The DVCC Blog

The Key Characteristics You Need To Have To Lose Weight

Written by Mark Gray | 10/11/13 19:00


Highlights of the Podcast:

01:01 – The characteristics you need to have for a successful physical transformation

02:34 – Compliment other people

03:01 – People who hold a grudge don’t make good transformations

04:52 – A lot of people begrudge other people’s success in life

05:28 – The scarcity mindset

06:13 – By putting out positive, you’ll get it back as well

08:33 – Read or listen to something positive every day

10:30 – Look for the positives in life

11:14 – Successful physical transformers learn from mistakes

11:20 – Unsuccessful physical transformers think they know it all

12:32 – You should be willing to learn from others and try new things

13:14 – Remember where you came from

15:50 – Focus on what you’ve achieved and what progress you’ve made

16:10 – Check out at the graphic at and share it

17:14 – How to book an appointment at the DVCC centres



Mark:  Hello and welcome to another new episode of the podcast. I’m Mark Gray and with me is Stephen.

Stephen:  Hello!

Mark:  And we are – well, hopefully, you can tell we’re using a new microphone today to get you better quality. So hopefully, you’ll be able to hear our tones and our words better.

Stephen:  I just did some singing on it, actually. We did. We renditioned “Yesterday.”

Mark:  By The Beatles.

Stephen:  By The Beatles. It was emotional.

Mark:  Emotional.

Stephen:  Emotional.

Mark:  So today, we’re going to be talking about what, Stephen?

Stephen:  Well, kind of a follow-up to a podcast we did previously, which was about a graphic that I made called “The Successful Physical Transformation Indicator.” Basically, what we’ve found people that make these successful physical transformations all have in common and the opposite to that. So what people that don’t necessarily make a successful physical transformation, what the kind of – what’s the word I’m looking for?

Mark:  Negative sides?

Stephen:  Well, what are the characteristics that they have.

Mark:  Right. Okay.

Stephen:  So what I thought we’d do is we’d choose maybe a couple each that we’d just talk through our favorites, looking at the graphic. We’ve got the graphic in front of us, so we’re going to go through. So Mark, could you start us off?

Mark:  Also, this graphic will be on where this podcast is, and you can see the whole transcription of things. Everything we said is written down. But also, you can see the graphic there as well. So if you want to reference it, check it out on

Stephen:  And this is just for – because a lot of people think, “Oh, to make a physical transformation and lose body fat, lose weight, all you have to do is eat better and exercise,” but it’s really not that simple. And I actually saw this, this was inspired from a graphic that was made for people that want to actually just be successful overall, and it was what inspired me to realize that a lot of those characteristics, that a lot of different ones are actually true for people that actually do make successful physical transformations. So which one have you chosen, Mark?

Mark:  I’m going to go for compliment others. This is something people do who make great transformations and great successful physical transformations, is they compliment others. So, basically, it’s kind of going along the whole positive and negative thing, is if you compliment others, you’re looking for the good in someone. You’re reinforcing what they’ve done well, and that will actually help you. Now the negative on that is that they hold a grudge. So for people that don’t make good transformations, the other side of that is they hold a grudge.

I don’t know, you probably know people that are either negative or positive as their natural characteristics and I think you’ll pretty much agree that if someone’s positive, you tend to want to join them, you want to hang around them. But if they’re negative, you tend to kind of shy away from them or push away from them because it’s not a nice atmosphere to be around.

Stephen:  I think it’s kind of there are two sides to the coin, isn’t it? There are some people that want to progress by other people coming down, effectively. So they want to get to the top by climbing on top of others.

Mark:  Yeah. Actually, they want to be at the top by others dropping down.

Stephen:  Right. Yeah.

Mark:  Whereas others actually want to progress themselves and they don’t actually begrudge anyone else progressing as well. Exactly now, probably a supercharged version of complimenting others is helping others around you. So, to get to the top, it is by bringing everyone around you up. So, to the top of your own physical transformation is by helping others achieve theirs.

Stephen:  That’s actually one of the things, isn’t it? Some people I think feel that if someone else – it’s a funny little thing, but if someone else is not losing weight, then they’re losing weight effectively. So they’re more worried about others not losing weight than themselves losing weight, if you know what I mean?

