The DVCC Blog

What To Do When You Stop Seeing Results

Written by Mark Gray | 03/02/14 10:30

If you are stuck on the same weight and getting frustrated with this plateau then this video is for you.

Follow these two tips and bust through to new improved results!



Hi, this is Mark from the DoubleVision Conditioning Centre, the place to be to lose fat and increase your muscle tone.

Today, I’m going to give you a little bit of advice if you’re not getting to where you want to be, i.e., you’re not losing weight.  So, a lot of people get concerned or even get disheartened when they’re not losing weight.

They might have lost a stone previously but then they come to establish a stone, they struggled to lose any weight. I’m going to give you two tips that are going to help you pass those times and will keep you losing weight and heading towards your goal.

So tip one is to analyze your food, have a food audit. Basically, what you want to do is go through all the food you have in a day, so you might find it easier if you write down and analyze actually what you’re eating.

Oftentimes, when you’ve been eating healthy for a while, you kind of let things creep on you, you don’t actually realize what you’re having.  So if you do an audit, checking out exactly what you’re having, you might actually see that you’re eating foods that perhaps you wouldn’t have done previously or you wouldn’t have done when you’re first starting to lose weight and you’ve just kind of let this creep in without realizing it.

So write everything you eat down and check it out and see if there’s anything you’ve implemented, everything you’re eating now that you wouldn’t have done when you were losing weight.  And then obviously, if there is, just take those things out and perhaps increase more of the good foods that you’ve been eating before.

Tip number 2 is to make sure that you’re not training too much.  Now, I know this is counterintuitive to a lot of people, you kind of think the more you train, the more weight you’ll lose.

But actually, this can be the complete opposite.  You’ll have read about elite athletes that have to make sure they get their rest to ensure that they perform at their best, and that’s the same with everybody, with the whole human body that you cannot train forever and expect to keep any results.

There’s a fine line where you’re going to be training too much and actually your results can either stop or reverse.  So make sure you’re not training too much.

And for most people with a stressful life, a stressful job, 4 to 5 sessions a week is ample and will get you great results.  Obviously, the old adage of 3 times a week is still true.  But if you can get into 4 to 5 times a week, you’ll find that you will actually even speed up your results.

So I hope you found two tips useful as always.  As always, the conversation happens over at, so go over there and leave a comment now.