The DVCC Blog

Listen To Bev's Story To Find Out How She Overcame Almost Constant Joint Stiffness And Soreness.

Written by Mark Gray | 21/08/15 18:00



Matthew: Hello, this is Matthew from the DVCC and I am here with Bev Fitzpatrick and we are here to talk about how she’s made such amazing results; a total *loss of 24.6 lbs of fat, which is insane!

So Bev, I’m just going to ask you a few questions. My first question is can you recall what brought you to the DVCC?

Bev:       I hadn’t been exercising for a while and I was looking for somewhere that was close by, close to home, so I had no excuses not to come. If it’s too far to go or I’ve got to go out of my way, then I probably wouldn’t have come, so I was just looking, just Googling really, to find something close by home.

Matthew: So you just wanted something that was close and accessible so distance was no excuse.

Bev:       So I had no excuse not to come!

Matthew: What specific problem did you want to solve at the time, when you first came to see us?

Bev:       I tend to be all or nothing, so I either do lots of exercise or I do nothing, and I’d gone through quite a long phase of not doing anything at all; so I definitely knew I needed to exercise but also try and get my weight under control as well, so both.

And really the nutrition; I’d previously gone to Slimming World and lost weight through there, but the more recent times I’d gone it just didn’t seem to be working any more, so I was looking for something different.

Matthew: Something a bit different that obviously was nutritional and exercise? You do work super hard in the sessions.

Bev:       I try.

Matthew: You do, every time. What were the main obstacles that you had that were preventing you from solving that problem?

Bev:       Work really. I do contract work so I’m never quite sure where I am going to be. But the current contract I’m on, I do spend a fair bit of time working from home, so really I’d got no excuse not to do anything. And I did mean to start going out on my bike and things like that but just didn’t get round to it, so I just needed something that was booked and committed for me to go and do, rather than rely on myself.

Matthew: So you felt obligated to go, rather than oh I’ll do this.

Bev:       Yes, but it was work that was taking me away; it was unpredictable as to where I was going to be and what time I would get home.

Matthew: What had you tried previously to solve that particular problem?

Bev:       As I said before, I’d been to Slimming World quite a few times and that had worked in the past; I had lost probably about 4 stone at one point. But when I’d gone recently, it just didn’t seem to be working.

Exercise – I had a good friend and we set up a little gym in her garage and we were doing our own thing, so that worked quite well for about 12 months. But then her work got busy and my work got busy, so we didn’t do it or it was too cold to go outside into a garage and do that. I’ve done a lot of cycling in the past but I had got out of that as well. So it’s just a mixture of things.

Matthew: You mentioned a bike two or three times there, is it something you’ve started doing again since?

Bev:       No, but I need to get back into that; but I’ll focus on this side to begin with and then obviously start cycling again.

Matthew: So do you enjoy your cycling?

Bev:       Yes I do. It’s only local, around here, so it’s not particularly difficult. I can do distances, as opposed to hills.

Matthew: Next question: what convinced you that the Real You transformation process would be different to things you had tried previously?

Bev:       I have been to gyms before and that always seemed to work for me, whereas just trying to do your own thing or using small weights didn’t really seem to make much difference. I seem to need to work quite hard, exercise wise, to make a difference and when I’ve done that in the past it seemed to work. I just quite like the idea of it being somewhere small, rather than going to a big gym and getting lost somewhere in there.

Matthew: It’s quite impersonal as well, isn’t it? A big space, a lot of people …

Bev:       And when I was looking at it online it just sounded different; it was quite intriguing, you just get these little teasers to get you to look a little bit further, so that was quite interesting as well – draw me in!

Matthew: Good! How has your *life changed since starting the Real You transformation process?

Bev:       You don’t necessarily feel different on a day to day basis; but then you’ll do something and you’ll think I used to get really puffed when I did that, or I used to find that really hard before, or I used to be really tired. So I think, just in general, my health is better; I’m fitter and I can do more things and I just feel better. I am sleeping a bit better as well.

Matthew: Good – sleep’s good. Could you give me one example of something which has happened after your transformation that you wouldn’t have thought possible before starting at the DVCC?

Bev:       I don’t think there is anything just yet, but what I would like to do is, there are these bike rides that you do, either London to Brighton, or even the ones that you can do abroad for cancer charities and things like that. So I haven’t done anything yet but I feel more inclined to get myself involved in something like that in the future, because I think I’ll be more able to do it than perhaps I was a few months ago.

Matthew: Fantastic. But there’s nothing that’s happened that you feel you couldn’t have done since you started? You said there were a few things but you didn’t feel different on a day to day basis.

Bev:       It’s even just little things like walking upstairs. One big thing I think is, I used to have a lot of aches and pains; I’d sit on the sofa and watch the TV for half an hour or so and then get up and be creaking; everything would ache. Whereas now I don’t have that – occasionally I have them but usually after training! But I don’t actually have that all the time now, so maybe there’s a lot less…

Matthew: Well that’s quite a big thing though; as you say it doesn’t happen all the time.

Bev:       You just don’t realise; it’s just something that used to be there and it’s not any more, but you don’t necessarily realise that it’s gone.

Matthew: Because it’s not there any more, so you don’t notice it, but that’s quite a big change.

Bev:       I suppose that’s probably the biggest thing that I’ve noticed.

Matthew: Good, perfect. That’s all my questions Bev, thank you very much.

If you’ve been listening to this interview and want to make a *life changing transformation, like Bev has, please book a Right Fit phone call at