Mark:  Yeah.

Stephen:  So that then if they’re the same, at least the other people are the same as well. So a lot of people kind of look at things from a negative point of view rather than actually looking to try and progress themselves. And therefore, don’t mind when other people actually improve and progress. And that’s true of anything in life, isn’t it really? It doesn’t just have to be with weight loss. It can be anything. So, a lot of people begrudge other people’s success in life and things like that, and that’s obviously the negative way of looking at things as opposed to actually focusing on yourself, trying to do what you can for yourself, and then being positive around others, not begrudging others, realizing that when someone else loses weight, it doesn’t take anything away from you.

Mark:  Yeah.

Stephen:  It doesn’t stop and I think that’s the same.

Mark:  Yeah. It’s not like there’s this finite amount of weight in the world that you can lose.

Stephen:  To lose, yeah.

Mark:  The same thing that they say in business on money and whatever, there’s not a finite amount of money in the world so you don’t have to begrudge people that have done well. There’s not a finite amount of weight in the world that you’d begrudge people that have lost weight.

Stephen:  Well, that’s the typical, isn’t it, scarcity mindset. So like we say, where people feel like if someone else loses weight, then that kind of somehow takes away from them. It means that they’re less likely to lose weight and that’s the scarcity mindset. So they’re looking for other people to not actually do well rather than actually just working on themselves and doing well themselves.

Mark:  And also, if you think of it like this, if you’re complimenting others, you’ll learn from them as well. So if someone’s lost weight, “Oh great! Oh, well done! You’ve lost a really great amount of weight. Excellent work!” When you get in conversation, you’ll learn from them, and then they’ll probably learn from you and it’s far more productive for you by complimenting others. It’s a strange one, but it does. By putting out positive, you’ll get it back as well. So you’ve got to think about this. Always think about looking for what someone’s done well and being either proud or happy for them, and then that’s going to help yourself.

Stephen:  Realizing that it doesn’t take anything away from you.

Mark:  It’s only going to enhance what you’re doing.

Stephen:  And actually, this follows on to actually one of the ones I was going to talk about, which was well, the actual, the people that make the unsuccessful or don’t actually make physical transformation. The ones that drop off, don’t actually follow through and actually carry out and really hit where they aim for physically is joining in with other’s negative discussions. And that’s along that scarcity mindset thing where it’s – and actually, they do all these different experiments, don’t they? Our brains are programmed to look for negativity. So that’s why in the news we’re programmed to look for scarcity for danger. I think it’s part of your brain, but basically, it’s a survival instinct from thousands and thousands of years where we’re actually programmed to look for danger, and that’s actually in real world modern times is looking for negativity.

Mark:  Now, I think if you look on Facebook now, on your Facebook, on anyone’s Facebook, if you look, if I look at someone’s positive status and see how many comments and things they get and then look at someone else’s when someone – I love this comment, and both guys and girls both do it, is “Oh, I’m so angry right now, and then they just put that, right? And then what happens is people comment, “Oh, I hope you’re okay. I hope everything’s okay.” And then, the next one is “I’ll inbox you.” That’s my kind of pet hate, is that they’ve just put it out there. It’s a negative status. It’s not helping themselves, it’s not helping anyone, but people react to it. And we’ll all say, “Okay, we’re just being supportive” or whatever, but like Stephen says, it is unfortunately a natural thing where people are looking for the negative because unfortunately, sometimes it makes them feel better because someone else is going through a harder time.

Stephen:  Well, that’s actually that scarcity mindset where people are looking to feel better themselves by knowing that there are others around them who have it worse.

Mark:  Exactly.

Stephen:  Which is not the positive way to look to life anyway. And so, the successful physical transformers, what they do is they read or listen to something positive every day. So, whatever form it comes into. It could be watching something positive. But basically, what they’re looking to do is to put positivity into their heads because it’s a real mindset shift, but when you’re feeling positive, everything else becomes easier. So when we’re talking of transformations physically, eating the right thing, exercising, everything becomes easier. When you have a scarcity or negative mindset, everything else is just harder. And that’s a fact. There is no denying when you’re in a positive mindset, life is easier, everything is better.

