The DVCC Blog

Plant Based Protein: How to 'create' a protein!

Written by Stephen Gray | 28/09/20 13:31

Here’s a question we are continuing to get more and more from our clients and is something that we are more than happy to help with!

Vegetarians and meat eaters are often put at odds for a number of different reasons and one of the most common qualms that we hear is…

“As a vegetarian/vegan, where can I get my proteins?”

The answer…it’s simple! You just need to get creative!


First, let’s cover a bit of background. It is a complete myth that you can only get protein from meats such as chicken, fish, beef etc…Are they one of the easiest methods of getting an adequate amount of protein into your diet? Realistically yes, but are they the ONLY way? Heck no!

There are plenty of plant based protein sources out there, you just need to think outside of the box!

The easiest way to get a plant based protein is actually to MIX foods to ‘create’ a full protein. Yep that’s right, we’re getting scientific this time!

Almost any food you eat is made up of a number of macronutrients, with the main three being: proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. Of course there are countless other vitamins and minerals that your body also needs, but today we’re just focusing on these three.

A protein is made up of certain ‘amino acids’ and believe it or not, you can mix these amino acids to ‘create’ your protein. Foods that do this are called complementary proteins and give your body all of the essential amino acids it needs.

The easiest way to do this is via Grains and legumes or nuts and legumes.

Here are just a few examples of ‘complementary proteins’ in action!

Grains and Legumes

  • Bean soup and crackers
  • Black beans and rice
  • Pasta and peas
  • Whole wheat bread and peanut butter

Nuts and Seeds Plus Legumes

  • Hummus (chickpeas and tahini)
  • Lentils and almonds
  • Roasted nuts, seeds, and peanuts


Who knew right?!

Of course that isn’t the only way of getting proteins and there are plenty of full proteins in the plant world Things like: soya, chickpeas, pea protein, hemp based powders andEggs if you are not completely plant based are all great choices too!


When looking at these kinds of foods, it’s important to remember that a lot of them also count as your carb and fat options for each meal, so remember not to ‘double up’! For example if you are using lentils and almonds to create your prote

Still remember that 1 cupped hand of lentils makes your carbs and 1 ‘thumb’ of almonds is your fats, so you won’t need to add another source of fats into your meal!

So there you have it, if you’re struggling for vegetarian protein ideas, or are just looking to shake up your protein intake yourself, give some of these a try!