The DVCC Blog

Roxanne Used To Feel Nervous Before She Went On Holiday!

Written by Mark Gray | 08/08/15 05:00


Nathan:  Hi, I’m Nathan from the DVCC and today I’m here with Roxanne Price and I’m going to be speaking with Roxanne about her time at the DVCC. Roxanne, if you could just introduce yourself and explain how much weight you’ve *lost and the total time you’ve been with the DVCC.

Roxanne:  Hi, I’m Roxanne; I’ve been coming to the DVCC for 6 months now and I’ve *lost just shy of 2 *stone of fat.

Nathan:  Awesome results from you Rocky, well done! Can you recall what brought you to the DVCC in the first place?

Roxanne:  I just felt really unhappy with myself; I just felt really fat and horrible. And I saw a friend of mine had come to the DVCC and had done really, really well; so that’s what brought me here initially.

Nathan:  That inspired you, ok. What was the specific problem that you wanted to solve at the time you first came to see us?

Roxanne:  My weight, it was about losing fat for me. Although, saying that, it was about *losing weight – I hadn’t really thought about *losing fat and muscle before.

Nathan:  So that’s something that was quite new to you then. What was it about having excess weight that you didn’t want to have? Was it making you do anything, was it stopping you doing anything that you’re doing now, was it affecting your social life?

Roxanne:  I was a lot less confident; I wouldn’t say that there are many things that I wouldn’t have done before, but I would have just been less confident in doing them. And things like going on holiday and out with friends and stuff, I would have probably done it but just felt really bad about myself while I was there.

Nathan:  Did you find that you put weight on over a certain amount of time or was it quite a quick thing?

Roxanne:  Most of my life I have just put on weight; I am one of these people that thinks I can just look at food and I put on weight! So it has been quite gradual over my whole life, but then in the last year before I joined the DVCC, I probably gained about 2 stone.

Nathan:  Was there any specific reason for that, if you don’t mind me asking?

Roxanne:   I don’t know. Not that I can think of.

Nathan:   It was at that point that you decided that you wanted to change?

Roxanne:  Yes.

Nathan:  What were the main obstacles that had prevented you from solving that problem in the past?

Roxanne:  Willpower.

Nathan:  Talk to me a little bit about willpower.

Roxanne:   I’ve tried diets and things before and they work at first because they’re a novelty. But I think because you’re not doing any exercise or anything like that, it doesn’t encourage you to keep eating well. So I’d always fall off the wagon, my willpower was quite bad; but that’s changed a lot.

Nathan:  So you found that exercising and the metabolic damage solution, which isn’t really a diet but more a lifestyle change, you’ve found that’s helped you to have a more natural balance.

Roxanne:   Definitely. If I miss some training, then I tend to struggle more with keeping my eating good, and vice versa. If I have a weekend where I’m quite bad, it makes me feel lethargic and not want to come training; so it’s all a big circle.

Nathan:  I can understand that. So you’ve tried diets previously to try and solve the problem you had before you came to see us; what diets have you tried?

Roxanne:   Weight Watchers, Slimming World, just trying to eat healthy with no real plan as well sometimes, but nothing has really worked. I did *lose weight doing some of those things; on Slimming World I *lost 2 stone, but it went back on more quickly than it came off really.

Nathan:  So it was just something that you wanted to address for the long term rather than the short term.

Roxanne:  Yes.

Nathan:  Were you doing any exercise before you came to the DVCC?

Roxanne:  Not really; I did try to do a bit of running sometimes but I didn’t really enjoy it so it didn’t encourage me to keep doing it.

Nathan:  What made you want to run? Was it just the thought that running was just going to be a good way to…?

Roxanne:  Yes, I thought that I had to do cardio; I thought that was what you had to do to *lose weight. And, without going to the gym and stuff, running was the easiest thing to do. So that’s why I went to try running.

Nathan:   Had you ever considered joining a gym?

Roxanne:  I have joined gyms in the past, but I’m just terrible – I would pay for them and not use them so they were a massive waste of money!

Nathan:  What was the reason behind not using them; was it motivation and willpower or was there another reason behind it?

Roxanne:  Partly motivation and willpower. Other things were I didn’t really find I was achieving anything when I was there; generally I didn’t do the eating and exercising at the same time. So it was almost like I would come out of the gym and think now I can eat a chocolate bar because I’ve exercised!

Nathan:  So you need a bit more guidance and information.

Roxanne:  Yes. I didn’t know what I was doing in the gym either.

Nathan:  And did you ever ask for help in these places?

Roxanne:  I almost avoided it in a weird way. Most gyms, when I’ve joined, they have done like an induction type of thing, and made me run on the treadmill for ten minutes while they stand there glaring at you. And that makes you feel even worse about yourself because you’re unfit so you’re getting out of breath and that kind of thing, and nervous. So I avoided asking for help.

Nathan:  That’s a big change, from going to a gym and avoiding asking for help to coming to the DVCC and actively asking for help; that’s a big mindset change. Can you remember anything that clicked; was it seeing the picture of Lucy?

Roxanne:  Yes, because that was someone I knew; I knew it wasn’t just one of those things that you see on TV and stuff like that, it’s worked for so-and-so and it feels all a bit cliché. Whereas this was someone I knew; she was a real person, I knew her and it was obvious how well she’d done, so that’s what clicked for me.

Nathan:  Awesome. How has your *life changed since starting the Real You transformation process?

Roxanne:   Massively. I’m just so much more confident, I went on holiday with friends recently and rather than sitting there and thinking I wish I had done something, this time I was sitting there and thinking I did do something. I was 2 *stone lighter than when I booked the holiday!

Nathan:  That’s an awesome result, well done. And I suppose that just made you feel 100 times better on holiday.

Roxanne:  Yes, definitely. And I was happy to put pictures up on Facebook, whereas before I would have avoided the camera!

Nathan:   Which is awesome, that’s a real good thing that you’ve done there.

So what convinced you that the Real You transformation process would be any different to something that you’d tried before? Was it the nutrition and the exercise together?

Roxanne:  Yes, it was putting the two together and everything made sense as well. So here you’ve explained to me why we should reduce our sugar intake and what sugar does to our body. So because I understand it, then it makes sense, why it works. And then you see it does work.

Nathan:  Ok, so it’s the full process; it was more of an overall kind of process that you were looking for rather than a quick fix. You realised that it was something lifelong that you wanted to change.

Roxanne:  And I see this as doing it the right way, the exercise and the nutrition, rather than one of these fad diets.

Nathan:  That’s 100% the right way to do something about it. And could you give me an example of something which has happened after your transformation that you wouldn’t have thought possible before starting at the DVCC?

Roxanne:  For me, one of the biggest things was doing the mud run that we did a little while ago. Just being able to pull myself up on obstacles was crazy. You’re faced with this giant wall and you’re looking at it, thinking I’ll never be able to get up that – and then you can! I never would have been able to do that before.

Nathan:  And then you did a colour run as well, didn’t you?

Roxanne:  Yes, I did a colour run and then I can’t do the next run that we’re doing at the DVCC so I’m trying to get my friends to do another one with me!

Nathan:  So you’ve got the urge to go and do the mud run now.

Roxanne:   Yes, I’ve got the bug now!

Nathan:  Rocky, it’s been an absolute pleasure speaking to you today, thank you very much for taking the time to speak to me.

And if you’ve been listening to this spotlight interview and you want to find out more about how the DVCC can help you make a *life changing transformation like Roxanne has, please book an appointment for a DVCC Right Fit phone call at

Rocky, thank you again and have a great day.