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Lifelong Fitness: How to NOT Let Injury Hold You Back

Written by Stephen Gray | 06/10/23 16:04

Injury is not the end...

The DVCC Podcast

in fact, it is often a new beginning! 

Injury is an opportunity to learn, refocus and adapt how you look after yourself. Don't let a temporary set back become a permanent one.



Hello and welcome back to Life Long Fitness, where we help you navigate your forties and beyond.

So injuries, are they holding you back? That's kind of the premise of today's podcast or client interview. I think we've all probably if we've of any age experienced an injury or pain or just something that puts us off track.

You are about to start a new training exercise, nutrition plan. You're getting all geared up, you're ready, you're motivated and then bam and you're struck down by an injury. I have I've actually just experienced the very same. I've had two operations in the last six months to clear up all the injuries that I should have dealt with years ago.

And I completely see where Sue story comes from, where where her struggles come from, because you can have the greatest will in the world, most amount of motivation. But when you're in pain and constant pain, it really is debilitating. So when Sue broke her foot only a few years back, she found that her fitness came to a halt and she started putting on weight.

And even though have recovered, she just didn't feel confident enough to use it. And that's really common. You can have an injury that ultimately gets better, but you have to be given the confidence by yourself or someone else to be able to use it properly. And I've met many a client who have had an injury and for many years it gets fixed, but they still don't feel competent.

They're just really worried about really injuring it because they don't necessarily have the expertise or know what they should do to keep themselves safe. If you told Sue just a few months ago and that should be running on it again, she really wouldn't have believed you.

So as with all of our clients, we ask that they complete a 30 day trial or six week program with us because it allows us to really slow down that start of their fitness journey. Too many times clients have come to us saying that they went to a gym or at another personal training venue and they were thrown in the deep end.

So our trial and our program is designed to slow the process down, to make it a step by step introduction reintroduction into fitness so that we can deal with any of these problems as soon as we can make sure she's safe, make sure that she starts feeling confident, because as well as losing weight, getting fit, we want it and we want to help our clients feel confident, ongoing.

I think what really sticks out is the impact and the support that the fantastic deep sea community gave Sue. It meant she wanted to keep coming back for more, and it meant that she could literally and metaphorically put one step in front of the other and regain her confidence, regain her strength, regain her, lose weight, get fitter, and more importantly, find that fitness was for her, not that she had to fear it, but that it was for her.

And she now regularly meets up with fellow DC clients, both inside and outside the gym, to really. There's two key points I wanted to or I would love you to take away from this. And one is an age old quote, The comeback is stronger than the setback. So what we'd like to go through with clients often is envisage.

So you're sitting here six weeks from today. I'm looking back over that six weeks, what has to have happened both physically and mentally for you to feel happy with your progress and what that allows them to do is to imagine themselves. Six weeks from now, they've been exercising regularly. Fitness is a way of life for them now, or at least it's starting to become what has happened.

What has changed in your life? You to feel happy with that progress? And for Sue, it's definitely that she didn't fear her foot or the re injuring her foot. And so that was a big thing for her. But then if we look at what are the dangers if she doesn't embark on this fitness journey and this is something for you to think about, perhaps, too, if you're struggling for motivation, you've just had an injury.

And what are the dangers if she doesn't change, if she doesn't take that first step? And obviously one that sticks out is that you just carry on putting on weight. You're not if you're not engaging in trying to increase your fitness, it's only going to be going down. So that was one of the dangers. But the thing that you should really also focus on is what are the opportunities?

Imagine six weeks from today, imagine 30 days from today, a year from today, you're looking back over that year and you have no painting of it. You have no fear of re injuring your injury. What are the opportunities that would be available for you? And running was an obvious one, but you've got to focus on these opportunities because put yourself in that position.

Imagine what the opportunities are for you now that you've fixed those issues. You got rid of those dangers because that's what will give you the motivation. Often you can't see the wood for the trees when you're injured, but if you put yourself in that position, you can look back, you can imagine looking back and it will give you renewed motivation because you can see what's possible.

And then just a side thing that always goes well with this is the strengths. What strengths do you have right now that will enable you to achieve that ultimate outcome and facilities? And the strength was that she invested in herself at the DCC and that's her strength because she got the expertise she needed to achieve all of those things that she wanted.

So try running that through. With your current situation, any injuries or sticking points that you have? It's a really great tool that will enable you to identify what it is you're actually going to be able to and what your life will be like once you've got rid of this problem. And then also what you've got in your life.

It will help you achieve that.

Thank you so much once again for joining us on the Life Long Fitness podcast. Hopefully you found some value in today's episode. If you would like to continue the conversation, please do follow us on social media. We are on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, almost anywhere you can think of at the DVCC.

Hope to see you there soon.