The DVCC Blog

Why Calorie Counting Doesn't Add Up

Written by Mark Gray | 19/02/15 18:00

We have all been there before: trying to reduce calories in the hope that it will help to reduce our weight.

Calorie counting and information on how to reduce your body fat by reducing your calorific intake, or the amount of food you eat in a day has been around for some time.

There are various reasons why simply reducing the amount of calories that you eat in an attempt to lose body fat doesn't add up.

Eating different food sources will stimulate your hormones in different ways with various different effects. Some of these effects are desirable for fat loss and some quite simply are not.

By overeating certain food sources, we can throw our bodies into a fat storing state as opposed to a the fat burning machine that it should be.

Refined Carbohydrates

Eating refined carbs consistently will increase the amount of insulin (the fat storage hormone) within your blood stream. This not only helps you to store fat but also restricts your body from accessing fat stores to be used as energy when it needs to.

Protein And Natural Fats

Opting to eat a higher amount of protein and natural fats via good sources such as: Animal meat, Fish, Eggs, Avacado, Nuts and coconut oil, will help your body to build muscle tone and help you to become more sensitive to Insulin meaning that over time you will become less susceptible to storing body fat.

Calories Are Not Equal

For example you could eat 2,000 - 2,500 calories in a day from eating natural whole foods every 2/3 hours and lose weight.

If you were to eat your favourite take aways and junk food all day and have the same total calories at the end of the day the results would be very very different!

The total number of calories do matter when you are trying to reduce your body fat and increase your muscle tone (for the vast majority of peope).

If you were to eat an extra 1000 calories everyday you would no doubt put on weight. The deciding factor on how that weight would be added to your body comes down to they types of foods you are eating.

If you are overeating refined carbs it is more than likely that the extra calories will present themselves as body fat.

If the excess calories are good healthy sources of protein and natural fats then they will be more likely to increase your muscle tone.