The DVCC Blog

How to Make Sure You Are Not Bloated on Your Wedding Day

Written by Mark Gray | 11/11/13 17:30


Video highlights:

00:13 – How do I ensure that I’m not bloated on my wedding day?

00:37 – Women get bloated from only eating gluten-laden foods like breads

00:58 – Cut down on the foods that make you feel bloated

01:28 – Carry on with the things that make you feel good

02:03 – Have a protein and healthy fat breakfast on your wedding day

02:14 – Drink plenty of water in the two weeks prior to your wedding day

02:47 – Don’t drink fizzy alcohols

03:26 – If you’re used to having breakfast, have breakfast on that day

04:02 – Determine the fat loss you should strive for through the fat machine



Hi! This is Mark and Stephen from,

The place to be if you want to lose weight and increase your muscle tone.

So, today we’ll answer another question.

It came from another lady who’s getting married.

We deal with a fair few at Bedford and Milton Keynes.

And she asks, “How do I ensure that I’m not bloated on my wedding day?”

So, Stephen, shoot!

Stephen:  Well, it’s quite a common occurrence, I think, because people tend to get a little bit nervous for their wedding day and they tend to do things that they haven’t done before. So, often they will starve themselves or I think a lot of the time I’ve spoken to a lot of women that have acted a little bit late to get ready for their wedding and they tend to starve themselves the week before and they’re never actually eating because they’re nervous. They wanted to eat something so they’re eating breads and bagels or something like that, and then they feel really bloated on their wedding way.

So the key is to actually make sure that you plan, ready for your wedding day. Maybe at least two weeks out, you try and cut down on things that actually make you bloated. So, things like bread, wheat, which are gluten-containing foods. They tend to make you really bloated. So you really want to chop those out of any nutritional plan, any of your daily diet that you normally eat.

Mark:  I mean, obviously, most people want to look and feel healthy on their wedding day. They kind of would normally be reducing that stuff anyway. A good way of looking at it is that if you’d ever speak to an athlete, an elite athlete, and you say, “Oh, what are you going to do for your big race? What are you going to do differently?” And they’re like, “I’m not going to do anything differently because I’m happy with what I eat when I’m training. I’m happy with what I’m doing.” And realistically, your wedding day is your big day, it’s your big race, right? So, if you’re doing things that make you feel good up to your wedding, then you carry on doing the same things.

So like Stephen said, you probably would’ve reduced gluten anyway because if you feel bloated when you have it, then you shouldn’t be having it. The same deal with on your wedding day. Don’t go and have the slice of toast. Just have your normal breakfast, which should be relatively protein and healthy fat and you just have that on your wedding day and you’re not going to feel bloated because you don’t feel bloated at any other time. You also want to make sure that you’re drinking plenty of water in the two weeks previous to your wedding day because normally actually with something like that, you probably struggle to drink enough water. And what happens is if you haven’t been drinking water then you go and drink water, you actually feel bloated.

Stephen:  Yeah. You store more.

Mark:  You store more water. You store more water, which is that’s the whole thing with the bloating. So, if you drank plenty of water for the two weeks previous, and then actually on the wedding day you struggle, it is not going to make as big an impact as if you haven’t been drinking two weeks previously and then you still struggle to drink water on that day.

Stephen:  I’d also try and avoid any sort of fizzy alcohol. I know champagne and things like that can be thrown around a bit. But you probably don’t want to go down the aisle tripping over yourself anyway from too much alcohol, but certainly, try and avoid the fizzy stuff.

Mark:  Unless you need to drink alcohol to get down!

Stephen:  Unless you need to. Then that’s a whole another question.

Mark:  That’s a whole another question, which we can actually help with. We can answer all those kind of questions. So, just private message us and we’ll be able to give you some relationship and marital advice or…

Stephen:  Not marital advice.

Mark:  No. That’s a point. So yeah, basically, make sure you’ve drunk enough water in the two weeks previous, you’re not eating gluten. You basically do the same things that are making you feel good for those two weeks. And if you are used to having breakfast – this is a key one – do have breakfast on that day because I certainly find this, and I find this with a lot of our clients at Bedford and Milton Keynes, particularly when they’re focusing on weight loss, that if they are used to having breakfast and then they suddenly don’t have breakfast, they actually feel bloated. Which is weird, but it’s true. They actually feel bloated because their body is used to producing the enzymes, the stomach enzymes, to digest that food. And if they don’t, they actually feel bloated.

Stephen:  I feel bloated if I miss meals.

Mark:  So, the key is if you’re used to having breakfast, which you should be, have breakfast on your wedding day. Okay. Have a great day if you are getting married in the imminent future. If you’re not, like we said before, we’re able to put you on our £5,000 machine, and that will actually tell you…

Stephen:  For free. It won’t cost you £5,000.

Mark:  Oh, it won’t cost you. It will tell you how much body fat or weight or things you need to lose to be able to get to your dress size you want or the weight that you want for your wedding day and how long it will take. That’s certainly free. Just message us, email us, tweet us, catch us in the street, high five us, and we’ll be able to sort that out for you.

So, this is Stephen and Mark from