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How to keep the weight off FOR GOOD!

Written by Mark Gray | 29/05/19 15:35

Most of us have tried diets or fitness fads which promise some quick weight loss and then most of us have lost the weight, returned back to old habits only to put it all back on and be right back at square one again.

Don't worry, you definitely aren't alone and it is nothing to be ashamed of! Here are some extra tips on how you can not only lose weight, but the best tips on KEEPING IT OFF for good!


Generally speaking, for most people, losing the weight to begin with is actually the easier part. We all know that we should be eating healthily and exercising in order to lose weight and build muscle mass, however that does not mean that we need to be going to the gym 5 times per week or only eating greens for the rest of our lives...

The key to long term weight loss is sustainability. You need to find a routine that WORKS FOR YOU.

Perhaps you struggle to find time to exercise in the evenings? Have you considered trying to exercise in the mornings instead? Doing just 2 50 minute, intense, resistance based workouts per week is more than enough for most people to begin seeing the results that they are looking for. By beginning to introduce just one or two exercise routines into your week at a time, that is great start and better than doing nothing at all!



Anyone can restrict their calories to lose weight, however that doesn’t give you any longevity to your weight loss. Instead of focusing on quick results, look at your base daily habits and steadily begin adapting them to healthier ones.

That is the best way you will be able to lose weight for GOOD. If you can’t sustain a ‘diet’ or quick term weight loss routine for the rest of your life, there is no point in starting it.

For example, if you perhaps struggle with snacking, try focusing on that first. Begin by simply carrying a healthy snack with you to avoid any cravings. You do not need to do anything else or change anything else in your life. Once you achieve that for a week, then begin to also introduce your next small habit and repeat. After that, you simply aim to introduce just one new habit into your routine each week until you begin to see a sustainable form of weight loss that you can continue with for the rest of your life.

Another great nutrition example might be trying to follow the ’90-10’ rule. Many people feel like they need to cut out all of their favourite foods when starting a diet, however you do NOT need to! Instead, try to build up a ratio of eating beneficial whole natural foods 90% of the time and then your favourite foods 10% of the time. There is no need to completely cut out the foods that you love the most as these treats are important in keeping you sane and always giving you something to look forward to, which is far more sustainable than restricting yourself!

Remember that weight loss is not a sprint. It is these little things which will add up into an overall sustainable routine that will see you losing weight and being able to keep it off FOR GOOD.