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Lifelong Fitness: Break The Diet Cycle

Written by Stephen Gray | 11/08/23 11:43

Why Women Should Strength Train

The DVCC Podcast


Welcome all to the DVCC Podcast. In this weeks episode we discuss "Avoiding Inflammation" with Stephen Gray, the founder of the DVCC. 

Join us to find out how to avoid inflammation in you day to day life and enjoy the many health benefits therein.



Hello and welcome back to Life Long Fitness, where we help you navigate your forties and beyond. How can I protect myself against inflammation? Now, inflammation is definitely something which you should aim to reduce as much as possible. Inflammation can cause a whole list of issues with the body. One of them is being fat gain. However, there has been research indicating the information is the common link between conditions such as Alzheimer's, heart disease, cancer and arthritis inflammation as your body's response to stress.

Now, whether that's from your diet, lifestyle or environments and it can destroy the balance of your body. Now, when your body system experiences a constant inflammatory response, you become more susceptible to aging and disease. There is some good news, though. My fitness friends, is not all doom and gloom by eating certain foods and avoiding some other foods. You can reduce inflammation within your body with the benefits of less belly fat, less joint pain and better brain function.

Now, adding berries and dark colored fruits into thought will have a great effect on lowering inflammation. They're full of antioxidants, which also help to eliminate waste products which are created during intense training sessions. Leafy green and cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, bok choy, Brussels sprouts, kale and spinach are also great additions to your diet. You can eat masses of green veggies without worrying as they have very low calories and are super healthy.

Green, leafy veg also helps to reduce estrogen, a hormone which if uncontrolled, can lead to fat storage on your hips and bum salmon and other oily fish are also very good and hold high amounts of omega free fats, DHEA and EPA. These very healthy fats will help you to burn fat and also lower blood pressure. If you're not a fan of eating fish, try supplementing with a pharmaceutical grade fish oil instead.

Lastly, adding a little dark chocolate into your diet can also help you to reduce inflammation. Dark chocolate can improve blood pressure and insulin sensitivity also. Aim for 70% dark chocolate all over. And don't overdo it with dark chocolate either. Aim for less than 50 to 100 grams each day. Finally, we recommend that you avoid the following foods. If you are wanting to reduce your inflammation.

Trans fats, which are usually found in highly processed foods and takeaway foods. Excessive alcohol is also not a good move. Having a drink every now and again is not the worst thing in the world for your body. But drinking heavily can have serious consequences. Oils, which are high in omega six fat such as soybean and cooking oil. Thank you so much once again for joining us on the Life Long Fitness podcast.

Hopefully you found some value in today's episode. If you would like to continue the conversation, please do follow us on social media. We are on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, almost anywhere you can think of at the DVCC.

Hope to see you there soon.