The DVCC Blog

Sonya Blake talks about her transformation with Milton Keynes Personal Training

Written by Mark Gray | 25/02/14 05:00


Sonya has achieved great results training at DVCC Milton Keynes,

and shares her inspiration and emotional story in this 4 minute video.

Learn how she has literally transformed her life and exceeded even her expectations.



Sonya: I’m Sonya Blake. I was 55 last week and I’m okay about it. I’ve been coming to the DoubleVision Conditioning Centre for around 10 weeks. My goals when I joined was to lose a stone before Christmas which I already have done after 8 weeks. This is not a gym. It’s not a diet. For me now, it’s become a way of life. I’ve remarried in the last few years and my weight has never been an issue, not with my husband at all, but with me, it became an issue and I never realized just how much it had crept up. The spark for me losing weight was seeing a photograph of myself at my stepson’s wedding and it wasn’t nice.

My husband and I would go to a gym. We do 50 minutes exercises on different things and we’d compare how many calories we’d burn all for sit on the exercise bikes and talk and chat and then we decided I need – well, I decided that I needed to do something before I got to the stage that it was going to be major hard work to lose weight.


Before I joined, I was really blown of not coming to  the DoubleVision Conditioning Centre because I didn’t want to come in and be ignored which I have been in the past 10 gyms all being the fattest, the oldest but I was never ever made to feel like that. That first session was hard. It was physically hard. It was mentally hard but I came back, been coming back another bit. I may not be the best at the exercises. I may not be the fastest at the exercises but I do the exercise at my own level without compare. We’re all different. We all have different strengths and capabilities and nobody judges, but we all cheer each other on, we’re all supportive and it’s got – it’s lovely talking to somebody shouting your name when you’re struggling.

I really enjoy helping to motivate another people when they’re struggling to do things as well. As part of my transformation program at the DoubleVision Conditioning Centre, we have nutrition classes weekly. I’ve learnt so much about what certain foods do to my body that I’ve cut them out and that’s helped me lose weight. I haven’t changed my diet. I’ve totally changed the way I eat now.

I lead a really busy life and I don’t have a lot of time for socializing and getting out and about, so it’s really good that I can have training and friends combined. We share recipes. We share advice with each other. By having the online group as well, we can all encourage each other. It’s a really good recognition, great time to help each other and recognize your progress and other people’s progress as well.

The response I’m getting from friends and family is amazing because I’ve always lost weight and put it back on, but this time, I’ve managed to maintain it. People at work were telling me that my skin look better, my hair look better. My nails have grown. My uniform is a size 2 big now and people are teasing me and telling me I need the smallest size.

If you’d have asked me six weeks ago if I would have been doing a five-cups take home run, I would just have love. But now, I’m actually going to sign up for it and I’m going to do it. No matter how long it takes me, I’ll complete it.

So over the years, all the exercises I’ve done and all the classes I’ve done and never achieved anything, I’ve actually achieved that in weeks by coming to DoubleVision Conditioning Centre. Oh, I was fat in 40. I was fat in 50 and I’m not being fat in 60, it’s the simplest.