The DVCC Blog

THE Fundamental Principle of Weight Management

Written by Stephen Gray | 17/01/23 16:17


Understand the fundamental principles of weight management.

We know navigating nutrition for a healthy lifestyle can be difficult, so today we're breaking down THE fundamental principle of weight management. From this day forward you can begin taking the guesswork out of your weight management and start gaining long-term and sustainable results.

The fundamental principle when it comes to managing and maintaining your weight is calories in vs calories out (CICO). Despite all those fad diets, quick fixes and complex eating habits promising amazing results, they are all just different routes to this very principle! Simple right?

If you understand how many calories your body needs to maintain its weight it becomes MUCH easier to begin changing your weight as desired. You can find your average calories needs online. Find a ‘BMR Calculator’ and put in your details such as height, weight, age etc. We like this one -

You’ll see a number – it will probably look low. This is roughly how many calories you would burn in a day if you did NOTHING. If you’re using the calculator linked above you’ll see a multiplier for your activity level below your result. This is your average daily expenditure; you need to consume this number of calories to MAINTAIN your current weight.

The next step is gaining control on what you put in. The best part is you don’t even need to jump straight into daily calorie counting on an app as you might expect! In fact, our Nutrition Programme rarely uses this as a tool and still helps clients lose an average of 1 - 2 stone in the first 12 weeks!

Try keeping note on your calorie intake on an average day. Then compare this to your daily expenditure. This will give you an idea of whether your nutrition is helping or hindering your progress towards your goal.



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