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The BEST foods for helping muscle soreness!

Written by Mark Gray | 31/07/19 09:18

The day after a workout is tough. If you are suffering from Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS), then you will know that even walking up stairs or lifting a cup of tea can be a bit more of a struggle than usual.

DOMS is that stiffness and pain that you might be feeling 24 and 48 hours after doing high-intensity physical exercise that your body isn't accustomed to. They are uncomfortable, painful and can completely throw your day out of sync…

…But what can you do to help reduce the feeling of DOMS? One of the most effective methods of reducing the feeling of DOMS is actually to look into your nutrition! Certain foods are great at helping reduce the muscle soreness and helping your body recover faster.

Drink plenty of water

Simple and effective.

Water is critical for the body to regulate its temperature, not to mention heart and muscle function. There is evidence that suggests that becoming dehydrated can affect the testosterone to cortisol ratio in your body, which can prolong your recovery time after training. This is because cortisol (your stress hormone) is a catabolic hormone and breaks muscle down.

By staying hydrated you will not only be keeping this unwanted ratio in check, but also helping reduce any soreness.

Eat a variety of natural fats 

Fats are a FANTASTIC addition to your nutrition. Beneficial fats can be found in a number of foods such as: Nuts, avocados, coconut oils. The reason fats are such a good addition to your nutrition is because they help your body produce hormones. As explained above, these hormones are the best way to help keep your body's hormone ratios in balance and reduce muscle soreness!

For example, brazil nuts can be used to raise testosterone levels and they also contain magnesium, zinc and selenium which are essential for keeping hormones at the right levels within the body!


Eggs are great for all kinds of things. They are a complete protein source and also contain Leucine, an amino acid that is involved in the muscle building process. This protein and leucine helps assist in your muscles recovery time as it helps form new muscle and fixes any slight muscle tearing from exercising.

Eggs have also been found to reduce inflammation within the body because they contain antioxidants.

Some people have given eggs a bad reputation for having a high amount of cholesterol. But they aren't the deciding factor in having high cholesterol or developing heart disease (that is down to high trans-fat, refined foods and unhealthy habits!). Contrary to common knowledge, has also actually been no scientific research to prove that cholesterol is a risk marker for heart disease. So don't worry about eating whole eggs!

Eat green vegetables.

You literally can't eat enough green vegetables!

Vegetables are fantastic for helping reduce muscle soreness as they alkalise the body, help to detoxify, reduce inflammation and help improve metabolic processes. Green vegetables can lower your cortisol  levels after training which will help you to reduce body fat and stay healthy.

You can eat green vegetables anytime as they are low-glycemic carbohydrates. Being low-glycemic means that they have a low effect on blood sugar not effecting insulin in an undesirable way. When you eat vegetables you will not suffer an energy crash!

Stick to a few of these tips and you'll find that your DOMS are gone before you know it!