The DVCC Blog

How To Get a Flat Stomach Even If You Are Menopausal

Written by Mark Gray | 29/12/13 06:00


This is a recording of a live webinar we held to give people immediately usable actions to help them lose fat and get a flat stomach…

Even if they are going through the Menopause….

The Menopause does not have to mean you can not lose weight.

Check out this webinar to see how.

In this webinar, you will learn:

  • How to flatten your stomach even if you’re about to go through menopause
  • The reasons why women age 42 up tend to put on fat around their stomach
  • Top three strategies to stop storing fat around the stomach
  • Doing steady state cardio is not a good way of losing fat around the stomach
  • Doing lots and lots of steady state cardio increases the risk of osteoporosis
  • Doing diets decreases metabolism
  • Resistance training is the best form of exercise to lose fat around stomach and raises metabolism
  • Insulin resistance is one reason women tend to store fats around their stomach
  • Green leafy vegetables help in weight loss
  • Eating fruits that ends with berry helps in weight loss
  • Good fats make you lose fats
  • One of the best strategies to lose fat from your stomach is actually to try and avoid white carbs
  • The best type of breakfast is one that includes a good amount of quality protein and healthy fats
  • How sleep is important in losing fats



Mark:  Hello! I think I’ve been muted. Sorry about that. Welcome. I wanted to welcome you to a webinar, How to Flatten your Stomach, even if you’re about to go through the menopause. I’m Mark Gray and this is Stephen. And just a quick housekeeping thing, if you would let me know if you can definitely hear me, if you’d just type in the box, I’d really appreciate it. There’s almost a hundred people on this webinar. So if you’d just type in the box and let me know that you can hear us, that would be very much appreciated. We’re going to share with you as much knowledge as we can in the next 30 minutes. Really, I think you can. I appreciate that. So feel free to write the whole thing to us any questions if you have and we will do our best to help you. So without further adieu, Stephen.

Stephen:   So we wanted to, in this webinar, well, it’s actually our first webinar we’ve done, so excuse any technical issues, but we want to do on flattening your stomach because like Mark says, we own transformation centres and 85% of our clients were actually female and they’re actually mainly about 42 plus. And so what we found from years and years of experiences that women of that age really seems to struggle with storing more and more body fats than they ever have done particularly around their stomach. And I’m sure if you know the secrets on this webinar, this is the same for you.

Mark:  And there are reasons why women of that age whom I know that this age tend to put on fat particularly around your stomach, but there’s also a lot of things that can be done to actually stop that and not allow it to carry on effectively. So we’re going to through the top three strategies that we found from our experience to have quite a big impact. So it’s not actually – it’s not irreversible. The women that we’ve seen, hundreds of women actually, has load of body fats from their stomach particularly despite having been going through the menopause, having gone through the menopause and it is possible if you know kind of the reasons why you do tend to store fat around there, what you can do to actually kind of reverse that trend.

So, we’re going to take you up with the first thing which is don’t do steady state cardio, I don’t know, when I say about steady state cardio, I’m talking classes. And what tends to happen is that people think the more and more exercise they do, the more and more fat they should lose particularly going out for long distance runs, doing lots of different sorts of cardiovascular exercise. So give an example of some cardio vascular exercise.

Stephen:  So it might be going out – well, actually, a really good one is just we’ve had the London Marathon. So actually, when I hear one of our clients say that they want to run the London Marathon and we had seemed like the most number of ladies especially kind of around 46 wants to run the marathon this year. And actually, as soon as someone says that, I’m pretty much in the mindset of, okay, let’s just see how much fat we can limit them putting on because a lot of people start running the marathon thinking that they’re going to lose body fat. But the long steady state runs that they have to do in order to do the distance and get times whatever they want actually leads them increasing body fat especially around the stomach.

Now, this happens actually affects any one of any age in terms of the long distance running being an issue. But it’s only more exacerbated if you are just about to go through the menopause, have gone or during the menopause. And like Mark says, what happens is you increase that cortisol which is your stress hormone, so this actually impacts you if you’re having a lot of stress of family, things. If you’re working long hours, that’s also stressing your body. Combining that with lots of cardiovascular exercises actually causes you to just got store fat around your stomach which obviously not you want.

