning off any sort of distractions – TV and the like – and try to take smaller bites and to actually taste your food. So basically, take a little bit more time over it and then to change your goal to eating until you’re no longer hungry instead of eating until you’re full. A lot of us have trained ourselves to try and eat as much as we can, as quickly as we can. And like I said, you’re going to end up eating a lot more calories doing it that way.

On the other hand, if you are looking to put on weight, you are encouraged to eat faster and until you’re 100% full or more. So, if you’re looking to lose weight, the best thing to do is to not eat until you’re full. To eat until you’re no longer hungry. However, in the case for people that are looking to put on weight, then you want to take in more calories. Therefore, you eat as quickly as possible. You’re going to be able to take in more calories because you won’t realize, your body won’t realize it’s full until you’ve taken in those calories.

Habit number 2: Eat protein dense foods with each meal. Now this area is somewhat controversial. There’s a lot of misinformation around the consumption of protein. However, the research is pretty clear now. In healthy individuals – that’s important we use that word in “healthy” individuals – a higher protein diet is completely safe. Let me repeat that. So in healthy individuals, a higher protein diet is completely safe. Plus, protein plays a very important role for achieving the best health, body composition and performance, e.g. it’s vital if we want to lose as much fat as possible and to actually be as healthy as possible.

Now it’s hard to achieve all three of these things, e.g. health, body composition and performance, if you’re not taking in enough protein. Now how much is a portion of protein? Now, we’re trying to simplify this for you, so we’re going to do it visually. And it’s basically one portion is the size of the palm of your hand. Now, obviously, everyone has different sizes of palm, but generally, your palm will relate to your height and things like that. So, if you go on your own palm, then that will be roughly 20 to 30 grams. Now women should get one portion of protein per meal, which is 20 to 30 grams, as I said. And men should get two portions. So that’s two palms of your hand, which is 40 to 60 grams. So every meal, if you just know to have your protein intake optimal, you’re going to look for, if you’re a lady, a palm of your hand as the amount of protein you have, or if you’re a man, two palms.

So if you follow this advice, not only are you going to ensure an adequate intake of protein, but you’re also going to stimulate your metabolism as protein is very important in thermogenesis and basically burning more calories. Improve your muscle tone. Basically, your muscle can’t actually survive if you don’t have enough protein, e.g. you need to have protein in your diet if you want to have muscle tone. And also, recovery and to reduce your body fat.

Habit number 3: Eat vegetables with each meal. Now, a lot of us have grown up with this and we were actually taught that we should have vegetables, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that we have made a big effort to make sure that we do. Now, vegetables, most people know that they’re good for us, but the reason they are good for us is they provide micronutrients, which are vitamins and minerals, and also plant chemicals. Things like phytochemicals that are essential for proper healthy functioning of the body. However, they also provide what is called an alkaline load to the blood. That’s where basically they counteract the acidity of protein and grains in the diet. Protein and grains are acid in the body. Now, it’s not healthy for our body to be too acidic. It wants to be around about neutralish. So too much acid actually results in bone loss and loss of muscle mass as our body eats away at those two things to try and then neutralize the acid. So, the more alkaline we can be, then the better for our body, the healthier our bodies. So, that’s how I mentioned earlier that the most effective way to prevent Osteoporosis is to actually keep an alkaline body. And to do that, we need to eat the right amount of vegetables. So, like I mentioned, dairy has been proven not to be effective at prevention of Osteoporosis. Eating enough vegetables has been shown to be effective as it alkalines the body.

Now, this is an important habit. So, to include at least two servings of fruit and/or vegetables per meal. So, to define a serving is one medium-sized fruit, which is about 100 grams raw, chopped.

Habit number 4: For fat loss, eat a majority of other carbohydrates after exercise. If your goal is to lose fat, you have to earn those high carbohydrate meals by exercising first. So, as we refer back to the plates, there’s the anytime plate and the post workout plate. So, if your goal is to lose fat, you have to earn a post workout plate. You can’t eat that type of meal unless you have exercised first. So if you want to eat things like bread, pasta, rice or sugary foods.

Now, we do suggest that they are all gluten-free if you’d like to eat them. You can eat them as long as you do two things. The first of those two things is you focus more on unprocessed varieties, e.g. you’re not buying unhealthy, processed foods laden with trans fats and things like that. You’re trying to buy unprocessed. So natural foods. For example, a sweet potato is healthier than pasta and things like that. So, you’ll get a list of super foods, the type of carbohydrate that we promote. But you’re not actually not allowed to eat those foods, but you’re very much encouraged to exercise first and to earn those types of

So the second thing as well is to, like I just mentioned, save most of them until after exercise. So, the more you exercise, the more post workout types of foods you’re able to have. The less you exercise, the more anytime meals you need to

Now this is controlled carbohydrate eating. It’s not low carbohydrate eating, but you’re actually eating carbohydrates in the forms and at the times that your body can best tolerate. So, if you’re interested in fat loss, you still get most of your carbohydrates from vegetables and fruits, but with a small amount of starchy carbs after exercise. Just for those that are looking to gain weight, you should actually include more carbohydrates than I’ve just recommended. So, you can really try and eat a lot of carbohydrates in your post workout meal. If you’re looking for fat loss, a small amount of starchy carbs post exercise is fine.

