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See Maxcene's Weight Loss Story. On Her Own Words..

Written by Mark Gray | 21/06/14 11:28

Are you busy all the time and seem to find it a hard slog just to fit in exercise, let alone focus on your nutrition?
If so then you are very much like Maxcene used to be...Maxcene is a succesful business women...And mother! 

Discover how she has managed to transform her body, and mind, without it affecting her lifestyle negatively. Remember you can also listen to this interview on itunes.


Josh: Hi, this is Josh from the DVCC and I’m here with Maxcene Crowe who’s been a client at the DVCC now for quite a long while and has achieved some amazing results. Now I know a lot of people listening would be able to benefit from her story. Essentially how she has managed to achieve this transformation and the lessons she has learned along the way.

So first things first Max, how old are you?

Maxcene: I’m 44.

Josh: Let’s get straight into it. How much have you actually *lost in terms of body fat?

Maxcene: I have *lost about 15% body fat so far.

Josh: Amazing. So when you started at DVCC Bedford what was your body fat percentage?

Maxcene: 25.9.

Josh: 25.9, and right now you are?

Maxcene: Right now I’m 16% body fat.

Josh: That’s great. So in terms of dress sizes, how many have you *lost?

Maxcene: Dress size, I was a 16, 14 to 16. I’m now 8 to 10.

Josh: And over what time frame did you *lose that?

Maxcene: Well, I have been at DVCC Bedford 15 months now.

Josh: So let’s go back a bit further. How did it come about that you had put on that weight?

Maxcene: Not eating correctly, just pigging out on anything I liked. And not exercising. I have always exercised, but sometimes I would have long periods when I didn’t do anything.

So no exercise and just eating rubbish.

Josh: Okay. So back then what were your daily habits?

Maxcene: I didn’t drink a lot water, and I’d say I cooked a lot of gluten containing foods, and had less protein So it was a very high-carb diet.

Josh: How did you feel back then?

Maxcene: Very lethargic. Very tired all of the time.

Josh: Okay. Did you still do the same kind of work?

Maxcene: It’s similar work, but it’s different companies.

Josh: Were you much more sluggish back then?

Maxcene: Well yes, because I used to eat lots of starchy stuff like potato chips and Chinese. It does make you feel a lot more lethargic.

Josh: Okay.

Maxcene: And it makes you fall asleep at 9pm at night!

Josh: Gosh. And so how have your habits changed now?

Maxcene: So habits have changed in terms of I consciously eat more protein, lots of meat, fish, vegetables, greens. I do treat myself. I’m not going to deny that.

Josh: Of course. None of us are machines, nor should we be.

Maxcene: In the main, it’s high protein, less carbs, I have cut out gluten as well which helps with not feeling bloated, no pasta. And I steer clear from rice and potatoes.

Josh: Sure. And because I know from when we’ve spoken, you job is super, super hectic. So for everyone who’s struggling with exercise, I think it would be good to hear how you juggle all these things alongside your training?

Maxcene: Okay. So, what’s great about DVCC is that there are so many different options in terms of times that you can train. And in the 15 months that I’ve been here, it’s changed so many times. So one of the things I’m really glad about is the flexibility. Before I used to train in the mornings, but that went out the window when my contract changed, so I changed to evenings and weekends. What’s great is the flexibility, and that’s how I managed it. Literally just on the go, when I’m on the train, check my DVCC app and change my session

if work commitments mean I have to. The great thing is I can take my daughter along as she can sit in reception and wait for me. I think its good for her to see "mum" exercising also.

Josh: So going back to lifestyle, do you still pick food up on the go, and is your mindset different?

Maxcene: Yes, my mindset is very different now. I know if I have a cheat meal and I have decided on chips, I know that I’m going to feel lethargic within the next 15, 20 minutes and that is not so ideal when you are working. So I tend stay away from it and just have that type of food on my "off" times now.

Maxcene: And the big difference is my energy levels. When I’m not training as much because of a busy schedule, my energy levels feel significantly lower.

Josh: Yes.

Maxcene: Yeah, and I can go for a lot longer now, and it gets to 9 o’clock at night and I’m wide awake whereas before I was crashed on the sofa.

Josh: So in terms of your food, how do you prepare your food to make sure that you are eating well at all times?

Maxcene: I have bacon and eggs in the morning, I do love that. And yes, sometimes, I will just batch cook. I like chicken breast and always have salmon and things in the freezer that I can cook quickly and easily.

Josh: How is it being a working mum and fitting it all in. Training around family, work and things like that?

Maxcene: I think it’s about your attitude and how you approach it. My daughter has quite a busy active life as well, so a combination of a good support network and literally, you just do it. Just keep a positive attitude. You will have many challenges and things change, and you just have to be flexible really, otherwise, you just end up depressed!

Josh: Yes, because I know Ray (your daughter) is kind of following in your footsteps and is a bit of an athlete in the making. Do you think she’s learned from you?

Maxcene: I think she’s definitely influenced by my work ethic and my attitude towards health. I mean, she has no diet but she eats absolutely anything because she needs all the carbs and protein she can get as she does do a lot. So, yes, I hope I am influencing her in a positive way, but I don’t call it a diet, it’s lifestyle.

Josh: Great! So for everyone out there listening, possibly in your situation, being a working mother. What is the hardest thing about maintaining the habits you have now?

Maxcene: The hardest thing is time, so being a single mother as well, you do have to be organized and do some things in advance. Sometimes when you run out of time, you end up not doing certain things or not doing a batch of cooking when you should do. So you do have to be a lot more organized.

Josh: So preparation in advance?

Maxcene: Yes, preparation helps a lot and planning.

Josh: Okay. And lastly, what advice could you give someone in your position or rather the position you were in before you started at the DVCC?

Maxcene: Just go for it and once you start, you do realize the benefits. I have had a couple of really personal things that I have benefited from. So for example, I used to have some lower back pain and since I have been at DVCC, I don’t have any pain whatsoever. I can jump out of bed in the morning. I have been completely pain-free throughout the 15 months and I would not trade that for the world.

Josh: Awesome. Thanks, Max. If you would like to experience some of the benefits that Maxcene has at DVCC then click on the button below and we hope to see you soon.