So another reason actually to try and avoid that type of exercise particularly at this age is that it increases acidity which means basically your body becomes more acid. Now, the problem is when your body becomes more acid, your body actually wants to be alkalized. So what you do is you actually break down calcium from your bones and something called glutamine from your muscles. So you basically break down work bones and your muscles.

Now, I’m sure most people are aware and they’re tend to be told by the GP awfully get – I think GP starts talking about it 40 years plus but is mentioning the increase risk of things like osteoporosis. So actually, by doing lots and lots of steady state cardio, you’re actually going to be increasing your risk of osteoporosis as well. So your body really wants to try to alkalize it itself so it actually breaks down your bones and muscles. So just by increasing the amount of cardiovascular exercise you’re doing, you can actually cause yourself to thin your bones and that is being – I’ve met with plenty of people that have done a lot and lot of long distance running and things like that who have actually, when they’ve actually been tested, found they’ve actually got really thin bones and that’s because of all the acidity they’re building up within themselves.

Mark:  Now, you’ll probably have just seen the news, I think it was Victoria Beckham, the new Victoria Beckham diet and it’s – I read a women’s magazine yesterday and it was basically calling alkaline diet and I mean, they’ve packaged up what is general health, and you should be doing anyway, is that you want to be alkalined. And they were saying, going along the same lines, that they just sensationalized it a little bit more. But your body wants to be alkalined and in short, doing steady state repetitive cardiovascular work will make you acidic which is the opposite of what you want in order to not store fat around your stomach but also to lose weight in general.

Stephen:  And so actually, when we talk about how steady state cardio tends to break down muscle tone, by breaking down muscle tone actually decreases your metabolism. So just by having a decrease in muscle tone, you’re actually going to be finding that you’re burning less calories, so just by eating the same food, you’ll actually be burning less of those calories and therefore you’re going to actually be putting on fat.

Mark:  Yes. So a lot of people will focus on, they go for a long run and they’ll be like, “Oh, but I burned 600 calories or whatever,” and that’s kind of looking at life to restore because you’re not looking at the actual overall damage that is being done to your body which actually 40 plus, unfortunately, all of the things that you’ve done prior affects you. And we’re experiencing, I mean, it’s getting younger and younger, people starting to have issues. I mean, the menopause is starting at a younger age now, and therefore younger ladies also experience the same issues that people who do it 40 to 42 plus. But the long steady state cardio really is detrimental to your weight loss and also to you having a flat stomach.

Stephen:  So what is the best type of exercise? We told you what you want to be looking at if you’re doing a lot of that we want to try and change. Now, the best form of exercise for women, basically 40 onwards, is resistance training. That is if your aim is to actually lose weight and to keep it off. And the reason I wrote, Have you done Diets before is because this is – I mean, the number of consultations, the number of appointments and the number of clients we have, the number of them have done some form of diet at some stage is enormous. I’d say, for me, 90% of people at some stage have done one type of diet whether it’s Weight Watchers, LighterLife. There’s about 500,000 different types of diets now which is basically ways to reducing your calories.

Now, the problem with doing that is it really reduces also your metabolism. And I’m sure if you’re very similar to the people, the ladies we meet, then at some stage, the weight seems to have gone back on. Now, the reason that resistance training is the best form of exercise is that it raises your metabolism. It’s one of the only ways to actually increase your metabolism whilst you’re at rest. So by doing resistance training, your metabolism increases. So, it’s one way that can really repair the damage that a lot of diets have done in the past. And contrary to a lot of people’s beliefs, it’s really, really, really tough for a woman to put on significant amounts of muscle. In fact, it’s not impossible. If you were able to, you’d have put it on already, you’d know that you’re more muscular than the normal.

Mark:  And exactly. When Stephen said significant amounts of muscle, he means so that you’d become what’s termed muscle bound which is – I’ve met one lady in my life and that was on a course and she was an athlete, a sharp burster and she had an exceptional amounts of muscle. She also had an exceptional amounts of testosterone which 99.9% of ladies including you will not have, therefore, doing resistance work will only benefit you both health wise but also in terms of losing fat from your stomach.