Mark:  You make better choices. Yeah, it’s like a positive reinforcement. A circle in terms of you make the right choices, you get better reactions. It’s like when people are called lucky, often, people go, “Oh, he’s so lucky! He always does this or he does this.” But if you look at it, and they’ve done studies on this, all that happens is the person has made the right choices, and continually their confidence is high, and then the choices they make, without realizing it, put them into those positions to be able to – it’s like the national lottery. People that win the lottery, what have they done? They bought the ticket. But a lot of people complain, “Oh, I thought we’d win the lottery.” “Are you playing the lottery?” “Oh, no.” “Okay. You’re kind of never going to win it if you don’t buy a ticket.” It’s that kind of mindset, you know?

Stephen:  Yeah. I mean, a lot of these success tips actually leads into the others. So, for example, Mark was talking about complimenting others. We’ve always spoken about exuding joy. I would pretty much guarantee, if you’re looking for the negatives in life, you don’t exude joy. So, a lot of these, like I said, they lead into each other. So if you’re looking for the positives in every day, I guarantee you’re far more likely to be exuding joy than you are if you’re looking for the negatives.

And the thing being, to start with, you’ll probably have to work at it. And we always talk about doing the wins for your day, but that really truly does make you start looking at your day differently so that you actually train yourself to look for the positives, look for the progress, look for the wins, look for the positivities in your day rather than being trained, which we’re actually probably more likely – I’d say we’re more likely to be trained. I mean, it comes from our upbringing, it comes from the surrounding environment and things, but I would say on the whole, we’re probably more trained to look for the negatives than we are for the positives so you have to constantly be training yourself to look for the positives. Do you agree?

Mark:  And you have a lot happier life, a lot happier day when you’re looking for positives.

Stephen:  Yeah.

Mark:  My next one is successful physical transformers learn from mistakes. Unsuccessful physical transformers think they know it all. Now, this is kind of my bugbear a little bit, but I’m going to take it as a positive. Obviously, we’ve done loads and loads of courses, we’re constantly learning about fat loss and weight loss, but I never push it on people.

Stephen:  But we don’t know it all.

Mark:  Exactly. We never know it all. And obviously, that’s why we’re always learning. But there are always people, not our clients, but people I’ve met, and family members even, that basically know it all. They know everything about fat loss, weight loss and they want to tell me exactly what it is and they won’t accept another viewpoint. And the thing is, their viewpoint is not done from knowledge or experience.

Stephen:  Or learning.

Mark:  I don’t know where it’s from most of the time. It’s just what they picked up. They’re so vociferous in what they’re saying. I don’t think confidence is the right word, but maybe it’s an arrogance that they think they know it all.

Stephen:  Overbearing?

Mark:  Very overbearing about it and trying to tell you and won’t accept any other opinion really. And even if it’s something that they’re not an expert in in terms of they spent hundreds of hours learning about it. But that’s the difference between someone who’s going to make a great transformation and someone who won’t, is that someone who is going to make the great transformation is willing to learn from others and try things, put them in place, as opposed to thinking they know everything about it. It’s the same old – and we’ve mentioned this a few times in different podcasts and videos – but do what you’ve always done and get what you’ve always got. And oftentimes, these people that are telling you what you should be doing aren’t achieving what they are telling you. So, be it weight loss or whatever it is, they’re not getting the results that they’re talking about, but they’re telling you how to do it and it doesn’t kind of make sense that way. They’re not willing to learn from others. They’re just telling.

Stephen:  Right. Yeah. Fair point. I’m going to go with what – and this is actually, with our transformation centres, this is something we’re having to work on with all clients, and this is something we’re having to work on with ourselves, but that’s remembering where you came from.

Mark:  The “Gap.”

