The DVCC Blog

This Workout Forms Part of Our “No Christmas Weight Gain Solution

Written by Stephen Gray | 19/12/13 11:00


A great workout to do if you’re planning on going out or eating bad meals that day or even Christmas.

Follow this routine at home, or the gym when you are going to be going out and being merry!

This workout is designed to increase your metabolism and curb the damage you are about to be inflicting!




Stephen: Hi! This is Stephen and Mark from the DVCC. I wanted to go through the first body weight workout for the no Christmas weight gain solution.

So I’m going to get Mark to do the exercises. So just a reminder, to start off, we’re going to do body weight squats. I’m going to do 20 repetitions. So Mark is going to go down, up and down. So just when you get comfortable, you’re then going to speed up. So he’s going to go faster and faster and he’s going to do that 20 repetitions. He’s then going to go straight down onto his front. I’m not going to make him do 20 reps just to show you.

So he’s going to go into a press up position. So you need to be on your knees and he will do a press up, up and down. Mark go slowly because he’s got a bad shoulder, but you’ll do this fast. You can actually go into a full press ups as well if you find that.

So what you want to do is start with the full press up if you can. Do your repetitions until you can’t do anymore and then go onto your knees and do 20 repetitions. He’s then going to stand straight up. So these exercises are done back-to-back. He’s going to go into lunging, so he’s going to forward lunge. He’s going to step forward down and then drive back. And then to the other legs, so you’re going to do alternating legs. You’ll also going to do 40 repetitions, so that’s 20 on each leg and you’re going to do it quite fast.

He’s then going to finish off the round of exercises with some bent-over row. So you’re going to go into a bent-over row position and he’s going to row up and down. If you want to grab some bean things or something to hold onto to make it a little bit harder, you can do and you’re going to do that nice and fast, up and down. If you find this too easy, you can go into what’s called reverse fly, so he’s going to lift out the side just without any weight, up and down. Again, he’s got a bad shoulder, so he won’t be able to go too fast. He’s going to go up and down for 20 repetitions.

You’re then going to rest up, stand for 90 seconds and you’re going to around those rotations of exercises five times. Now, the key is that you work really, really hard and fast. Everything is done as fast in a controlled manner as you can and you’re going to go from exercise to exercise without rest. You’ll then going to take 90 seconds and then do that five times.

And you’ll find that this workout is really, really tough when done correctly. It’s a great workout to do if you’re planning on going out or eating bad meals that day or even Christmas Day, it will be a good workout to start the day off. And you’ll feel great but it will also mean that you don’t actually have as much chance of storing fat from any bad foods or any alcohol that you do have.