Stephen:  Exactly right. So by using resistance training, that’s when we say resistance training should define it, it’s actually using things like weights and actually trying to just get stronger dumbbells, different things like that and trying to actually get stronger, not being afraid of those sorts of things. You burn a lot more calories in the long run. And actually what you’re going to find is that you create a lot more toned type of muscles rather than – and this is one thing actually when we spoke about diets, I’ve met with a lot of people and they said, “I lost such and such to stone on LighterLife or this certain diet but I looked gunt. I didn’t look very healthy. People were telling me I didn’t look very healthy,” and that is a classic sign that what you’ve done is lose muscle rather than fat. So if you’re to look gunt, you find that your body composition, which means your body fat has probably not actually change that much. You’ve rather just lost a lot of muscle rather than fat. And obviously, the thing that makes the difference in your clothes, the thing that makes the difference to dress sizes is losing fats. You don’t want to lose muscle, you want to maintain your muscle and maybe even build a little bit of muscle tone so you that you can have a toned body and obviously, that keeps everything nice and tight. But if you’re losing muscle, you’re going to find that you do look gunt because you’re less healthy and that’s a fact. The low your body fat is the healthier you are, so by losing weight and if it’s muscle, then actually your body fact will, if anything, can actually go up as well.

Mark:  Just a really quick point is that marathon runners, the average body fat percentage of them is 13%; but for a sprinter who does short sharp bursts, their average is about 6% to 8% body fats.

Stephen:  So Mark is talking about Olympic athletes.

Mark:  Olympic athletes, that’s what I’m talking about but that shows that even someone is running all day every day, their body fat is higher than somebody who actually runs for a lot less than them as part of their training.

Stephen:  So we can take tones down version of that. It’s obvious that long distance steady state kind of work isn’t the right thing for you to be doing

Mark:  Yeah. And if you were to look at – I think everyone would agree that obviously Jessica and this is a little bit of an extreme version if you are to compare her to, say, someone like Paula Radcliffe, she looks a lot healthier and is a lot more toned and a lot healthier looking. So like I said before, if you have any questions, do just chat them in the box below or I think it’s below where you are and typing now, we’re happy to answer any questions all the way through and we want to make sure you get as much information from this 30 minutes as possible and we’re happy to just give you as much info as we can and help you as much as we can.

Stephen:  So moving on the third strategy is – one of the main reasons actually that women tends to store body fat around their stomach is something called insulin resistance. So basically, what happens is you cannot – well, a lot of people and a lot of people I’ve spoken to say that they’re eating the same foods that they were, say, 10, 15 years ago but they’re having massively different impacts on them so they’re putting on weight and they can’t work out why because they’re eating the same foods that they used to.

Now, there’s a very good reason for this because one of the side effects of going through the menopause is – or coming up to it at least is that your insulin resistance increases. Insulin resistance basically means how well you tolerate eating carbohydrates. So basically, if you were to take yourself – maybe we’ll call it, say, let’s take an average age of, say, 50, and you were to compare yourself to you at 25 and have this exact same meal, you would do completely different things with those two meals. So the 50-year-old would far more likely store that food as body fats than the 25-year-old because through – one of the side effects of going through the menopause is an increase in insulin resistance. Basically, you are not able to eat the same number or at least the same type of carbohydrates that you used to and keep the weight off the same.

So I’m sure you’re aware of that already. I’m probably telling you something you already know. But the thing with insulin resistance is it directly correlates to storing fat around your stomach. So, basically, any carbohydrates that you do eat are far more likely to be stored around your stomach. That’s when I’m talking mainly sugary types of carbs and things like pastas and things.

