The DVCC Blog

Should you be avoiding gluten?

Written by Mark Gray | 24/06/19 10:03

Gluten has been given a pretty bad reputation over the past few years.

Being the latest foods to come under attack, many find themselves adopting a gluten free lifestyle in hopes of losing weight, feeling better and getting ‘healthier’… But how much truth is there behind this new craze?

What actually is gluten?

Gluten is a collective term that refers to many different types of proteins (prolamins) found in wheat barley and rye. Gluten is generally not physically dangerous to most people and is found in countless foods which you likely consume on a daily basis: Pastas, Breads, Grains, Beers etc.

That being said, gluten is definitely not for everyone. Certain medical conditions such as celiac disease, gluten sensitivities and IBS are all reasons why someone’s body may not be able to physically handle gluten.

There are numerous potential symptoms for a gluten intolerance, if you find that when you eat gluten containing foods and experience: Bloating, abdominal pain and diarrhoea, you may have a gluten sensitivity and should contact your doctor to get yourself tested.

Gluten and weight gain

A lot of people going the gluten free trend in hopes of losing weight. Whilst gluten containing foods like bread and cakes may cause weight gain, this is not because of the gluten, but because they are generally higher calorific foods.

A cake is still a cake regardless of whether or not it contains gluten. In some gluten free foods, the gluten is actually replaced with processed fats instead. Instead of focusing on whether or not something is gluten free, instead, try to substitute it for a lean protein, vegetable or beneficial fat!

Should I stop eating gluten?

Whilst there is no evidence that going gluten free will result in certified weight loss, one reason some people choose to go gluten free is because it provides a structure to eating healthier and adopting a healthy lifestyle. So long as you remember to incorporate a variety of fruits, vegetables and legumes to avoid vitamin deficiencies, you will be fine!

Overall, there is no real reason to cut out foods just because they contain gluten if you don’t want to. Unless you find yourself with a gluten sensitivity, then you can stay away from the ‘free from’ isles as much as you would like and stick to a healthy balanced diet instead.