Now, here’s a little chart for carbohydrate types for fat loss or for maintenance. Now, as we look through, we can see the carb type, which is fibre-rich. And then we can look at the different types of carbohydrates and when to eat it. So, as you can see, it’s vegetables with different sorts. Spinach, carrots, tomatoes, cucumber. All the different sorts of vegetables that we know and when we can eat them. We can eat them often and at any time of day, especially for the vegetarians.

Now if you look at the bottom there, we’ve got some beans, legumes and most fruits. Now, it’s just to be aware, these selections are more carb-dense. So when including these, be sure not to overeat them. That’s where it’s important that you stick to just one medium-sized fruit rather than lots and lots of different sorts of fruits as they do have more carbohydrate in them.

Whole food starchy. Now, this would include gluten-free breads and pastas, sweet potatoes, quinoa, oats, long grain rice, and these would be the type of starchy foods that you’re only allowed during the 3 hours after exercise. And that would be your post workout plate.

Now, refined sugary foods, which are desserts, fruit juice, processed foods, Coke, etcetera. These, we recommend that you eat them very occasionally/rarely, and only if you do eat them during the 3 hours after exercise. That actually includes dry fruits which can be very sugary. Dates, figs, raisins and other sorts of dried fruits. Just to reiterate, eat them occasionally, very rarely and only during the 3 hours after exercise. Now if you want to lose fat, only have carbohydrates when you earn them. E.g. no exercise, no carbohydrates, other than the fruits and veggies, of course.

Habit number 5: Eat healthy fats daily. Now this obviously counteracts the initial food pyramid that we were taught years and years ago. Now, the latest research shows that you should actually try and have 30% of your diet coming from fat. So if we refer to the anytime plate, you can see that a decent amount of the plate comes from healthy sources of fat. One thing just to mention as well is that one of the difference between the anytime and the post workout plate is that the anytime has more fat in it, whereas the post workout plate will have less fat in it. That’s purely because you don’t really want to combine amounts of carbohydrate with too much fat. It’s basically either having one or the other. So in the anytime plate, you’ve got more fat and less carbohydrate. And in the post workout, you’ve got more carbohydrate and less fat.

Now the most important thing with fat is that you balance the different sorts. So that’s saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fat. Saturated fat comes from animal fats and things like eggs, dairy, meats, butter, cheeses, coconut oil. Monounsaturated fat comes from different sorts of nuts. Macadamias, pecans. Also, olives, olive oil and avocados. And polyunsaturated comes from fish oil, hemp seeds, algae oils, safflower oil, walnuts, flax seeds, brazil nuts.

I’d just like to refer back to fish oil as fish oil is one of the healthiest forms of oil and we recommend that everyone takes some, not only for fat loss, but also for brain function and anti-inflammation. Therefore, if you’ve got joint issues or things like that, it helps with those. It’s pretty much been proven. Omega 3 has been proven to help with every disease under the sun and to also help with body fat loss as well.

So that’s just a brief overview of fats. Now, I would just like to recap on the different habits, the things you should be asking yourself as you’re eating. The first one being are you eating slowly? So check in with hunger. Sit down, relax, take your time. 15 to 20 minutes for a meal is about right. And make sure you stop eating when you’re about 80% full.

Now, the second thing you should ask is where is the protein dense food? This is every time you’re eating. Are you about to eat at least one palm-sized portion of protein dense food? Women get one palm-sized portion and men obviously get two palm-sized portions.

The third thing to ask is where are the veggies? Are you about to eat a large portion of veggies? Now, they can be prepared any way you like. One serving is about one fist-sized portion and you should try to eat a few portions per meal.

Number four would be where are the carbs? If you have fat to lose but haven’t just worked out, eat less pasta, bread, rice and other starchy carbs. Opt for a double serving of veggies instead. If you have just worked out, a mix of carb sources is fine.

Now, the last thing is where are your fats from? Well, today, you need fats from different sources. So, things like eggs, meats, fish. Natural sources. Now we do recommend, ideally, organic. As natural sources as you can have, and then you spread these things throughout the day.

So you’re going to get sent a lot of different sorts of recipes. Now they are classed within anytime or post workout, which will just be “PW.” So, remember, the way it works is an anytime meal, you can have throughout the day. Now there are different sorts of meals for breakfast and things like that, but you are able to have an anytime meal at any time throughout the day. And a PW meal means you can only have it within 3 hours of exercising. So if you haven’t exercised, you stick to anytime meals.

So let me just reiterate that. You’re going to be sent a lot of different sorts of recipes and you’re going to be ongoingly sent a lot of different sorts of recipes. And it’s very important that you stick to anytime or post workout meals. If you have any questions at all, please do get in contact. I’d be happy to answer all of those. This is obviously the first time you’ve been introduced to this style of eating and it’s going to take some getting used to, but the idea being that you’re not going to be by yourself. There’s going to be a group of you learning together and being able to help each other. So, make sure that you do keep in contact. And also, when you have any questions, try and introduce them to the group as well so that everyone else can learn from everyone’s experiences. Thanks and we’ll see you at the next seminar!