Stephen:  So the Gap, which is classic, particularly for weight loss. So I met with a lady doing really, really well. She lost 18 pounds of fat in not very long, maybe a couple of months. But, having never exercised before and is now saying she loves exercise. She misses it when she can’t do it and it’s made a really big change, she admitted. But actually, and it was noticeable this last when I met with her, because very early on, she was focusing on what she hadn’t yet done or about not having lost that much, blah, blah, blah, my stomach is not flat, blah, blah, and I was having to explain about look at where you’ve come from. And now, every single week, she’s telling me more about where she’s come from. And that’s Nicole. I’m going to say her name actually.

Mark:  We’ll tag her in.

Stephen:  But she literally is so much better at knowing where she’s come from and remembering it. And we just did a video, didn’t we, with Michelle who’s lost almost four stone in just under a year. A massive amount of weight. But she’s very good actually at remembering exactly where she came from. She said like using her children, for example, because her daughter said, “Oh…”

Mark:  They’re constantly reminding her, aren’t they?

Stephen:  And that’s brilliant, that’s really great because it does help when you have someone else to remind you about what progress you’ve actually made. And it’s our birthday this week and I think birthdays are…

Mark:  The 21st, right?

Stephen:  The 21st, again.

Mark:  Our 21st birthday.

Stephen:  Yeah. Our 21st birthday again. But it’s very easy I think when you come to a milestone, but it’s not a milestone birthday, FYI. It’s just a small little birthday. But, it’s very easy for you to think about – everyone has an ideal, I think, of what they’ve achieved, what they’ve done by a certain age. And often, those ideals, I don’t know where we pull them from, but it’s very easy, I think, to actually focus on what you, “Oh, I thought I’d be…” I thought I’d be taller by this age. That’s one thing.

Mark:  [Laughs]

Stephen:  I definitely do think I’d be taller.

Mark:  I know. We stopped growing at age 12 or something.

Stephen:  [Laughs]

Mark:  That’s a bit depressing. But look for the positives.

Stephen:  What’s the positive in that?

Mark:  I don’t know!

Stephen:  We haven’t got that much gray hair, actually. I did think I would have more gray hair by this age.

Mark:  Exactly. Positive. And they’re doing new shoes now that have kind of heel lifts, I think, but you don’t really know it. So, I reckon I’m a 6 footer on a night out.

Stephen:  Really?

Mark:  Yeah.

Stephen:  Those are some big old heels!

Mark:  [Laughs]

Stephen:  [Laughs] But no, it is true. Like it does take constant work to be focusing on what you have achieved and what progress you’ve made, but it is possible. And there’s going to be times where you kind of let it slip, but it’s the speed with which you get out of the gap situations that makes the difference. It’s not that you will never get into it. It’s just you get out of it within seconds.

Mark:  Exactly. Now, we’re going to keep this relatively short because we’ve done a podcast on this before, but I really want you, if you haven’t seen this graphic, make sure you have a look at it. Go to

Stephen:  It’s actually funny, I was talking about Michelle. She had lost an enormous amount of weight, and like I said, she’s been doing really well keeping focused. She actually has this graphic as her phone screensaver.

Mark:  Yeah, exactly, and that’s perfect. But like Stephen says, so go along and check it out and download it. Share it with your friends because it’s a great one to share with friends because it will help them subtly. It’s not like you’re sending a diet to someone. You’re just basically sharing a good info graphic, what it’s called, that will help them. Also, comment now. And if you can comment on iTunes, that would be perfect because that helps, apparently. We want to share this with as many people as possible to help as many people as possible, and if you comment on iTunes, it will get your friends checking it out as well. But, also comment on Facebook and Twitter or Pinterest, wherever else you go on to.

But, also, another side note is people keep asking us, “How do I get a hold of you? How do we come in to meet you guys or for a consultation and come to one of your centres?” All you need to do, if you’re on, you look on the right. There’s a “Lose My Weight” button. You click on that and that will take you through – you can choose which centre you want to go towards, Milton Keynes or Bedford, and maybe more in the future. Just click on that, and then you’ll be able to book in for an appointment. Just come and have a look around with one of us, one of our transformation experts, and we’ll hopefully be able to meet you and help you as well and you can become like Michelle. That four stone in a year, which is amazing!

So, once again, this is Mark and Stephen from! Bye-bye!

Stephen:  Bye-bye.