The DVCC Blog

Why We Don't Like Taking Candy from a Baby

Written by Mark Gray | 05/07/16 13:26

That’s kind of a ridiculous expression actually when you come to think of it. After all; taking candy from a baby would be the responsible thing to do. I don’t think there’s a parent around who’d rather see their little one sucking on a sugary sweet than a bottle of warm milk, but my point here is the following:

Take candy, or milk, or a blanket, or a dummy away from a baby and you’re going to make them cry. And probably feel pretty mean about it in the process. Because from birth, us humans naturally acquire things that we like, that comfort us, and that we get used to; and we don’t like it when someone tries to take them away from us abruptly and without notice.

It’s Not About Giving Things Up

So many people put off losing weight and getting fit because they’ve come to see it as a punishment, or all about having to give things up. They tremble when they come into our transformation centres fully expecting to be told off about their five-cups-of-tea-a-day (with five sugars) habit, or the fact that they haven’t put on a pair of trainers since England won the world cup.

But just as we always say at the DVCC, we don’t believe in taking things away from people. Maybe they won’t cry, but the initial emotion is going to be the same. And we’re not about spreading misery here, cutting down or cutting out.

So, when a client comes in and tells us that they like to have a few drinks a week, have a penchant for chocolate cake in the afternoon, or a serious coffee addiction; the first thing they’re pleasantly surprised about is the fact that we don’t judge them. And the second is that we don’t tell them to stop.

It’s About Adding Healthy Habits

Instead of focusing on what you’re “doing wrong”, or on all the guilty pleasures you like to indulge in (the ones you can tell us about anyway); it’s time to start examining what healthy habits you can add to your life, rather than the ones you should take away. We can help you do that.

So, for example, if the prospect of cutting down your sugary tea addiction has been keeping you from investing in your long term health; then keep drinking your sugary tea. But start adding some healthy habits that are good for your body as well.

Start concentrating on drinking three litres of water a day and working out to kick start your sluggish circulation. You’ll probably find that over time, the very fact of drinking all the water your body needs for its vital organs will naturally decrease your craving for tea, or that introducing leafy vegetables with your lunchtime meal eventually removes your desire for cake at 5 O’clock. 

And even if it doesn’t, you’ll still be doing your body and mind a great service by consciously focusing on the good things you can do for your health, rather than worrying about the things that have developed into comforting habits.

Life is stressful enough without adding just another obligation or duty to your day, so don’t worry; we don’t believe in taking candy from babies. Well, not milk bottles or dummies anyway.