So what is the answer? Well, a couple of strategies would be to really, really – rather than – I mean, the way we work or the way we manage to get transformations with weight loss, we tend not to translate “stop doing this” or “cut this out” but rather, you’re going to do better by thinking like “how do I actually and what I increase, what can I do differently.”  And the first one of those strategies would be to really, really increase the amount of green leafy vegetables you eat in every single meal. Literally make them dominate the plate. So when I say green leafy vegetables, I’m talking about things like broccoli, curly kale, all different sources of green leafy vegetables. There are spinach, all those sorts of things. You cannot go wrong with green leafy vegetables.

So literally, rather than thinking about cutting things out, try and make at least half of your plates one of those green leafy vegetables. And by doing that, you can naturally not going to be able to eat as much of, say, if you’re eating any sorts of pastas or potatoes, things like that, because you will find that you’re actually quite full by eating those green vegetables. A lot of people don’t realize that green leafy vegetables are actually a type of carbohydrates, they’re just very fibrous. So they’re actually a very, very good for your blood sugar that will give you a lot of energy and they are far, far less slightly to be stored around the stomach.

Mark:  One of the added benefits of having lots of green leafy vegetables and more fibers is that you’ll end up storing less fat in your stomach shore but also less fat on your bum and your legs because it also have to excrete estrogen from your body and that estrogen that you have in your body is the reason you store fats in your legs and bum. And you’ll notice that as well as around your stomach, that could be also where you store fats and that’s why having green leafy vegetables will actually help you lose fat from your legs and bum.

Stephen:  And actually, I want to mention today because it’s really topical. I know everyone has probably seen Angelina Jolie talking about though mastectomy preventative. And we just literally just recorded a podcast where we had to do load and load research of nutrition for different types of cancers. And the actual recommendations now for cancer, well, avoidance but also for treatment, is 13 servings of vegetables a day. I mean, that’s an enormous amount but it really, really does show quite how important obviously, not only for fat lost, but for the whole nutrients and for also health value that they do get. So literally, one of the best strategies would be think about, “how many actual green vegetables do I eat today,” and really try to increase it so that every meal you’re making dominate the plate.

Mark:  Now, we had a quick question coming and saying, “Should I be eating fruit and I’m being healthy when I’m eating fruit to lose fat around my stomach, is that true?”  Now, this is one of the actual best mixed there are. Now, fruits are healthy. Yes, they are definitely very healthy for you. They have a lot different sources of antioxidants and very healthy things. However, a food that’s healthy for you is not necessarily the best food for fat loss. So for example – and also, we can also differentiate between the different types of fruits. So if we’re talking fruits, the only types of fruits for you to eat if you are looking to lose fat and particularly from around your stomach is anything that ends with berry, so blueberry, strawberry…

Stephen:  Raspberry.

Mark:  Raspberry, any sorts of berry. Now, the reason for that is that they contain a lot more fiber than most other fruits. They also contain enormous amount of antioxidants. I usually like to use the example between a banana and a blueberry. A banana has very, very little fiber and is actually very, very shrubbery. So you’re far more likely store that energy effectively around your stomach. So if you’re to just stick to having blueberries as your fruit, you’ll find you’re actually going to lose fat particularly from around your stomach and you’re going to still get more than enough healthy antioxidants and things like that.

So quickly, to go back, just real quick, I’ll reiterate what we said, in order to lose fat from your stomach, you want to be doing – not doing steady state cardio and steady state cardio classes and therefore, you want to be doing the opposite of that which is short sharp burst, fast-slow, fast-slow. It might have been in some of the magazine you have read, HIIT, that’s been around for a long, long time. It’s just basically wave fast and then slow, fast and slow and you can get what you would take an hour to do if you just went out for a run and done in 20 minutes. And that’s what we have everyone doing in our centres is short sharp bursts with rest, short hard intense burst with rest and back to get far, far better results and losing your fat around the stomach but also losing weight in general than doing long steady runs. So likewise, with that, the next thing is to include resistance exercise in your exercise basically. So a lot of people think that going for walks and things, that’s, I mean, today, even if you do a brisk walk, that is kind of long steady state, you’re not doing resistance work unfortunately. So you do need to be doing exercise that stresses your muscles and means that you get stronger as a result.

Stephen:  And also, just on that, I’ll say, as we covered already, is the best one of the most effective ways of decreasing risk of osteoporosis which obviously osteoporosis – once you go through the menopause, the risks for that goes up basically.

