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Super good work from Rob, Claire & DVCC MK!

Written by Stephen Gray | 16/10/13 13:00

Video highlights:

  • Claire and Rob, a married couple, have lost 20 and 8 pounds respectively in 2 months with DVCC MK
  • They both now feel happier, healthier, more energetic and have a more positive outlook towards life
  • Claire had an injury and Rob was concerned about his knees prior to joining DVCC MK
  • Working out as a couple is fun and you support and motivate each other to achieve your goals



Rob:  I’m Rob.

Interviewer:  Hi Claire! Hi Rob! How are you today?

Claire:  We’re fine. Thanks very much. We had a class session.

Interviewer:  A good session?

Claire:  Yeah. Very good, actually.

Interviewer:  Good. Smiles on your faces so that’s perfect.

Claire:  Yeah.

Interviewer:  How long have you been with us at DVCC MK?

Claire:  Well, I came here first. I came here in the beginning of July of 2013.

Rob:  And then bullied me into it probably a few weeks later.

Interviewer:  But worthwhile, Rob, yeah?

Rob:  Oh yes. I’ve enjoyed every minute, haven’t I?

Interviewer:  [Laughs]

Claire:  Yeah, he came along kicking and screaming.

Interviewer:  Good. Okay. So, in terms of results, talk to me about your results. How much fat have you lost since being here?

Claire:  Well, I’ve lost 20 pounds, which I’m well pleased about [Laughs].

Interviewer:  Good for you, Claire. Well done! Congratulations!

Rob:  I’ve lost 8.

Interviewer:  Good, Rob.

Rob:  Yeah. Which is probably the most I’ve lost for a while.

Interviewer:  Well done.

Claire:  You didn’t have much to lose at all.

Rob:  [Laughs]

Interviewer:  And how do you feel now compared to when you first came? So when you first came through the doors here at DVCC MK to now sitting here for your video testimonial, how do you feel?

Claire:  Yeah. Pretty good, actually. Completely different from when I first came through the door. I was so negative and down. But now, I’m feeling very positive. I’m looking forward to the future.

Rob:  I was going to the gym on a semi-regular basis anyway by going two to three times a week and I’m playing some football, but I wasn’t really doing the right things. I don’t think I was particularly focused in the right areas. I bought a pair of trousers before I went on holiday just before I started and they don’t fit me. So awesome. Yeah. It’s been quite a change. But the biggest change for me has not been the weight I’ve lost, but being aware I’ve changed. I just feel healthier, I’ve got more energy. It makes a difference when I’m playing football. So yeah, it’s all good.

Interviewer:  Have you tried rugby yet?

Claire:  No.

Rob:  Not a chance.

Interviewer:  [Laughs]

Claire:  That’s our son.

Rob:  My son plays rugby and I think I’m not so strong.

Claire:  [Laughs]

Interviewer:  So kind of a – I mean, we’ve outlined already, but what were you kind of worried about before joining and how has the experience differed to what you expected?

Claire:  Well, I used to go to the gym regularly, but then I got an injury and it put me off going because I thought it hurts to be back. So when I came here, I thought I’m not sure I’m be able to cope with this, but you guys have got me fitter and helped my injury repair itself. You can see what I mean.

Interviewer:  Yeah.

Claire:  So I’m not feeling the problems that I had before.

Interviewer:  Fantastic.

Claire:  So I’m well happy.

Rob:  I think one of my problems, I do worry about my knees. Claire talked to give me all the horror stories when she was going to the gym about squats and things like that and that I didn’t think I’d necessarily be able to get along with that. The former wasn’t something I could possibly do. So that was a bit strange for me. But I came along once as a tester, and yeah, I really enjoyed it and yeah, I’m quite happy with it. Any concerns I had about it not being right for me – and it was different to anything I tried before – or the concern I had about my knees, the exercises have been tailored appropriately to make sure that they’re working around any weaknesses that I have and my knees are better than they have ever been, frankly.

Interviewer:  Fantastic. That’s great news.

Rob:  Yeah.

Interviewer:  Good. So just leading on from that then, lastly, what advice would you give to someone who’s looking to get a bit of a transformation in their life?

Claire:  Well, I’d say come along and give it a go because you don’t know until you actually try what you can actually achieve and where you’ll end up. And also, be prepared to have a good laugh because that’s part of the whole experience.

Rob:  Yeah, I got to agree to that. I’ve really enjoyed that side of it, the laughing and jokes. I think doing it together is really good. If you can both commit at the same time, it makes it so much easier in terms of your day, in terms of finding the time. And also, when motivation on one side is maybe failing a little bit, having your partner kind of going, “Go on!” you keep at it because you kind of ebb and flow at different times and I think that helps enormously. So if it’s possible. It’s not always. But if you can, then do it as a couple.

Interviewer:  You certainly have a lot of fun, you two, don’t you?

Claire:  Yeah. And you can’t bribe each other.

Interviewer:  [Laughs] Right.

Claire:  [Laughs]

Interviewer:  All right, Claire and Rob. Thanks very much for your time and we’ll see you tomorrow.

Claire:  Yeah. We’ll be there.

Rob:  All right.

Interviewer:  Cheers!

Claire:  Thank you!