The DVCC Blog

Why Your Body Becomes Acidic [100 Words]

Written by Stephen Gray | 06/09/14 05:00

Most of us know or have heard that we want our bodies to be more alkaline (I mean The Daily Mail says so!). In this short post I outline WHY you actually become acidic in the first place and therefore how to combat it.

From an exercise standpoint, when you exercise, you will increase the amount of acidity in your body. Different types of exercise have different impacts on this.

For example, long aerobic steady state work causes much more acidity compared to short sharp burst interval style of exercise. It stands to reason then that your training program should incorporate more short sharp intervel style training sessions that long steady state cardio work.

Another main reason for acidity in the body is eating processed foods.

Processed foods are very acidic when they go in to your body, and actually cause your body to become acidic.

When your body is too acidic, what it needs to do is try and alkalize itself. One of the main ways it does this is by taking the calcium from your bones as this is alkalizing. It then also takes something called glutamine from your muscles which is also required to alkalize your body.

In short it will breakdown your bone and muscle....Can I hear you say Osteoperosis?

The reason you want to be alkaline, so not to be acidic, is because all diseases grow in an acidic environment.

That's one of the main things that has been agreed upon by health professionals is that for a disease to flourish, it has to be in a pro-acidic environment.

It is therefore now your task to create as pro-alkaline environment as you can in your body. Check out the recipes below for alkaline inducing drinks.