Mark:  We’ve also just got another question. Can we do anything else to change our insulin resistance?

Stephen:  Yes. So, like we were just saying, increasing the amount of green vegetables, leafy vegetables will actually help that because by increasing the amount of fiber in your diet, you’re actually going to be decreasing the amount of insulin you produce which will increase your sensitivity. Also, actually just on that, another strategy would be to, like I said about increasing the amount of green vegetables, have a look at how much protein you’re actually eating in a meal because just by increasing protein, as long as it’s healthy type of protein, chicken breast, salmon…

Mark:  Turkey.

Stephen:  Turkey, clean properly not breaded, not fried, that sort of thing.

Mark:  Non-processed.

Stephen:  Non-processed type of meat but increase the amount of protein you have in each meal, and that actually will help with your insulin resistance because you’ll actually find that your blood sugar stays a lot more stable.

Mark:  Likewise, with that, also not being afraid of good fats will make a lot of difference because basically when you eat healthy fats, you don’t produce any insulin whereas when you eat carbs, refined carbs, you produce a lot of insulin naturally. So if you include healthy fats in every meal, then you’ll go a long, long way in reducing your insulin resistance, increasing your insulin sensitivity. So when I say healthy fats, I mean things like coconut oil. Olive oil will be poured on cold foods because it loses its properties under heat so basically you don’t cook with olive oil. You only use olive oil for cold, salads, that kind of thing. Whereas you could actually cook with coconut oil because it keeps its property under high heat.

Stephen:  And you can get coconut oil from any basically supermarket now. It’s quite common.

Mark:  You can get it from – yes, it’s in Waitrose, it’s in Tescos, Sainsbury, I’ve seen it. Also there’s avocados are very, very good healthy fat choice. And the thing with good fats is that good fats make you lose fat. Okay. So you should not be afraid of having fat in your diet and that is what we experienced with a lot of ladies probably just like you. They’re afraid, they’re kind of got taken by the mantra of the advertising companies that you want low fat, there’s low fat. That and actually, it’s been shown I think in new studies that if you eat low fat, actually end up putting on more fat than those who eat full fat which is a strange phenomenon.

Stephen:  That goes along with actually when you talk about drink, so full fat coke as opposed to diet coke. Studies also showed that people who drink diet coke put on just the same amount of weight just those that drink full fat as well.

Mark:  Yes. So in short, don’t be afraid of eating healthy fats, okay? They will help you lose fat from your stomach.

Stephen:  Right. I think we digress a little bit now. But we were currently talking about the best strategies you can use to – well, actually this will increase your insulin sensitivity, so decrease your insulin resistance. But also one of the best strategies to lose fat from your stomach is actually to try and avoid white carbs e.g., things like potato, pasta, those sorts of white types of processed food. And they’re actually white because they’ve been processed and had effectively a lot of stuff taken out of them. Among one of those most important things they’ve had taken out is fiber. And actually, just a side note, when you’re talking about pasta, because pasta is obviously wheat, 75% of population that they actually estimate are actually what’s called gluten intolerant. So I’m not talking celiac but basically you get a what’s called an inflammatory reaction every time you eat any sorts of wheat.

Now, the thing with this is that this actually increases that hormone that we spoke about earlier cortisol, the stress hormone, which increases your chance of – actually increases your fat storage from around your stomach. Basically, that hormone in cortisol causes you to store fat around your belly button area and your hip area. So the best thing you can do is try and decrease that hormone from having to rise. And if you find that you actually bloated and things after having any sort of wheat, then one of the easiest ways to actually decrease fat from around your stomach would be to try and avoid wheat as much as possible. And you’ll probably notice this that when you eat some really refined things like white bread, whatever, you’ll probably feel very bloated and that’s a very common but it’s a good indicator of you shouldn’t be having those – it’s going to be affecting your body negatively and unfortunately, that negative impact is fat around your stomach.

