The DVCC Blog

What Can You Do in 30 Days?

Written by Mark Gray | 23/10/16 01:00

What can you do in 30 days? 30 days isn’t very long. Not even a full month in fact, for seven months out of the year. For most people, 30 days pass in the blink of an eye, without anything memorable happening or any exceptional outcome.

So, what do you normally do with this small chunk of the calendar year? Work. Eat. Sleep. Look after the kids. Maybe socialise a little, celebrate a birthday, over-eat and put your plan of losing weight on the backburner until next month?

Thirty days out of your year can be nothing much at all or everything you want, depending on how you use them. Only you can create a change in your life and decide when enough is enough.

If you want to stop aching when you wake up in the morning, you’re dying for your jeans to fit, or simply tired of feeling overweight and unhappy, then make the next 30 days count!

Take action, take control of your life and get the results you think are unobtainable – with a little help from The DVCC.

If You’re Ready To: 

  • Burn Fat
  • Lose weight
  • Sleep Better
  • Feel Healthier
  • Build Muscle
  • Drop a Dress Size (or 2)

Then we’re here to help you transform yourself in just 30 days! Don’t let another month with no changes go by. With our 30 Day Body Transformational Trial you’ll need to be prepared to make a commitment to yourself. To make the next thirty days count!

Kick back the duvet in the morning feeling great and dedicate time to working on yourself. We will provide you with all the tools you need to get fast results with no fad dieting or boring exercise plans. We’ll share our knowledge with you and encourage you along the way.

  1. What Do You Get?

For just £134 and in only 30 days, you get an awful lot! For the price of your weekly shopping, you’ll receive personalised attention, nutrition plans, unlimited sessions, expert knowledge, team sessions, small group personal sessions, fun and community – and most importantly of all – AMAZING RESULTS! 

  1. Why Sign Up?

If you want to feel healthier, look better, improve your mood, lose pounds, fit into your jeans, be part of a like-minded community, and learn to incorporate healthy habits into your life for the long term; then our 30 Day Body Transformational Trial is for you. 

30 days can be everything or nothing, depending on how you use them – make the next ones count! 

  1. Don’t Just Take Our Word for It 

We’ve got literally hundreds of success stories from satisfied clients who have started a 30-day challenge and then stayed on with The DVCC. That’s because we show people how to look after their health for the long term. We don’t offer fad diets or unsustainable exercise plans that are impossible to keep up long term. 

We don’t just hit you with one-off results where you’ll put all the weight back on. Through a sense of community, varied exercises and teaching you our knowledge on nutrition, you’ll want to keep the change going from 30 days to 30 years – and beyond! 

“Over the years, all the exercises I’ve done and all the classes I’ve done and never achieved anything, I’ve actually achieved that in weeks by coming to The DVCC.” - Sonya Blake.

“I’ve been at the DVCC for 3 months and I have dropped 2 dress sizes, and I am back to my old clothes from my early twenties, which is amazing. I’m just literally a happier person because I’m happy with my own body, my weight and how I look, and obviously it just puts a smile on my face.” - Anna W.  

With locations in Bedford, Hitchin, Northampton, Milton Keynes and St Albans, you can go to any one of our centres for your 30-day trial. Meet other clients in the same place as you, see real results from real people, and learn to lose weight in a safe and supportive environment. 

  1. Our 30 Day Body Transformational Trial Features: 

  • Initial Assessment

Before you start your 30-day trial, you’ll meet with one of The DVCC’s transformation coaches to discuss your personal goals. We’ll go over your physical and emotional condition, examine your weaknesses, strengths, and the areas you want to work on the most. The initial assessment is crucial in ensuring that you make the most of your 30-day trial and that we offer the right plan for your body and personality type. 

  • Plan Tailored to Your Needs

We’ll take the knowledge from your initial assessment and design a plan that is tailored to your individual needs. We’ll take into account any injuries you may have, dietary conditions, preferences and specific needs to create a 30-day plan that will work for you and get the best results for your body. 

  • 10 Small Group Personal Training Sessions

We believe that results are achieved quicker when working in a group. One of our mottos at The DVCC is that we’re stronger together. With that in mind, we put together small, reduced-sized groups of people with similar abilities and goals. You’ll have continued access to your transformation expert and can ask any questions you want at any time. We can adjust the intensity of the sessions and you’ll always have the same teammates for support and motivation. 

  • 12 Team Training Sessions

The emphasis on these sessions is fun! Real people getting real results! We mix up your exercise plan so you can enjoy high-energy training as part of a team, with lots of community spirit and constant movement. 

  • Access to The DVCC’s Supportive Community

Beyond dumbbells, weights and nutrition, the best thing about The DVCC is our supportive community. You’ll be able to speak to nonjudgmental people, hear their stories, share your plans and make friends for life in a relaxed environment. 

  • Nutrition Plan and Recipes

From breakfast and main meal recipes to condiments, smoothies, booster packs and drinks, we’ll provide you with a wealth of recipes and nutritional ideas and information. Learn to get enthusiastic about food again, kick your cravings to the curb and lose weight without feeling hungry or gnawing on nothing but a celery stick. We provide you with tasty food recipes that are rich in the nutrients you need and low on the empty carbs or high sugar that you don’t.   


The very best thing about our 30-day trial is the results that you’ll get at the end! Everybody is different, so we can’t guarantee the same results for each person, but you’re likely to see a drop or two in dress size and up to 15 pounds falling off! You’ll also gain muscle tone, sleep better, and feel healthier and more enthusiastic about your body and your life again. 

  1. How Much Does It Cost?


There’s no hidden extras, no sales fluff, no ongoing commitments or add-on options; just £87 to achieve real results. Bring a smile back to your face and feel younger and healthier for the price of your weekly shop.