The DVCC Blog

What Has Meditation Done For Us?

Written by Mark Gray | 11/04/16 05:20

Your Gateway To A Peaceful Mind:

You are going to be hearing about Mediation more and more. At The DVCC we like to stay ahead of the curve, and just like 9 years ago when we were telling our clients to look at how large the gluten free aisles would grow to,  (there are now whole shops FULL of gluten free foods)....It's going to be the same with Meditation.

...Meditation is going to become the next BIG thing.

Meditation has become something that we have been promoting within The DVCC team for over a year now, and we would never go back to "being normal"....But we don't know if it does anything! Let me explain.

What Is Meditation?

There are many many variations of Meditation now but they all have the same premise....To de-connect you from modern life and help you focus and become more "centred". It may sound hokey pokey, but even the most practical of us probably agrees that with the accessibility of modern day technology, we are connected pretty much 24/7. 20 minutes twice a day without these distractions is can't be anything but good!Transdental Meditation is probably one of the most well known types of meditation, and happens to be the one we practice. It does require a 3 day intensive course or consequitive weekends but once you have "got it" you have it for life.

Benefits Of Meditation:

We have experienced some of the benefits listed below...It's important to note that you can never put your finger on exactly WHAT meditation does for you....You just "feel" it!

1. Stress Relief

2. Higher Work Efficiency

3. Normalised Blood Pressure

4. Reduced Insomnia

5. Improved Brain Function and Memory

These are just some of the benefits of incorporating meditation into your day. Do you meditate? Is it something you want to try? Let us know in the comments.