The DVCC Blog

When Tara and Hannah Became Friends At DVCC They Never Expected It To Be Their Most Successful Fat Loss Secret. Find Out Why It Was...

Written by Mark Gray | 01/07/15 05:00

Josh:   Hi, this is Josh from the DVCC and I’m sat here with Tara Morgan and Hannah Williams, who have been working out together for the past few weeks as a little team, and I just want to get their opinion on the last two weeks.

They have been doing the metabolic damage solution together and they have lost, in the first two weeks, over 15lbs of fat collectively, which is an astonishing amount in such a short amount of time.

I just want to get a little bit of information on what they did to be so successful. So, if we go to Hannah first, if you would like to introduce yourself, say how long you have been training at the DVCC and a little bit about your experience in the past two weeks please?

Hannah: Hi, I’m Hannah Williams and I’ve been training at the DVCC since the end of January. I met Tara while we were here, we became really great friends; we decided to go in to this together and we have been training and working together, which has helped because we have pushed each other to the limits, gone that extra, a litte further with weights and it’s been really successful.         

Josh:   Feel free to jump in any time you want here, Tara.

Tara:   I think it’s really nice to have someone training together because you do push each other a lot more; you push each other on the prowler and you work together as a team, so when you see one person flagging, you cheer each other on which is really helpful. And when you’re having a bit of an off day you text each other and say, do whatever, just don’t cave – and you don’t let the other person down then.

Josh:   So talk to me – I know we have had a little chat about this previously – there was a specific situation at work where you relied on Hannah; so tell us a little bit about that.

Tara:   Every Friday we have biscuit Friday at work and we have a lot of clients bringing cake, biscuits and chocolate; and it was my longest shift of the week. So I text Hannah and said there’s all this stuff on the side and she just said keep on going, it’s reset meal tomorrow.

It’s just really encouraging, knowing that we are training together, so you can’t let each other down, you want to put the muscle on, so you just eat clean and just work together all the time.

Hannah: Stronger together.

Tara:   Yes.

Josh:   I like that. So how have you found it, you’ve both trained and you’ve both been friends since you joined the DVCC, but what has been different now that you have formed that partnership?

Hannah: I think for us it was definitely after the mud run, wasn’t it? I think after we did the mud run together, that was a massive challenge for us and we really formed a bond because we knew that if someone was struggling, the other person would help and then vice versa.

And when we finished it together, that was a real big achievement for us and from then we decided, right, let’s do this together and let’s work hard and achieve our results.

We talk often about where we want to go, what we want to achieve. I know Tara’s graduation is coming up so that’s a really big thing for her. I obviously want to go back and get to what I was. So we both have learnt each other’s goals; we both learnt when the other one is just putting it on and when they just need a little bit of a push!

We’ve both learnt what weights each other can do and we push each other to the higher weight if one of us picks up a lighter weight, and it has really just helped, because even though we work together we still do have that banter and that competition when we’re training, if the other one starts lacking.

Tara:   I was just about to say, it’s about banter as well, it just keeps you going and makes you laugh and joke, so you don’t actually realise then that you’re doing it.

Hannah: Yes, it keeps it interesting.  

Josh:   So, despite the fact that you’re training harder and lifting heavier weights, you’re actually enjoying it a lot more, training together.

I note that you two actually book your sessions together now, has that been helping?

Tara: Yes, massively; we talk every week, the week before.

Hannah: We text each other daily, so like how’s things getting on; we book sessions together, going over to the Milton Keynes centre together, just to get a little bit of variety in. And you just know that you’re going to push each other a lot – a lot harder than what you would training by yourself.

Tara: So it’s definitely having that plan, isn’t it? We send each other pictures of our meals, and we’ll message back saying things like ‘Good from you’. Or we’ll both say I think I need to up my water intake today, so the other one will give tips.

Yes, we’re just in it together and it helps because it’s all about planning and we know the other person and you just don’t want to let the other person down either.

Josh:   Good, wow! If there are people out there, obviously at the DVCC and out there, who train and train individually, what would you say about how you formed this partnership and how it has helped you – what advice would you give to people?

Hannah: I think it’s connecting more; find someone that you can bond with and you have similarities to, who you get on well with and you have some things in common. And you then just spur people on. We both joined on our own, we both used to train on our own and even though we knew people, we hadn't really formed that bond.

But just having that bond makes it all that different and you want to come because not only do you want to see that other person but you want to train and you want to do it together. And I think that is just what’s made the difference; it has made us both enjoy coming here more.

Josh:   So are you two going to continue to do the rest of the MDS together as you have been doing it so far?

Tara:   Yes, definitely. Every two weeks we are going to have our weigh in.

Josh:   Good; I am looking forward to the next instalment of our interview series with Hannah and Tara, and our next photo, which should be two stone collective of fat loss!

So, hopefully people out there listening have learned a lot about what they could do to improve their results and form that community and that bond with other people, that will help them when they are struggling and to get them through and to improve their results.

Thank you very much for listening; this is Josh, Tara and Hannah from the DVCC, thank you very much, bye.