Mark:  So rather than saying don’t just cut them out, carb sources to substitute them for would be actually, like I said, green vegetables. I mentioned that they are actually a type of carbohydrates. So don’t worry that you’re not getting enough carbohydrate because they are a type. And also sweet potato, sweet potato is also a great source of carbohydrates as well but much more nutrient rich, far more fiber and actually is going to help you lose fat from around your stomach rather than help you store which potatoes and pasta would do.

Stephen:  And keep asking questions, so we might go ahead. We got another…

Mark:  One more question.

Stephen:  Cover more questions to answer but we might be going maybe another 10 or whatever minutes. So just type the questions in the box.

Mark:  Now, actually I haven’t got this on slide but I just rethought I wanted to mentioned this. One another great strategy to lose fat from around your stomach would be breakfast. Now obviously I’m assuming you’re having breakfast because most people have read at least something that says eating breakfast is important. But most people think that by having a bowl of porridge, oats and things or something similar that they are doing as much as they can to actually lose as much fat as possible. Actually, that’s not the case. The best type of breakfast is one that includes a good amount of quality protein and healthy fats. Now for most people, the easiest way to get this is through some type of omelet. So some type of egg omelet involves basically for a lady of normal average build, about three eggs is probably ideal. And you can put anything you want and that really, we’re talking onions and tomatoes, peppers, spinach, whatever you’d like to eat. But if you have that with salmon, that would be the perfect breakfast. I know what you’re probably saying, “But I can’t have three eggs, I’m going to get high cholesterol and I’m going to have issues.” Stephen?

Stephen:  Well, that’s actually not true. Studies with redone and there were kind of just proofs years and years ago. But basically, a body doesn’t actually increase the amount of cholesterol it has by eating more cholesterol. Your body has a very smart mechanism where it will just decrease the amount that you actually produce.

Mark:  It self-regulates.

Stephen:  It self-regulates and so your body won’t actually allow you to have high cholesterol. The actual highest biggest cost of cholesterol, all the studies now shows, is actually sugar. So, that’s also one of the big reasons that you store fat around your stomach is too much sugar. So by actually doing the strategies that we’ve discussed today, you’re actually could decrease your risk of cholesterol as well, as well as losing fat from around your stomach which obviously is very, very important.

Mark:  Right. Few more minutes to ask some questions if you would, just chat them in the box and we’ll answer them as soon as we can. Before people start – well, obviously a lot of people asking questions – because we appreciate you to being on this webinar, we have obviously essentially better and lots in case, we are going to be – we’re offering out – I’m very proud to say to you, but we have opened up 5 spots.

Stephen:  Because we actually have a very cool piece of equipment. It’s a £5,000 worth body fat machine and actually tells you how much body fat you have, where you store it, how much muscle you have. And what we’ve decided to do is this is only reserve for our just clients but for 5 people, I think as what I says, 96 actually on this webinar, 96 people, so for the first 5 people that decide what we’re going to do is free 30 minute no obligation, literally just chance where you come in and use the machine, we’ll be able to tell you exactly how much fat you have around your stomach and therefore we’ve got a special way that we can actually workout how long it should be for you to lose – what you need to basically get a flat stomach. So this machine allows us literally to segment your body so we can actually know in pounds of how much is fat. It’s really, really great machine and it’s really useful for people to actually know how much fat they store and then be able to actually have an end point so they can see effectively the horizon and know that, yes, this is how long it’s going to take for me to basically lose as much fat as I need to lose.

Mark:  So just go to if you want to do that. Just send it to as well and let’s see…

Stephen:  Now, we got another question. Would we recommend BodyPump classes? Now, the problem with BodyPump classes is they tend to be a routine effectively.

Mark:  And let me just put a caveat in that. We don’t exercises, exercises. So if it’s – it’s all a relative thing. So if it’s BodyPump compared to going for long steady state run, then yes, BodyPump wins. We obviously work on the ideal and that’s what we increment in the centres. So carry…

Stephen:  Yes, so we don’t want to – it depends, if you’re doing lots and lots of BodyPumps and expecting to lose fat from your stomach, then I would say, no, that’s not the best type of exercise to lose fat from the stomach because what happens is it’s a routine, so there’s only so much progression you can actually make. Routines tend to stay very similar and therefore there’s not that much progression. Your body really needs to progress to lose fat and it actually is a type of aerobics with weights. It’s not really properly resistance training because when you can do hundreds of reps of something, then you’re actually doing aerobics anyway. So for most people, I mean, like I said, like Mark said, it’s better than sitting on the sofa in my opinion, however, it’s not the optimal thing for losing fat, particularly fat around your stomach.

