The DVCC Blog

Laura Was Sceptical About What DVCC Could Do For Her...But Now She Is Amazed!

Written by Mark Gray | 22/05/15 05:00

Nathan:   Hi, I’m Nathan from the DVCC and I am here with Laura today. I am just going to ask Laura a few questions to hopefully get an insight into how she’s got such great results at the DVCC, speak about any difficulties that you might have had, as I am sure there will be literally thousands of people who will be listening to this podcast who will find it very, very helpful and very beneficial. So Laura, please introduce yourself and how long have you been at the DVCC?

Laura:     Hi, I’m Laura and I’ve been at the DVCC for 3 months.

Nathan:   Awesome – and what results have you achieved in those 3 months, Laura?

Laura:     I have *lost 27lbs of body fat and I think I have gained something like 3-5lbs of muscle.

Nathan:   Correct, yes - absolutely awesome results, 27lbs of fat *lost is absolutely amazing in 3 months, so very, very well done to you. What were your struggles with weight *loss before the DVCC?

Laura:     Lack of motivation. I put on a lot of weight when I got pregnant with my son; I was working two jobs, so it was all about convenience, whatever I could grab on the go. Then, after his birth, it was quite a difficult birth so any exercise was a no-go. He then got ill shortly after that and I just ate for comfort and the weight just piled on and on.

Nathan:   I suppose at that time you were feeling quite stressed as well?

Laura:     Yes, stressed, worried and I struggled a lot emotionally, I was quite low. I was diagnosed with post natal depression and post traumatic stress disorder, and I just couldn’t get myself out of … I lacked the motivation that I had previously when it came to exercise and diet.

Nathan:   So were you exercising at this point?

Laura:     No.

Nathan:   Ok – and your diet was just… how was your diet at that point?

Laura:     All bad stuff, I reached for the chocolate mostly, and I convinced myself that “Oh yes it’s Friday, I’ll have a takeaway” – and that then became the norm.

Nathan:   Became a habit, which is something that we have got you out of now and you have got yourself out of very well. Were you trying to *lose weight at this point or were you not really too concerned?

Laura:     I wanted to; it was making me unhappy because my clothes didn’t fit, even my maternity clothes didn’t fit. It was then having to go and buy new clothes in a bigger size, bigger than I had ever worn before. But all of my ‘normal’ weight *loss tricks just weren’t working. I did Rosemary Conley, but it didn’t give me what I needed. I went back to my old Zumba classes; I didn’t enjoy them as much, but I think that was a lot to do with my mood.

Nathan:   It sounds to me like a lot of things were happening at once and stress had obviously built up as well, which can block your ability to burn fat. So you had *lost weight previously using nutrition; was it using nutrition alone or was it exercise as well?

Laura:     It was exercise mostly; I did Rosemary Conley for a short period after I had my daughter, just to kick start me; after that, I ate what I wanted but I went to the gym. So I never really *lost weight; I got to where I wanted to be and stuck there; and my weight *loss tricks were always skipping meals if I put on a few pounds so it wasn’t…

Nathan:   Wasn’t the best way, wasn’t healthy.

Laura:     No, not at all.

Nathan:   I’m glad you look back on it and you realise that. Did you know that at the time, it was unhealthy?

Laura:     No, no – well, I probably did, but I convinced myself, “Well I’m only skipping a couple of meals; it’s only a couple of pounds, it works” – but I was tired all the time and bad tempered because I wasn’t eating; so it wasn’t good.

Nathan:   Did you crave sugar quite a lot?

Laura:     Yes, all the time; and sugar was a massive part of my diet; I always had 2 sugars in my tea, I would have about 6 cups a day; I ate chocolate every day.

Nathan:   I remember at your initial body diagnostic when you came in, you said you were very concerned about not being able to stop eating chocolate. And you have curbed that now, so that is absolutely awesome, well done. You have already mentioned one diet, have you tried any other diets as well, previously, before coming to the DVCC?

Laura:     No.

Nathan:   Ok, so just the one. And what does your lifestyle look like now, compared to before you came to the DVCC?

Laura:     Completely different. Being taught about nutrition and what you put into your body and how that affects your outcome has totally changed my attitude towards food. I don’t crave the sugar that I did before; I don’t really miss the chocolate – obviously now and again it is quite nice, but it’s good to know what you need to fuel your body to get where you want to be. And I feel so much better.

Nathan:   Good – do you feel like a different person?

Laura:     Different person, completely different person; I feel like me again and I don’t feel as tired, lethargic; I’m nowhere near as bad tempered.

Nathan:   Did you picture that it would be this different 3 months down the line from when we first met?

Laura:     No, I was quite sceptic about the DVCC and the promises they made; I thought this isn’t going to work, but I’m completely amazed.

Nathan:   And you heard about us through your mother, is that correct, through Joyce, which is awesome.

Laura:     Yes.

Nathan:   How else has the DVCC helped you?

Laura:     Emotionally, massively. I don’t get the flashbacks that I had before; I can talk about my son’s birth without falling to pieces. I am happier, I’m strong, I feel really strong, I feel motivated and it’s really helped me get over the emotional stuff that I was going through.

Nathan:   You have made a very good set of friends here as well.

Laura:     Yes, it’s a great place, it’s absolutely amazing – the support and encouragement – without all of that, I wouldn’t be where I am today.

Nathan:   Which is awesome, I am glad that we have been able to help you with that. Do you have any specific tips with nutrition or exercise that you could share with anyone who is listening today that might be trying to *lose fat or in a similar position to you?

Laura:     Oh, you’ve caught me – I don’t know! Tips…

Nathan:   What did you struggle with that we advised you on that you found really helpful?

Laura:     I struggled with, I think it was preparation for me; and you taught me that if I’m prepared for the following day, the following two days, then it is much easier. And I think it’s getting into a routine, that really helped; because if you’re not in a routine, that’s when you are going to fall down and that is what I found; so preparation is definitely the key.

Nathan:   Good, and that’s something that you have obviously brought into your *life because you are always here very similar times each week; in fact I could probably close my eyes and point to when you are coming in on our schedule! Any final words?

Laura:     Thank you – a massive thank you, this place has completely changed my *life; physically, emotionally, without the support and the friends I have made here, like I said, I wouldn’t be where I am now.

Nathan:   That’s very kind of you, thank you very much Laura. I hope if you have been listening to this interview you found it helpful. Laura, I want to thank you for your time; this is Nathan from the DVCC in Milton Keynes; have a good day.