The DVCC Blog

Lynn Talks About How She Has Managed To Get Herself In to Amazing Shape And What Habits Have Got Her There

Written by Mark Gray | 16/04/15 18:00


Nathan: Hi, I’m Nathan from the DVCC and I’m here with Lynn today; I’m just going to be asking Lynn a few questions to hopefully get an insight into how she’s got such great results and if she’s had any difficulties, as I’m sure there are literally thousands of people who will find this interview very interesting and beneficial to listen to. So Lynn, please introduce yourself and how long have you been at the DVCC?

Lynn:  Hello, I’m Lynn and I’ve been coming to the DVCC for almost 2 years.

Nathan: Awesome – and what results have you achieved over that time, Lynn?

Lynn:  Well I am thrilled with my results; I have *lost 7% body fat, and I would say I have gone down at least a dress size – everything just feels so much tighter.

Nathan: Good, I am glad to hear that. I mean 7% is a massive achievement; Lynn’s body fat is currently very, very low for a female, which is awesome, and she has done very well to get to this point. What were your struggles with weight *loss, if you had any, before the DVCC, Lynn?

Lynn:  I had always reached almost like a set level; it didn’t seem to matter what I did, I couldn’t seem to get past a certain weight or a certain size. And also for me, part of the reason why I came to the DVCC was fitness, and being a lady of a certain age I found that when I was in the supermarket, if I went to bend down to the lower shelf, I couldn’t get back up again; my legs – I couldn’t get, it sounds ridiculous but I couldn’t straighten my legs, I would have to sort of pull myself up the shelves.

Nathan: Ok, so fitness has been a big part of it for you as well?

Lynn:  Yes, which has been brilliant.

Nathan: Ok, that’s awesome; your fitness has obviously improved because you now squat with a very considerably good weight! Had you ever tried to *lose weight before and what kind of methods were you using before when you were trying to *lose weight?

Lynn:  I was really bad, I did the starvation diet - you know – just not eat anything and just sort of exist on nervous energy; years ago I did the low fat diets. I have done exercise, I would do running or cycling, I didn’t go very far with the running, I used to just run to the loo. So I’ve tried lots of things really and, as I say, I just reached like a level that I couldn’t get past.

Nathan: Almost like a plateau?

Lynn:  Yes.

Nathan: Ok – and when you were *losing weight before, was it using nutrition and exercise or was it always one or the other?

Lynn:  If I am honest, it was probably one or the other, although I like to convince myself that I was probably doing both; but if I am really honest I wasn’t. Because I would eat a packet of biscuits and go, “Oh well, I’ve worked out so …” Well, not quite a packet but, you know.

Nathan: I can understand that! And with the diets, what other diets have you done before and did you find that the weight came back on quite quickly, or what were your experiences of those diets?

Lynn:  I just couldn’t keep them up, I could manage it for a week or maybe 2 weeks and then I would just fall back into old habits. And I loved pasta and all that kind of stuff; so yes, it would just creep back on, it would just come back on and I suppose that was the thing, I just got to this plateau all the time.

Nathan: And I suppose you were looking for something that was more sustainable than just a diet?

Lynn:  Yes, exactly.

Nathan: Ok. What does your lifestyle look like now compared to before you started with the DVCC?

Lynn:  Well I sleep better; I just have more energy and I have more strength; I don’t mean necessarily you know like big strength, I find I don’t get backaches when I am walking, if I go for a walk; I used to get lower back pain after a while. And just overall I feel so much better; and I feel better about myself, also I think I look better.

Nathan: Good; so your confidence has improved as well as a result of the training here?

Lynn:  Yes

Nathan: Excellent. And how has the DVCC helped you?

Lynn:  In so many ways. It’s been the camaraderie amongst everybody and everybody helps each other. And I’ve made friends; but the support from the trainers is huge and that makes such a difference and it doesn’t really feel like working out, that sounds really strange; but I enjoy it, I look forward to coming.

Nathan: Good, I’m glad you enjoy it and look forward to it. Do you have any specific tips, with either nutrition or exercise, that you would like to share with anybody who is listening and is actively trying to *lose weight currently?

Lynn:  I wish I could think of something really witty to say. I suppose my thing is, when I used to get cravings; if you work out or you do some kind of exercise, that sort of helps; but if all else fails, when you cannot stop thinking about it, I used to go and clean my teeth!

Nathan: Ok – that’s an interesting one!

Lynn:  Well it’s because of the mintyness in your mouth, then you forget about it and you certainly don’t want chocolate or anything sweet after you’ve had mint in your mouth; so I clean my teeth, that’s what I do, and it’s healthy, it’s good for you!

Nathan: Yes it is! I will have to try that one, I’ve never tried that one myself, Lynn! Have you got any final words?

Lynn:  I am not one for doing sort of endorsement things, because I feel a lot of the time people think they are a bit, you know – what’s the word I’m looking for – you can’t quite believe it, but I really feel I’ve enjoyed the DVCC very much, and that’s why I keep coming. Originally I thought I was just going to get myself sort of fit and I was…

Nathan: Going away…

Lynn:  Yes, and I really enjoy it; I mean I just come now because I enjoy it too.

Nathan: Good, we enjoy having you here as well, Lynn. Thank you very much and I hope if you are listening to this interview that you found it helpful. I would like to thank you for your time, Lynn, and I hope you have a very good evening.

Lynn:  And you! Thank you

Nathan: This is Nathan from the DVCC in Milton Keynes; have a great day.