The DVCC Blog

DVCC TV Show #35 - How to Protect Yourself Against Inflammation

Written by Mark Gray | 03/02/16 19:00

Hi I'm Nathan from the DVCC. Welcome to the weekly DVCC TV Show where we can inform you on things that are happening at the centres, update you with some amazing results that our clients are achieving and answer questions about health, fitness and nutrition for losing fat and building muscle tone.

If you have any health and fitness related questions which you would like us to answer for you, please leave them below in the comment section and we will answer them for you.


Check out the latest posts from the Transformation Experts at the DVCC:

Great work from Catherine in her first week! Keep up the super work!

How to Transform Your Life in Just 6 Weeks with The DVCC.

Great start to your Transformation Steve, keep up the good work!

Wahoo! Amazing work from Lucy! Let's give her some encouragement to hit the big 40lbs of fat loss!

Finally please subscribe to our other media channels and get connected to the DVCC so you can always have the latest information on losing fat and building muscle. 

Today we have a question from Ryan.

Ryan asks: How can I protect myself against inflammation?

Inflammation is definitely something which you should aim to reduce as much as possible.

Inflammation can cause a whole list of issues within the body. One of them being fat gain. However there has been research indicating that inflammation is the common link between conditions such as alzheimers, heart disease, cancer and arthritis.

Inflammation is your body's response to stress - whether from your diet, lifestyle or environment and can destroys the balance in your body. When your body's systems experience a constant inflammatory response, you become more susceptible to ageing and disease. There is some good news though my fitness friends, its not all doom and gloom.

By eating certain foods and avoiding some others you can reduce inflammation within the body, with the benefits of less belly fat, less joint pain and better brain function.

Adding Berries and Dark Coloured fruits into your diet will have a great effect on lowering inflammation. They are full of anti-oxidants, which also helps with the elimination of waste products that are created during an intense training session. 

Leafy Greens and Cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, bok choy, brussel sprouts, kale and spinach are also a great additions to your diet. You can eat masses of green veg without worrying as they are low in calories and super healthy. They are also reduce oestrogen, a hormone which if is uncontrolled can cause fat storage on your hips and bum.

Salmon and other oily fish hold high amounts of the omega 3 fats DHA and EPA. These very heathy fats will help you to burn fat and also lowers blood pressure. If you are not a fan of fish, try supplementing with a pharmaceutical grade fish oil instead.

Lastly adding a little Dark Chocolate to your diet can help reduce inflammation. Dark chocolate can improve blood pressure and insulin sensitivity also. Aim for 70% dark chocolate and over. Don't over do it with the dark chocolate either, aim for less than 50 to 100 grams each day.

Finally we recommend you avoid the following foods if you are wanting to reduce inflammation: Trans fats which are usually found in highly processed foods and take away food.

Excessive alcohol is also not a good move, having a drink every now and again isnt the worst thing in the world for your body, but drinking heavily can have serious consequences.

Oils which are high in omega 6 fats such as soybean oil and corn oil.   

This is Nathan from the DVCC. Have a great day.