The DVCC Blog

Negativity Towards Your Fitness - Turn Those Frowns Upside Down!

Written by Mark Gray | 04/11/19 13:55

When starting your fitness journey, one of the most common reasons why people decide not to continue, is because of a lack of support from those around them. The reality is, you might find that not everyone is eager to encourage your quest to get fit.

If you’re used to socialising with certain friends at the pub, or ordering Friday night takeaway with your partner, then it’s possible that you’ll have to put up with some light teasing or even downright negativity towards your fitness journey. People harbour negative thoughts towards fitness for a wide variety or reasons, but the most common? They’ve not tried it for themselves!  You may find that some key relationships in your life change when you decide to transform your body.

Today, we’re explaining the core people who you might (surprisingly) hear a bit of negativity towards your fitness journey, and most importantly, how you can overcome it!


It’s important that your partner is supportive throughout your entire transformation process. You’ll be changing your life in a variety of ways and it is important that they need to be on board with those changes. For example, if you decide to swap out that Friday night pizza for something a little more nutritious, whilst you can’t force them to join you or try eating new foods, it would be better if you could go on the journey together.

If not, then they at least need to understand how important your health is to you now and into the future, and to stop bullying you about not wanting another slice.

And if they’re constantly making passive-aggressive comments about the time you spend in the gym, or how you’re no fun anymore, then they’ll need to understand that this isn’t a diet or a quick fix; this is part of who you are now. It’s your body, your decision, your life.


Whether you have a ton of friends and family and are used to sharing details about your private life, or you can count the number of real friends you have on one hand, the point here is the same:

If the people closest to you treat you badly because you’ve made a life-changing decision to invest in your health and long term happiness, then you may need to reconsider who your friends really are.

On the whole, people who make negative comments are usually jealous because they wish they had the self-control to say no to one more drink, or second helping of dessert. Nine times out of ten, it’s a reflection on themselves and not on you.


People at work might have something to say about you choosing to spend your lunch hour differently, or how your attitude to certain tasks has become more positive. It’s funny, but us Brits seem to enjoy complaining and misery loves company.

Instead of moaning about the weather, or wallowing in unhappiness about your weight and lack of fitness, why not try spreading smiles and positivity through the office and see how contagious that can be?


Here’s what makes The DVCC different from any other gym. We LIVE supportive and encouragement. Not a single client across any of our centres fits into any of the categories above. We don’t speak in negatives when it comes to any aspect of your fitness. Instead, we all celebrate EVERYONE’S successes, no matter how big or small. Set a new personal best? AMAZING! Your first session back after a few months off? No problem! We’ll be here for a coffee and catch up!

It’s the friends that you make here that keep you. There is no need for negativity when it comes to your own personal fitness journey. If you are experiencing any forms of negativity, ignore it. Shift your attention to those who celebrate your successes with you and inspire you to continue your journey!