The DVCC Blog

Post Lockdown Goal Setting!

Written by Mark Gray | 26/05/20 08:19

Enough talk! Time for action! Every now and again, we all find ourselves getting caught in a routine or habit that we aren't happy with. During times like this it's important to shake things up give yourself some time and set yourself some new goals!

So if you are feeling in a bit of a rut and don't quite know where to turn, or are looking for some extra motivation…We’ve got you covered!

Today we’re going to be running you through our top method for goal setting and motivation. It’s super simple, super quick and SUPER effective!

What do you need to get started?

Just grab a pen and paper!

Here we go. Your journey to motivation and smashing your results starts right now!

STEP 1: 

On your piece of paper, draw a line down the middle of the page and at the top on the left side, write out.


These are dangers that you want eliminating. Things which are perhaps causing you some kind of anxiety, stress or are what ‘could’ happen if you don’t do whatever it is your are looking to achieve!

For example: If your goal is that you want to drop a few pounds, these dangers could be:

  • Obesity
  • Increased risk of heart disease
  • Additional stress on knees/pain etc.

You don’t need to write many, just 2 or 3 really good ones will do!

STEP 2: 

Underneath your dangers, write OPPORTUNITIES.

Here’s where your motivation really gets flowing! What are the biggest opportunities that you want to focus on and capture to help yourself succeed!

Is it to get yourself back into those old jeans? Or perhaps to be able to run that half marathon? Whatever it is that is going to happen when you achieve your goal, write them down!


Final one! And it's a goodie! STRENGTHS.

Here you’ll want to write down the top 2 or 3 strengths that will be reinforced and maximised when you achieve your goal. In the case of your health, you’ll be stronger, you'll be feeling more confident, you will be able to run further, faster etc. 

These are all of the improvements that you will notice when your goal is achieved!

STEP 4: 

Hopefully by now you’ve realised what your goal is, why you care about it and the kinds of things that will happen when you achieve! (We always find this stage super motivating in itself!)

Now it’s time to bring it altogether. Remember that we said draw a line down the middle of the page? On the right side, we’re focusing on PRIORITIES.

Next to your DANGERS, OPPORTUNITIES and STRENGTHS you will write down 3 (no more, no less!) of the top things you need to prioritise in order to achieve each step.

For example:

If one of my dangers was to avoid increasing my body fat percentage, a great priority might be to begin incorporating more veg into each of my meals!

These don’t have to be big priorities or things that you KNOW you won’t be able to achieve sustainably (like putting ‘work out 5 hours each day’). Keep it manageable, keep it sustainable and be real with yourself!

Repeat this process for your OPPORTUNITIES and STRENGTHS and pretty soon your paper should be full with great motivation on achieving your goals!


This model doesn't just have to apply to fitness! It can be used for almost anything in life! Starting a family, growing your business or even just leading a happier life! 

Give it a try for yourself, it might just surprise you how much you can achieve with a simple mindset change!