The DVCC Blog

Why Grass Fed Beef Is Better For Health

Written by Mark Gray | 15/03/15 06:00

The old saying goes something along the lines of "YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT".

However more recent research actually shows that you are what your food eats. "YOU ARE WHAT YOUR FOOD EATS".

Im sure we have all heard about what kinds of animal meat was appearing in pre-packaged food in the media over the past couple of years....I'll give you a hint - You are meant to ride it not eat it! Nayyyy.

Pre-made prepackaged food should always be avoided as there is very little chance that it will contain good quality nutrients.

Pre packaged foods normally come at a very low cost and with food you get what you pay for.

Many large chain supermarkets and butchers are more concerned about their profits and less concerned about the health of the consumer of the products which they sell/produce.

Have you ever noticed that when you cook chicken bought from your local supermarket it can reduce in size dramatically by the time it has been cooked?

Chicken which has been injected with water to increase its weight so it can be sold for a higher price is just one of the ways which supermarkets can increase their profits while reducing their costs.


To help reduce the price of the production of beef and get the animal from birth to your frying pan as quickly as possible, farmers will cut corners and use grains and sometimes even the off cuttings of other animals to feed their live stock. 

Cows left to their own devices would happily graze on grass.

When farmers feed them grain it makes the cows become ill. This raises the cows stress levels (cortisol) which is pumped in and around their body.

To combat this and keep the livestock from dying a  premature death and loss of profit, the farmers will inject their livestock with antibiotics and keep feeding them with the same foods that are making them sick!

All the hormones and antibiotics the cow has within its body end up on your plate...And then your body when you eat it!

Grass fed beef comes at a slightly higher price because of the level of quality of the meat.

Keeping a healthy cow is no where near as cheap as feeding it grains and antibiotics and takes more time and effectively costs the farmer more money.

Try to include grass fed, organic or wild meat in your meals especially for breakfast to help you to lose weight and stay as healthy as possible.

I would advise you to buy your meat from a trusted source and don't be shy to ask your butcher the question "is this meat grass fed?"