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Transformation Expert Greg Gives You 3 Great Tips For Fat Loss...Do You Think You Are Doing Them All?

Written by Mark Gray | 03/06/15 05:00


Josh:  Hi, this is Josh from the DVCC and I’m talking today with Greg, the transformation expert from Northampton, who is going to tell us his top three tips for fat loss. So Greg, tell us what is your number one top tip to lose body fat?

Greg:   Number one would be prepping food; it’s important to have your food prepped. Just cook 3 or 4 days in one go; this means that after you’ve had a long day or something and you’re tempted to reach for something bad that would be easy and quick to eat, as opposed to cooking something healthy, it’s already there.

So all you need to do is pick it up, warm it up and eat it. As well as that, you’ll also save a lot of time from cooking and washing up, just by doing it all in one go.

Josh:  Easy peasy! So, when do you typically do your batch cooking?

Greg:   I do it in two points in a week; so one on a Sunday afternoon, of which I’ll cook 4 days of food, I’m not going to leave food in the fridge for 7 days.

So I cook 4 days on a Sunday when I have plenty of time, and then I’ll do my second one which will cover Friday, Saturday and Sunday, on probably a Thursday night.

Josh:  Ok, so tell us what’s in your lunch box today?

Greg:   For breakfast, I just had some mixed nuts and a protein shake; I’ve just eaten a chicken salad, I had an egg in there and various different vegetables.

A bit later on after I’ve trained, I’ve got quinoa, veg and some more chicken and then tonight I have a fillet of salmon with some green veg.

Josh:   Awesome; so despite the fact that you’ve cooked a lot of meals at once, you’ve managed to include some variety in there. So that’s really good. So, what would be your second tip?

Greg:   My second tip would be training hard; two reasons – training hard and training heavy; so you want to burn as many calories as you can during the training; and training heavy, you want to be producing the most muscle tone you can, so that will help you burn more fat in the long run.

Josh:   So pushing yourself hard on every session?

Greg:   Yes.

Josh:  What would you say pushing yourself hard in the session means?

Greg:  For example, picking a weight in which by the end of the set you are almost going to fail, or if you do fail and you have to drop down that’s fine as well; you don’t have to finish every set comfortably on the same weight every week or every session.

So just trying to push it up, test yourself and try and increase your strength.

Josh:  So it’s ok to choose a heavier weight, even if by the end of the set you have to drop down and can’t do it any more.

Greg:  One hundred per cent, yes.

Josh:   Awesome; and your final tip for fat loss please, Greg?

Greg:   The final tip is sleeping well. So as well as just sleeping well to enhance your recovery so you feel fresh when you wake up.

If you are tired during the next day you’re more likely going to not want to train or you’re going to want to eat bad things because you’re not feeling too good; so getting enough sleep is important to keep all those good habits going.

Josh:  And what do you do to make sure that your sleep is good every night?

Greg:   I will go to sleep at roughly the same time every night and I make sure it’s a couple of hours before midnight; the more hours you get before midnight, the better.

So having regular times I go to sleep and wake up, and also taking magnesium helps too. I thought I slept well before I started taking magnesium; I started taking magnesium and now I sleep well.

Josh:  Awesome. So, I hope everyone learned something that was listening to this; that was Greg’s top three tips for fat loss. Thank you very much for listening; bye.