The DVCC Blog

Should Be In The Best Shape Of Your Life Before 50?

Written by Mark Gray | 16/06/15 18:00

Josh:   Hi, this is Josh from the DVCC and I am sat here with DVCC royalty, Mr. Kevin Shurrock, who is bringing us his Top 3 Tips for how he has managed to *lose a staggering *60lbs of fat in about 3 years of training at the DVCC!

Kevin: Stop there! First of all he’s just accused me of being an old queen; secondly it’s 64lbs of body fat, and it’s in 2.5 years – but thank you for being so “on the case”, Josh!

Josh:   So, Kevin, what is your first tip for *losing body fat?

Kevin: The thing you should never forget is: always try the weird stuff – ok? So when they talk about fish oil working, yes it does; coconut oil – amazing, it works… and then it gets even weirder.

So if you start with Himalayan sea salt and lime juice, you will find it will kick start you again. And all three of those things kick started my weight *loss again – I know it’s unbelievable but I think it’s true – and I’m not being paid anything for this!

Josh: And… let’s go for your second tip then?

Kevin: Second tip is: always keep your diet under review. Even the smallest thing that you think is probably not causing you any problems, can be.

One thing that I tried was to stop eating bananas, which I really like bananas and I thought they were giving me stacks of energy; I stopped bananas, started *losing weight again.

So keep everything monitored all of the time; ignore nothing that goes in your mouth.

Josh: Now I know your nutrition has evolved considerably over the years that you’ve been here; so how did it first start before you were at DVCC?

Kevin: Before I started here, I was eating a lot of carbohydrates. I started to become gluten free, because I am gluten intolerant, but just substituted all the really nice carbohydrates with crap gluten free carbohydrates.

And actually when you just decide you’re not going to eat carbohydrates at all, in the form of cake and bread, it really works. So that’s where I started; it took a long time to take all of that out of my diet, it must have been a good 6-9 months.

Josh: And where did you refine it from there? So, over the 60lbs of fat *loss that you have… 64… it’s not been consistent fat *loss, there have been times when you have plateaued?

Kevin: Yes, for sure; and the big achievement for me was getting to 45lbs and I thought that was it, that was a good target and I didn’t really have any expectations beyond that.

But I just kept refining the diet and suddenly it kicked off again. And I always say, without even really trying, which is a bit bizarre. But it’s funny, the more you concentrate on your diet, for me, the more focused I became on the exercise.

Josh: So it’s almost like a snowball effect and, through focusing on one thing it actually improved other things that you weren’t expecting.

Kevin: Absolutely; it’s all to do with mindset as far as I’m concerned. And I suspect that most of the issues all of us have are psychological.

Josh: So what are some of the mindset things that you’ve actually changed; how has your mindset changed since you’ve been here?

Kevin: Anybody that’s trained with me or met me knows that I’m a bit disruptive really, and that used to translate quite a lot into my training sessions, and I think to some extent that was a diversion for me to be focused on working hard.

And I think the change has just been the increase in focus on what I eat and the way I train, so that now when I train I really put what I can, up to 100% into every session.

It doesn’t mean I’m any easier to be with, but it certainly has shown incredible results.

Josh: One thing I think, in my experience, has helped you, was actually the heart rate based training, because it’s almost a measurable way of you doing that.

Kevin: I love the heart rate training, because you can actually see how your body is working through the session, and what’s really good is, particularly Valeriya, because I’ve been doing heart rate training with her more than anybody else, she actually works me through that; I love it.

Josh: Good. And your third and final tip for *losing body fat?

Kevin: Just get the protein inside you; protein is really good for this. And I can cut down on protein and not *lose anything, and as soon as I up it again, the weight *loss gets better again. So, whatever it takes, keep taking the protein.

Josh: So explain to me how you eat a lot of protein during the day?

Kevin: Use the protein shakes, you can do really interesting stuff with protein shakes. Use coconut milk; lovely stuff, beautiful with the DVCC chocolate protein!

Eggs is good – I like eggs a lot; eggs are usually my lunch – and eat meat, meat’s great stuff. And you can do exciting stuff with it or just keep it simple.

But the more eat of protein, the easier your weight *loss is going to be.

Josh: Well, there you have it guys; they are Kevin Shurrock’s Top 3 Tips on how he’s managed to *lose over 60lbs of fat; that is a huge, huge total and I hope you’ve learned something insightful from this and can implement it with your fat *loss journey.

So this is Josh and Kevin from the DVCC; thank you very much for listening.