The DVCC Blog

If I Shouldn’t Eat Gluten, Then What Can I Eat?

Written by Mark Gray | 09/02/14 11:00

Today, I’m going to answer the question posed by Joan, which is

“If I’m not supposed to eat gluten, then what can I eat?”

So you’ve probably heard about gluten and that it’s not very good for you.

You might even actually experience bloating when you do eat gluten,

so things like pasta, or you might even be more severe where you get swollen joints or actually get a very foggy brain when you do eat gluten.

But, the question is, what can you eat if you’re not supposed to eat gluten?

What I thought we’d do first is show a few foods that a lot of people don’t kind of realize actually contain gluten, and then we’ll give you some different options instead of these foods.

On today’s new episode on The DoubleVision Conditioning Centre you’ll discover:

  • Joan asks, “If I’m not supposed to eat gluten, then what can I eat?”
  • Soy sauce actually contains gluten
  • Steak dressings very often contain gluten as well
  • Spaghetti has gluten
  • The reasons why gluten is bad for you
  • The Majority of people are gluten-intolerant
  • Gluten causes your body to become inflamed and store fat
  • Gluten halts fat loss
  • Children with ADHD or ADD improve after removing gluten from their diet
  • You won’t lose fat if you just replace gluten with other refined foods
  • Replace gluten with natural products
  • Replacing processed carbs with natural carbs will get you losing fat right away
  • You’ll be gluten-free and losing fat as well
  • Test and compare processed versus natural carbs



Mark:  Hi! This is Mark and Stephen from, the place to be if you want to lose fat and increase your muscle tone. Today, I’m going to answer the question posed by Joan, which is “If I’m not supposed to eat gluten, then what can I eat?”

So you’ve probably heard about gluten and that it’s not very good for you. You might even actually experience bloating when you do eat gluten, so things like pasta, or you might even be more severe where you get swollen joints or actually get a very foggy brain when you do eat gluten.

But, the question is, what can you eat if you’re not supposed to eat gluten? What I thought we’d do first is show a few foods that a lot of people don’t kind of realize actually contain gluten, and then we’ll give you some different options instead of these foods.

So, one of the first things – I’ll grab that – is soy sauce. A lot of people don’t realize that this actually contains gluten so they kind of chuck it on their foods and don’t realize that it does contain gluten.

I’ll hide the maker because obviously, we’re not promoting any brands. We’re not the BBC. But soy sauce, you can buy gluten-free soy sauce. And you want to do that because like I say, the average soy sauce contains gluten.

Stephen:  Now, this is actually a dressing for steak. It’s a steak dressing. But these sorts of things often can contain gluten wheat products that you don’t actually realize. You can get versions of these sorts of things that are gluten-free.

So I suggest you go for those. But just be aware of these are just things that you rub on meat, for example. So whilst you may be thinking, “Oh, I’m being really healthy having meat and putting some spices on top,” just be aware of everything that’s in the actual ingredients.

Mark:  And you can get gluten-free pretty easily.

Stephen:  You can get gluten-free very easily.

Mark:  Now, this is pasta. Oh, spaghetti. Sorry. And a lot of people realize that that contains gluten and isn’t healthy for you. Quickly, Stephen will explain why gluten isn’t the best thing for you.

Stephen:  Well, a lot majority of the population – I think it’s actually say about 75% of the population – are what’s called “gluten-intolerant” so that every time you’re having gluten-containing foods, you’re increasing the amount of inflammation in your body, which increases hormones like cortisol and things like that.

But basically, the end product is it encourages your body to store body fat. It can also cause things like achy joints, sore knees, and like Mark said, poor brain function so that you’re not able to think as clearly as possible.

But fat loss-wise, it can really, really halt fat loss. And we’ve actually experienced this where people have taken out foods that they’re actually intolerant to, particularly something like gluten, and then fat loss, which has previously stalled, just really kind of accelerates because they’re not having those foods that create that inflammation in their body.

Mark:  A quick side note is that some latest research shows that children suffering from ADHD or ADD that take out gluten-containing foods actually reduce their symptoms. They are a lot better at handling situations than they would be if they’re having lots of gluten-containing foods.

Stephen:  It seems to have had a positive effect on their cognitive function, being able to concentrate and things like that.

Mark:  I also wanted just to make the point that just by going gluten-free unfortunately doesn’t obviously mean that you’re going to lose fat and lose weight IF you’re replacing them with other refined foods so you get gluten-free.

Now, this, you can get this spaghetti actually in gluten-free as well. But, if you see it’s white, it’s very refined, it would be gluten-free, but it’s the same situation since it’s very refined, so that’s not going to be that great for fat loss.

So, just be aware that just by going to the same food that says it’s gluten-free, because all the manufacturers do is take out the gluten and replace it with sometimes sugar, or very oftentimes sugar. That could have a detriment effect. So you’re far better to replace gluten-containing foods – the pasta, spaghetti and all that kind of stuff – with natural products like sweet potato here.

And it’s pretty obvious that this is pretty much just taken out of the ground. It’s not refined, it’s not manufactured. It’s grown and then taken out so it’s natural. It doesn’t contain gluten because it naturally doesn’t, but it’s just far better for you and far better for fat loss than refined manufactured products.

Stephen:  So we’ve found that people that actually just replace the processed carbohydrates, like Mark says, with natural forms of carbohydrates such as sweet potato, quinoa and things like that, that they automatically will lose body fat straight away because they’re not creating that inflammation in their body and it’s far, far superior for fat loss.

Mark:  So not only is it gluten-free, but it’s a lot better for your body in terms of insulin production, all the other hormone production. It’s a lot better for fat loss. So you’re kind of killing two birds with one stone.

You’re going to be losing fat, but also, you’re going gluten-free so everything else that’s affected by gluten – like Stephen says, the joints, your brain, your cognitive function – are going to improve as well.

Stephen:  And actually, one good test you can do just to prove that we’re actually talking sense here is have one meal where you’re having a bowl of normal pasta, white pasta, and see how you feel maybe an hour or two hours later.

Then note it down how you’re feeling. Then a day or two later, have another meal where you’re just having say a sweet potato as your form of carbohydrate in that meal, and then note down an hour or two later. I can guarantee that you’ll feel a lot more energetic, a lot healthier, a lot less bloated when you’re having a sweet potato. But do the test just to prove me wrong or right.

Mark:  So, once again, we’d love to hear from you. Are you going gluten-free now and do you notice differences in your body when you eat gluten? Comment in the box below and we’d love to hear from you.