The DVCC Blog

See Rob's Weight Loss Story..In His Own Words

Written by Gregory Day | 13/09/15 05:00

Greg:  Hi, this is Greg from the DVCC Northampton; I am joined today by Rob Semple. So Rob, could you just tell me how long have you been at the DVCC now?

Rob:   I joined the DVCC in the middle of February this year, so about 5.5 months.

Greg:   And since you joined, what results have you had?

Rob:   I’ve had amazing results, it’s been brilliant. Up to now I’ve *lost 4 *stone from the original date I came in to now. And just recently I’ve hit the 4 *stone mark, so that’s great.

Greg:   4 *stone in body fat, isn’t it?

Rob:   Yes.

Greg:   And then the muscle, your muscle has gone up a little bit?

Rob:   Increased a little bit, yes.

Greg:   Awesome. So can you recall what initially brought you to the DVCC?

Rob:   Yes, I was in quite a bad place, quite a low place; I’d had some personal things happen in my life that sent me off the rails a little bit. I’d put on an awful lot of weight and I just felt awful; I needed to do something. I also had a wedding coming up in the future, where I was best man, and I knew I needed to do something.

Greg:   Do you think the weight gain was perhaps the result of the personal issues you had?

Rob:   Partly; I had been putting on weight. I’d *lost weight previously, a good few years ago I’d *lost quite a lot of weight, but then it had slowly crept back on. Then I lost my father and took that badly and just ate and ate and ate, really. And I bloated in the 12 months after that.

Greg:   And you decided it was time for a change. Ok, so what specific problem did you want to solve when you first came to see us; you briefly touched upon it just there?

Rob:   It was weight loss, but I was also very lethargic; I’d lost the willpower to do anything, I’d lost a lot of drive. Also I couldn’t fit in anything, I was bloated. But I also had a lot of problems with one of my knees, etc. and I just needed to sort things out.

Greg:   So in terms of lacking drive and stuff, was that carrying over to everything in your life you’re your work, anything like that?

Rob:   It was, it was affecting everything and I had no get up and go for anything, I had lost all drive for everything really.

Greg:   So what were your main obstacles that had prevented you from solving this before? You mentioned that you tried to *lose weight, or did *lose weight a while ago, was there anything else you tried previous to joining the DVCC?

Rob:   No, I’d been a member of a gym, which is where I had *lost a lot of weight; I’d been a member of that gym for many years and just didn’t go.

What I find with the DVCC, because it’s more of an appointment based process rather than you just saying shall I go to the gym tonight. And it’s more 1:1 if you want to call it that, and it drives you to go. I need that structure when I don’t like letting people down; whereas if you were a bit late or there’s something going on and you just thought I need to go to the gym tonight, it’s easy to just say I’ll tell you what, I’ll go tomorrow.

Greg:   So it was just lacking that motivation.

Rob:   It was pure motivation; so I needed something that was designed a little bit different, which this is and it has certainly worked for me.

Greg:   Yes, it certainly has. Other than, you mentioned going to the gym, so that would be training side of things - had you tried any diets or nutritional strategies?

Rob:   No, not really to be honest. When I did *lose the weight I ate healthier, but I didn’t change much, I didn’t cut out carbs or anything like that; I just ate healthier.

Greg:   So it was just cutting out some of the bad stuff?

Rob:   Yes, that was generally it.

Greg:   So what convinced you that the Real You transformation process would be different?

Rob:   It was advertised in a local paper; I saw that and then I looked on the website. I’m an ex rugby player as well, they were ex rugby players. But it was the way it was spoken about and the way it was described. And then when I came down and I spoke to Matt at the time, it just seemed right, it just seemed a little bit different and it appealed to me.

Greg:   The whole atmosphere I think is different to a normal gym.

Rob:   Very much so, completely different.

Greg:   How has your life changed since starting the Real You transformation process?

Rob:   There have been some massive changes to be honest; I’m a lot more motivated, I’ve lost an awful lot of weight and I feel a lot better.

I’ve taken on the eating plan that you provide. I found that difficult at first; but actually I thought I would find it pretty much impossible with no bread and no potatoes and things like that. I’ve got Irish in my family and bread and potatoes, they’re like a staple food, I enjoy them. But I’ve found it reasonably easy and stuck to it. But get up and go wise, that’s come back; I’m better at work, better in my social life. So yes, it’s good all round really.

Greg:   Awesome, you’ve carried it over to everything. Do you think being improved work and socially would be maybe due to an improvement in confidence that you’ve *lost the weight?

Rob:   A little bit, yes, certainly. When you bloat that size there’s no doubt about it, no matter how much of a confident person you might be, or might come across to be, it affects you, there’s no doubt about it. I’ve still got a long way to go but I certainly feel better in myself; I’m certainly not as embarrassed about myself as what I had been.

Greg:   Could you give me an example of something that has happened after your transformation that you thought maybe wouldn’t have been possible before you started here?

Rob:   Yes, I can actually. I had a motor bike jacket that I wore a number of years ago and I tried that on before I joined the DVCC, last summer, and I nearly sold it because there was a gap of about six inches between the zips. If I’m honest with you I thought well that’s that done. And as you know, recently - that was one of my goals - and I’m back in that jacket, it fits comfortably and I’m riding the bike a lot easier; my belly’s not in the way so I can reach the handlebars easier!

Greg:   It always helps!

Rob:   Yes, that was a nice little target and a nice achievement for me.

Greg:   Yes, it looked good the other day – awesome.

Any final words for me, Rob?

Rob:   Yes, anyone thinking about it, just do it. It might seem expensive but the results you get are fantastic and the atmosphere here, the people, the friendliness of everybody, everyone’s here to do the same thing and in the same boat. And everyone, regardless of their fitness level or weight levels, finds it hard because they’re pushed, regardless of their levels.

It’s a great atmosphere - and it works! So yes, do it.

Greg:   Awesome. Thank you very much for being with me today, Rob. If you’ve been listening to this spotlight interview and would like to find out more about how the DVCC can help you make a life changing transformation, like Rob, then please book an appointment for a DVCC Right Fit phone call at