Mark:  And when we talk, if you’re doing BodyPump, anything above a minute, if you’re doing exercise weights anything above a minute, 40 to a minute, that’s kind of adding towards cardio work and you’re not – that’s not short sharp burst anyway basically. You’re not going to be pushing your body hard for a short sharp burst which is obviously we’ve recommend and it’s been proven to be the best losing fat around your stomach.

Stephen:  And now some people went beyond to go – they may not have exercised before and so therefore they don’t start – they start what relative to someone else wouldn’t seem like a short sharp burst but it is relative. So don’t worry if you’re not actually at a stage where you can really push yourself hard. That’s not the point. It’s just really want to get across that. A lot of people we’ve met tend to think that doing more and more would equal a better result. And actually, I think I’ve put in the slide, I think we have mentioned that the definition of insanity by Albert Einstein is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. And that’s what I think a lot of people have kind of got into the habit of doing thinking that just doing more will actually get better results.

And running further, running for longer, doing more running sessions, doing more aerobic sessions in a week, burning because a lot of people particularly think that if they burn a certain number of calories, then they have to lose weight. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work like that because every time you eat some food, it has a hormonal impact. So like we said, when you get sort of past 40 years of age, all the things that you tend to have done in the past tend to catch up with you and you’re not actually able to get away with doing them. So your hormones change and it’s very important you did the right things to really keep those hormones and check effectively.

Mark:  Another question from a lovely lady is what supplement would you recommend for someone who’s going for menopause, a natural supplement? The number one supplement I would recommend would probably be magnesium. I know from experience that sleep is often affected and that’s due to a depletion of a certain mineral in your body called magnesia. And this has been really, really old. Whenever we give to clients, it really makes massive difference because sleep is so, so important. And just a couple of days with poor sleep I think, I can’t remember the exact stat, but really you get a lot closer to depression literally just from a couple of days of poor sleep. I mean, your sleep deprivation has a torture. So if you’re not sleeping properly, you’re not going to be optimally losing fat and also being happy.

Stephen:  And also, actually, you’re actually going to be pulling your body under stress which again, is going to increase that cortisol hormone which is going to encourage fat to be stored around your stomach.

Mark:  And also, you generally – I think it’s one night of poor sleep actually increases your insulin resistance. So if you’re having regularly poor night sleep, then you are going to struggle to lose fat as well as you could. So magnesium which is naturally depleted for women coming up or going through or having been through the menopause would be a very, very good supplement to have to help you sleep. So you take it at night. Now, make sure you don’t get magnesium oxide because basically all that does is helps you go to toilet better. You want a different level – basically, you’re not going to have that many different types of options of magnesium but just don’t go for magnesium oxide.

Stephen:  And just so you know, so there’s three people taken up the little session with us where you found out how much fat you store in your stomach and how long it will take you to lose that to get a flatter stomach or flat stomach to be happy. If you want that, just quickly put your details in and it’s out there where you can choose the time that suits you.

Mark:  Right. We’ve got a few questions but we might have to leave now. We got some appointment later on. But I really hope you’ve got some workable actionable steps to move forward. Obviously, we’re always here to help. So you’ve got our emails. We’ve emailed you. So reply with any questions you have you think about later. We’re totally happy to help. We’re trying to help as many people as we can in Bedford and Milton Keynes. So without…

Stephen:  Yeah, that’s the end, I think.

Mark:  Yes.

Stephen:  Without further adieu. Thank you very, very much for watching and listening and we shall – I think you could see us at camp and I hope you got somebody from that and if you have any questions, please do just asking that.

Mark:  Bye-bye.

Stephen:  Bye-bye.