The DVCC Blog

5 Reasons NOT To Slow Down After Retiring!

Written by Mark Gray | 14/10/19 14:02

After we retire, it becomes more and more common to hear people telling you to ‘slow down’ or to ‘take it easy’…But don’t fall for the peer pressure!

There is no need to slow down if you don’t want to!

Stop listening to society, stop listening to your children, get your trainers on and get moving.

If you’re feeling just as vibrant as you did when you were working, if you enjoy staying active and are tired of people telling you how to live your life, then tell them these fun fitness facts!

1. Exercise Improves Your Cholesterol!

You don’t have to work out every day to improve your cholesterol. But with as few as three good sessions a week, you can raise your high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol.

You might be asking if you should be lowering your cholesterol instead of raising it. Well, actually, no. Cholesterol isn’t the same as blood pressure; so you can improve it by raising your amount of "good" cholesterol through physical activity.

2. You Have A Booming Social Life!

Working out isn’t only the best way to stay fitter and stronger as you age. It’s also a great way of making friends, getting out and about and meeting new people!

Stay motivated in a group of like-minded people in the same position as you. That is why at The DVCC we pride ourselves on having no judgement, no competitions and a welcoming, supportive community of likeminded individuals at The DVCC.

3. You'll Live Longer!

OK, bit of a bold claim, but longevity of life has indeed been directly linked to muscle tone. So, in theory, the bigger muscles you have, the longer you’ll live.

You don’t have to become Arnold Schwarzenegger here, but as we age, we lose muscle tone at an alarming rate. That’s why it’s more important than ever to help stop that from happening (or even regain lost muscle tone). And there is no better way to do so than through regular exercise and resistance training!

4. It Improves Memory and Cognitive Function!

Yep. So you can throw away your Sudoku for now (unless you enjoy it). Exercise has been proven to make you fitter both physically and mentally.

Studies have shown that regular exercise can help prevent cognitive decline and even stop your brain from ageing by up to 10 years!

5. Exercise Gives You Independence!

Think about it. You don’t want to rely on your children driving you around from place to place. Why, when you can easily drive or walk yourself? The best way to stay independent for longer is by exercising regularly and keeping fit.

So enjoy your retirement by all means, but make sure you’re retired – not expired.