The DVCC Blog

How To Improve Insulin Sensitivity (Fat Loss)

Written by Mark Gray | 13/03/15 19:00

Insulin sensitivity is very important for those who are trying to lose unwanted body fat.

Insulin is the fat storage hormone which stops your body burning fat for fuel, if it is not kept under control.

Insulin plays an important role within the body, which is to protect you from high blood sugar levels.

A large bowl of pasta (believe it or not) could prove to be fatal if insulin wasn't secreted into the blood stream to take the sugar out of the blood and store it as body fat or within your muscles for use as energy at a later time.

When you are insulin resistant (the opposite of insulin sensitive ) not only is your body a lot more likely to store the food you eat as fat, but it may also lead to diabetes and increases the risk of heart disease.

When you are resistant to insulin the body doesn't react to the insulin that the pancreas releases causing it to release more and more into the blood stream which in turn increases fat storage.

You can alter your sensitivity to insulin in many ways

Modified Lactic Training (MLT) is a great way to alter your sensitivity to insulin. For anyone reading this who isn't already a client of the DVCC, MLT is the type of training the DVCC clients are put through whenever they attend a training session.

It has been scientifically proven to provide the best fat loss and toning results for women as well as men.

Reducing Your Carbohydrate Intake

This is great way to improve your sensitivity to insulin. Try to avoid eating white refined carbs such as: bread, pasta, potato and rice as all of these types of carbohydrates have a dramatic impact on blood sugar levels and therefore the release of insulin.

Instead of the above try to have carbohydrates such as: sweet potato, quinoa and long grain rices.

These types of carbohydrates release sugar into the blood at a slower rate and have a lesser effect on insulin. The best time to eat these carbs would be after a MLT training session or after taking part in exercise as your body will use the sugar - which carbs are converted into - more effectively and there is a lesser chance that they will store as body fat.

Eat Your Protein First

By eating any protein and natural fats which are on your plate first you may reduce the blood sugar spike and insulin release that follows.

A good thing to aim to do is to eat your meat and natural fats such as avocado, olives, nuts and olive oil before your carbohydrates in each meal.